
The 4 hosts who became "prisoners" are not worthy of sympathy, and the youngest is only 23 years old


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The host with high intelligence, high emotional intelligence, and good eloquence on the screen is often the object of our learning.

However, they ignore the spotlight, and their filth in private is outrageous.

The 4 hosts who became "prisoners" are not worthy of sympathy, and the youngest is only 23 years old

Especially these 4 hosts, they should lead by example and set an example for the public.

But some people do all kinds of misdeeds for their own selfish interests.

There are also people who are blinded by fame and fortune, and challenge everyone's bottom line with nonsense.

When the "fig leaf" was revealed, people couldn't help but feel sorry for them, and they were finally reduced to "prisoners", and no one deserved sympathy!

The 4 hosts who became "prisoners" are not worthy of sympathy, and the youngest is only 23 years old

Zhou Libo

Once upon a time, the "famous mouth" Zhou Libo was able to become famous with just one mouth, and it became popular all over the country.

In a series of programs hosted by Zhou Libo, it always makes people shine, and they give him a thumbs up, but unfortunately, he does not cherish his feathers and has been arrested twice.

The 4 hosts who became "prisoners" are not worthy of sympathy, and the youngest is only 23 years old

At the age of 23, Zhou Libo and Zhang Jie met, and after the two fell in love, they decided to meet their parents, but they were finally opposed by Zhang Jie's father, who thought they would break up unhappily, but unexpectedly, Zhou Libo blinded his father in public.

What followed was waiting for Zhou Libo's 205-day "prison meal", but he still did not repent, and in his subsequent marriage with his wife, a series of evil deeds were exposed, not only cheating but also domestic violence.

The 4 hosts who became "prisoners" are not worthy of sympathy, and the youngest is only 23 years old

All kinds of bad words and deeds made Zhou Libo's reputation fall all the way after becoming famous, and when faced with the condemnation of the outside world, he had no choice but to move to the United States to develop after he had no place in China, and bid farewell to the mainland stage since then.

Unexpectedly, after being with his second wife, he did not change his ways and became peaceful.

The 4 hosts who became "prisoners" are not worthy of sympathy, and the youngest is only 23 years old

In 2017, the news about Zhou Libo came again, which turned out to be related to contraband, although he proved his innocence after many court trials, but his reputation was ruined, and he was banned by the whole network and fell to an unspeakable ending.

Now, 57-year-old Zhou Libo has long since faded out of the entertainment industry, rarely appears in the public eye, and has paid a heavy price for his improper behavior.

The 4 hosts who became "prisoners" are not worthy of sympathy, and the youngest is only 23 years old

The information in this paragraph is derived from:

Baidu Encyclopedia - Zhou Libo - Family Conflict

January 20, 2017 - Sina Entertainment - It was revealed that Zhou Li was arrested for carrying a gun and cocaine on Bochang Island Assistant: Questioning

Gao Xiaosong

As a person from a big family, Gao Xiaosong is not only an intellectual of Tsinghua University and Peking University, but also has soft resources in the circle, and his identities as a musician and producer are all at his fingertips.

However, he should have enjoyed the glory of his life, but he chose to embark on a different path, and after becoming famous, he became more and more inflated, and finally played a hand of "trump cards" to a pulp......

The 4 hosts who became "prisoners" are not worthy of sympathy, and the youngest is only 23 years old

It turned out that as early as 2011, Gao Xiaosong had ignored the traffic law, offended drunk driving and caused a serious car accident, resulting in a four-car rear-end collision on the road, when the police arrived, he was revoked his driver's license, banned from the test for five years, and detained for 6 months.

Perhaps because the Internet was not developed at that time, this incident did not have a huge impact on Gao Xiaosong's career, on the contrary, after he regained his life, he quickly returned to the top with "China's Got Talent".

The 4 hosts who became "prisoners" are not worthy of sympathy, and the youngest is only 23 years old

Later, he took advantage of this popularity to create "Xiaosong Qi Talk" one after another, once it was broadcast, it aroused a strong response from the audience and became a hot search column, but unfortunately, he still did not repent.

Just when his career was on the rise, Yunzi and his emotional revelations made him label as a "scumbag", and his reputation fell all the way, and he gradually faded out of front of the screen.

The 4 hosts who became "prisoners" are not worthy of sympathy, and the youngest is only 23 years old

After disappearing, Gao Xiaosong rarely appears in the public, and he has long lost the scenery of the past, but he didn't expect that now he is deeply involved in the "plastic surgery turmoil", and his eyes look like "sad frogs".

This scene can't help but make people regret, there should be a great future, but Gao Xiaosong buried the star journey with his own hands.

The 4 hosts who became "prisoners" are not worthy of sympathy, and the youngest is only 23 years old

The information in this paragraph is derived from:

May 10, 2011 - Xinhuanet - Gao Xiaosong was involved in a traffic accident while driving drunk

March 30, 2024 - - 54-year-old Gao Xiaosong's recent photos rushed to the hot search! Excessive plastic surgery, weird eyes!

Rui Chenggang

Looking at Rui Chenggang's CCTV career path, it can be said that he has risen to the top, and once relied on the role of the host of "Financial Report", at the age of 24, he interviewed more than 200 political and economic dignitaries around the world.

During this period, Rui Chenggang inadvertently built relationships with a number of outstanding talents and made friends, which made people in the industry envious, including Kevin Rudd, the prime minister of Australia at the time.

The 4 hosts who became "prisoners" are not worthy of sympathy, and the youngest is only 23 years old

In this regard, South Africa's Mbeki made no secret of his comments: "Rui Chenggang is a world-class journalist and host. But who would have thought that such a talent would go to "Bell to Jail".

In order to achieve ambition and selfish interests, Rui Chenggang, who was eager to succeed, found the right time to become Guo Zhenxi's protégé, and not long after, he became CCTV's "first brother in finance".

The 4 hosts who became "prisoners" are not worthy of sympathy, and the youngest is only 23 years old

But in 2014, after Guo Zhenxi was arrested for bribery, Rui Chenggang was also taken away for investigation, and at that time, people realized that the scenery of Rui Chenggang had turned into hypocrisy at this moment.

For a time, Rui Chenggang was deeply involved in the turmoil of public opinion, was condemned by the majority of netizens, and his reputation fell all the way, from a legend in the former hosting industry to a "prisoner" who everyone shouted and beaten.

The 4 hosts who became "prisoners" are not worthy of sympathy, and the youngest is only 23 years old

In the end, Rui Chenggang went through more than six years of trial and prison sentence, and after he was released from prison, his reputation had long been ruined, and he had no choice but to retire behind the scenes and engage in some media industry.

If Rui Chenggang hadn't coveted it for a while, maybe he would have been able to become a top stream in the hosting industry at a young age, but it's a pity that the arrogance of his youth made him bury his career with his own hands.

The 4 hosts who became "prisoners" are not worthy of sympathy, and the youngest is only 23 years old

The information in this paragraph is derived from:

July 12, 2014 - People's Daily Online - Stock Channel - The media revealed that CCTV Rui Chenggang was taken away by the prosecutor on the afternoon of the 11th

February 7, 2017 - Lianhe Zaobao - Chinese online media: Rui Chenggang was sentenced to six years in prison for accepting bribes and offering bribes

Fang Hongjin

Compared with the above three, Fang Hongjin is not far behind, at the peak of his career, he was once as famous as Bai Yansong and Jing Yidan, and hosted "Oriental Time and Space" and "Focus Interview", which can be described as all the rage.

Later, Fang Hongjin's career seemed to have opened Pandora's box, soaring all the way, and successively won the hearts of the audience and countless fans with his outstanding hosting ability.

The 4 hosts who became "prisoners" are not worthy of sympathy, and the youngest is only 23 years old

At that time, Fang Hongjin, who is in a high position, will already hold the top resources of Dragon TV and make a lot of money, but he does not seem to be satisfied with the status quo, and he is going farther and farther on the road of greed.

In 2006, Fang Hongjin decided to leave Dragon TV and began to devote himself to entrepreneurship in the business world.

The 4 hosts who became "prisoners" are not worthy of sympathy, and the youngest is only 23 years old

In 2009, Fang Hongjin was arrested and put in the detention center, and after signing an agreement with Jinmailang, the two sides reached an agreement that Fang Hongjin would charge 1 million advertising fees to help him do things.

As a result, the column was canceled for unknown reasons, and the advertising plan naturally fell into vain, thinking that the matter would be over, but Jinmailang sued Fang Hongjin for "contract fraud".

The 4 hosts who became "prisoners" are not worthy of sympathy, and the youngest is only 23 years old

In this way, Fang Hongjin was detained by the police under the watchful eye of the public, and for a while, his once world-famous reputation suddenly came to naught, and he became a "prisoner" from then on.

In this regard, Fang Hongjin felt very regretful, but no matter how much he apologized to the outside world, he could not recover the past scenery, and now he can only fall into endless regret. #长文创作激励计划#

The information in this paragraph is derived from:

October 18, 2009 -- Sichuan News Network -- Fang Hongjin, the host, was arrested for defaulting on 1.2 million yuan and was released after paying off his loan

June 15, 2011 - Development Forum - CCTV celebrities left the financial road to explore

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