
16 years have passed, what has happened to Li Xiaomeng, the CCTV host who became famous in Wenchuan by crying

author:Luna talks about life

On May 12, 2008, the Wenchuan earthquake ruthlessly tore the land of Sichuan apart. After the disaster, CCTV host Li Xiaomeng went to the front line and recorded the bits and pieces of this catastrophe with his camera.

However, she never imagined that a seemingly ordinary interview would allow her to show her most real emotions in front of a national audience, and also achieve the most memorable moment of her career.

It was an ordinary and extraordinary picture. Li Xiaomeng stood in the rubble, facing a 68-year-old man. The old man was about to return to the disaster area in retrograde, and before leaving, he said something touching to Li Xiaomeng: "I have to rush home, I have to go home to see what the wheat and rapeseed in the vegetable garden have grown..."

Her eyes, which were usually calm and composed, were now full of tears. In front of the camera, she could no longer hide her inner excitement, and tears burst out of her eyes. At this moment, Li Xiaomeng is no longer a calm reporter, but an ordinary person who empathizes.

16 years have passed, what has happened to Li Xiaomeng, the CCTV host who became famous in Wenchuan by crying

Her choking and her tears moved the staff at the scene. This picture spread across the country through TV signals, and also made countless viewers cry. Li Xiaomeng's true feelings let people see the most simple human brilliance in the disaster.

It was this scene that made Li Xiaomeng an instant hit. She is no longer just an ordinary CCTV host, but has become a household name. People remembered her name, remembered her appearance, and remembered her soft and sincere heart.

This earthquake changed the fate of countless people, and also made Li Xiaomeng's life trajectory a turning point. Since then, she has become one of the "Four Golden Flowers of CCTV", and her career is thriving.

However, no one expected that this was only the beginning of her life story, and that a bigger change was yet to come... In 2015, just as Li Xiaomeng's career was in full swing, a shocking news exploded in the media circle.

16 years have passed, what has happened to Li Xiaomeng, the CCTV host who became famous in Wenchuan by crying

This CCTV celebrity, who had touched countless viewers with his sincere emotions in the Wenchuan earthquake report, suddenly announced his resignation as a host and decided to fade out of the public eye. This decision has undoubtedly shocked and disappointed countless fans.

After all, Li Xiaomeng at that time was not only a well-known host, but also known as one of the "Four Golden Flowers of CCTV", with a bright future. People can't help but wonder, what made her choose to leave at the peak of her career? However, in the face of all kinds of speculation from the outside world, Li Xiaomeng chose to remain silent.

She did not explain the reason for her resignation or revealed her plans for the future. This unusual behavior has sparked more speculation and rumors. Some people say that she is because of health problems, some people speculate that something is wrong with her love life, and some people speculate whether it is related to CCTV's internal conflicts.

In this way, Li Xiaomeng, who once appeared frequently on the screen, seemed to disappear overnight. No updates can be seen on her social platforms, and there is rarely news of her in the media.

16 years have passed, what has happened to Li Xiaomeng, the CCTV host who became famous in Wenchuan by crying

This hostess, who once moved countless people, seems to have really faded out of the public's sight. Time passed quietly, and people's attention gradually attracted to other news.

But for those viewers who have been touched by Li Xiaomeng, there is always a question in their hearts: Where did she go? How are you doing? The answer to all this was not revealed until 5 years later.

On September 20, 2020, her 47th birthday, Li Xiaomeng finally broke her long-term silence. She reappeared in front of the public, not as a host, but as an ordinary person, sharing her life with everyone.

At this moment, people suddenly realized that she had retreated into the background and had such an unknown story... September 20, 2020, this day is of great significance to Li Xiaomeng.

16 years have passed, what has happened to Li Xiaomeng, the CCTV host who became famous in Wenchuan by crying

Not only her 47th birthday, but also the moment when she decided to face the public again. On social platforms, she finally broke her five-year silence and opened up to everyone to share her recent situation.

As soon as Li Xiaomeng's video was released, it immediately attracted widespread attention. People were surprised to find that the former glamorous CCTV host looked a little haggard at the moment. It turned out that just two days ago, she had just undergone an operation.

"I had an operation to remove an egg-sized cyst from my back two days ago and it was a success and I'm recovering well." Li Xiaomeng said this in the video, her tone was calm, and her eyebrows revealed a calmness that she had never seen before.

However, what really shocked was her confession that followed. Li Xiaomeng revealed a little-known fact: she has never been married and has always been single. Her 11-year-old daughter was conceived through artificial insemination.

16 years have passed, what has happened to Li Xiaomeng, the CCTV host who became famous in Wenchuan by crying

"I've been waiting for the right person to show up, but I haven't met it. So at the age of 35, I decided to have a baby myself. Li Xiaomeng's words were full of calmness and courage.

This confession undoubtedly surprised countless netizens. As a public figure, Li Xiaomeng's love life has always been a mystery. This time, she admitted that she was a single mother, which really opened everyone's eyes.

Some were surprised, some were moved, and more were admiration for her courage. Li Xiaomeng also shared her life after leaving CCTV. She said that she was raised in a very strict family, and her childhood was not happy.

But now I can finally live a comfortable life at home and spend time with my daughter, which is the greatest joy. This video is like a key that opens the door to Li Xiaomeng's mysterious life.

16 years have passed, what has happened to Li Xiaomeng, the CCTV host who became famous in Wenchuan by crying

People finally understood that she chose to leave CCTV, not because of setbacks or failures, but in pursuit of true inner happiness. This 47th birthday confession not only unveiled the mystery of her retirement, but also showed a real and brave Li Xiaomeng.

In Li Xiaomeng's life, there is one of the most important characters - her 11-year-old daughter. This little girl is not only the most precious gift in Li Xiaomeng's life, but also the whole focus of her life.

Through Li Xiaomeng's sharing, we were able to get a glimpse of the warm and deep friendship between this single mother and daughter. Li Xiaomeng mentioned a small thing in the video that made people feel warm.

On the eve of her upcoming operation, her sensible daughter thoughtfully prepared a small padded jacket for her mother. "It's so intimate, it's this little padded jacket that makes me feel extremely warm.

16 years have passed, what has happened to Li Xiaomeng, the CCTV host who became famous in Wenchuan by crying

Li Xiaomeng said emotionally, with a glint of maternal love in her eyes. This detail vividly shows the tacit understanding and care between the mother and daughter. As a single mother, Li Xiaomeng poured all her love into her daughter.

She described her daughter as a very sensible and good child, as if she was talking about her proudest pride. In Li Xiaomeng's eyes, her daughter is her whole world and the source of strength that supports her in the face of everything.

After leaving CCTV, Li Xiaomeng had more time to spend with her daughter. They do housework, read books, chat together, and enjoy an ordinary and happy daily life. This kind of life of dependence on each other allowed Li Xiaomeng to find inner peace and satisfaction.

She no longer needs to show her perfect side in the spotlight, but can be completely herself and enjoy every moment with her daughter. After leaving the flash of CCTV, Li Xiaomeng's life has changed dramatically.

16 years have passed, what has happened to Li Xiaomeng, the CCTV host who became famous in Wenchuan by crying

What was once a hectic pace of work has now been replaced by a leisurely routine. In the sharing of her 47th birthday, we were able to get a glimpse of the former CCTV host's current life.

"Now I sleep until I wake up naturally every day, and I rarely stay up late." Li Xiaomeng's words reveal ease and satisfaction. She recalled: "When I used to work at CCTV, I was often busy until the early hours of the morning before I could sleep, and my body was extremely overdrawn.

This contrast makes people sigh at the huge change in lifestyle. Today's Li Xiaomeng lives a very comfortable life. Her schedule is no longer filled with intense work, but instead has a series of warm and mundane daily activities.

"During the day, I spend time at home with my daughter, do housework, read books, chat, and live a very comfortable life." Li Xiaomeng said, her eyebrows and eyes were filled with happiness.

16 years have passed, what has happened to Li Xiaomeng, the CCTV host who became famous in Wenchuan by crying

Occasionally, she would have a few drinks with her friends and talk about life. "Gulping out the bitterness of work," she said half-jokingly, with a sense of relief for the past and cherishing the present.

This change in lifestyle allowed Li Xiaomeng to regain her inner peace and happiness. She no longer has to work hard and no longer have to worry about the perfect image in front of the camera.

Quitting CCTV is a kind of liberation for her, allowing her to have an independent life again. In the video, we see Li Xiaomeng, who can no longer see the seriousness of the past between his eyebrows, but is replaced by a tranquil happiness.

Although she mentioned some unpleasant experiences such as surgery and getting out of CCTV, she always maintained an optimistic and positive attitude and handled it calmly. This calmness and calmness is the proof that Li Xiaomeng has found her true happiness and calmness.

16 years have passed, what has happened to Li Xiaomeng, the CCTV host who became famous in Wenchuan by crying

In her own way, she interprets what a truly happy life is, and also provides a new life possibility for many people. Li Xiaomeng's story, from a CCTV celebrity to a low-key single mother, shows how a public figure lets go of his halo and bravely pursues inner peace and happiness.

Her experience has given us profound life lessons. In the life bits and pieces shared by Li Xiaomeng sincerely, it is not difficult for us to find her inner broadness and calmness. The glory and struggle of the past, the tranquility and happiness of the present, she regarded it as a necessary stage of life, and did not attach too much importance to any stage.

This humility and peace of mind is the root of her current tranquil life. Some commentators said that Li Xiaomeng's life experience can be called "unique", but she herself never seems to have compared her choice with others.

She just quietly lived her truest and most down-to-earth side. This unique wisdom of life is her greatest wealth. Whether it is in the spotlight or in ordinary days, maintaining inner peace and calmness is the most worthy of learning from Li Xiaomeng.

16 years have passed, what has happened to Li Xiaomeng, the CCTV host who became famous in Wenchuan by crying

Li Xiaomeng's story tells us that the meaning of life is not in the evaluation of the outside world, but in finding the peace and happiness that belongs to us. She is no longer bound by the aura or criticism of the outside world, and only focuses on the most simple pursuit of her heart - to be free and free with her family.

Life is like a long journey, and everyone encounters a variety of landscapes. The key is to learn to appreciate every piece of scenery along the way, and treat all encounters with a tolerant heart.

Only in this way can we embrace the peace and happiness that our hearts crave most. 16 years have passed, and Li Xiaomeng, the CCTV host who became famous in Wenchuan, has now found her own happiness.

16 years have passed, what has happened to Li Xiaomeng, the CCTV host who became famous in Wenchuan by crying

Her story inspires us to pursue our inner voice and live our authentic selves, no matter where we are in life.

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