
The exchange rate has fallen for 6 consecutive days! The bank thundered, the giant threw 10 trillion to save itself, and the Japanese crisis escalated again?

The exchange rate has fallen for 6 consecutive days! The bank thundered, the giant threw 10 trillion to save itself, and the Japanese crisis escalated again?

It is said that those who follow me will not have too bad luck! If you want to have good fortune, start by paying attention! I wish you abundant wealth and good luck!

Earthquake in Japan's banking sector: The Central Treasury of Agriculture and Forestry sold hundreds of billions of yen in U.S. bonds just for a glimmer of life

Japan's banking industry has not been at peace recently, and the Central Treasury of Agriculture and Forestry, a financial giant with assets of up to $840 billion, was forced to sell about 10 trillion yen of US Treasury bonds, equivalent to one-tenth of its total assets! What is it about this bank that makes it so "strong man breaks his wrist"? The answer is: to live

The exchange rate has fallen for 6 consecutive days! The bank thundered, the giant threw 10 trillion to save itself, and the Japanese crisis escalated again?

As a result of the delay in waiting for the Federal Reserve's interest rate cut, the yield on US bonds held by the Japanese banking industry is getting lower and lower, and if the Central Treasury of Agriculture and Forestry continues to sit idly by, it is very likely to follow in the footsteps of Silicon Valley Bank and First Republic Bank and embark on the road of bankruptcy

The United States reaps the benefits: interest rate hike policy stirs up global financial markets, and Japan becomes a "lamb to the slaughter"

The Federal Reserve has continued to raise interest rates in recent years, causing turmoil in the global financial market, and other countries have been forced to raise interest rates

The exchange rate has fallen for 6 consecutive days! The bank thundered, the giant threw 10 trillion to save itself, and the Japanese crisis escalated again?

Instead of taking into account the interests of its allies, the United States has taken advantage of the opportunity of raising interest rates to continue to harvest global wealth, and Japan's experience is a vivid example, and it is foreseeable that if the United States continues to go its own way, more countries will fall into similar difficulties in the future

Japan's Economic Woes: Bets on U.S. Failure, Broken Trade Partnerships, and a Foggy Future

For a long time, Japan has always regarded the United States as its most important economic partner, and even did not hesitate to sacrifice its own interests to act as a "pawn" of the United States

The exchange rate has fallen for 6 consecutive days! The bank thundered, the giant threw 10 trillion to save itself, and the Japanese crisis escalated again?

In addition to its over-reliance on the United States, Japan's relations with other important trading partners have deteriorated, and in recent years, Japan has actively followed the United States in taking a series of unfriendly measures against China and Russia, resulting in continued tensions between China and Japan and Russia, which has further exacerbated the downward pressure on the Japanese economy

The yen exchange rate has been falling endlessly: six consecutive losses hit a new low, breaking through the 159 mark, and the Japanese economy has worsened

Under the double blow of internal and external troubles, the yen exchange rate has recently opened a "free fall" mode, falling for six consecutive trading days, once falling below the 159 mark, hitting a new low in recent months

The exchange rate has fallen for 6 consecutive days! The bank thundered, the giant threw 10 trillion to save itself, and the Japanese crisis escalated again?

The depreciation of the exchange rate will not only exacerbate the pressure of rising import costs, but also further weaken the international competitiveness of Japanese companies, making the already faltering Japanese economy even more difficult

Who is the next "Japan"? US hegemonism is cocooning itself, and the global economy is facing severe challenges

Japan's case is a wake-up call for the world, and in the context of the current complex and volatile international situation, no country can be immune to it, and over-reliance on a single economy will only put itself in a passive situation

The exchange rate has fallen for 6 consecutive days! The bank thundered, the giant threw 10 trillion to save itself, and the Japanese crisis escalated again?

As the world's largest economy, the United States should shoulder the responsibility of maintaining global economic stability, but in recent years, the United States has continued to pursue unilateralist and protectionist policies and put its own interests above other countries

China's economy is stable and progressive: Actively promote global cooperation to inject stability and certainty into the world economy

In the face of global economic uncertainties, China has always adhered to the principles of openness, cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win results, actively promoted the Belt and Road Initiative and built a community with a shared future for mankind, injecting stability and certainty into the world economy

The exchange rate has fallen for 6 consecutive days! The bank thundered, the giant threw 10 trillion to save itself, and the Japanese crisis escalated again?

China's economic and trade cooperation with Russia, Australia and other countries has been deepening, which has played an important role in maintaining the stability of global industrial and supply chains

In the future, China will continue to unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development and work with other countries to promote the building of a more just, rational and global economic governance system

The Future of Japan's Economy: Breaking or Continuing to Sink

Faced with a dire economic situation, the Japanese government must make a choice: Do you continue to cling to the thigh of the United States or find another way out?

The exchange rate has fallen for 6 consecutive days! The bank thundered, the giant threw 10 trillion to save itself, and the Japanese crisis escalated again?

Judging from the current situation, the United States does not seem to have any intention of coming to the rescue, and it may even fall into the trap and further squeeze Japan's surplus value; if the Japanese government fails to clearly understand the situation and adjust its policy direction in a timely manner, then what awaits Japan is likely to be an even longer and more painful recession

The Future of Sino-Japanese Relations: Toward Confrontation or Cooperation?

As neighbors separated by a strip of water, China and Japan share extensive common interests, and under the current international situation, China and Japan should strengthen cooperation and jointly address challenges

The exchange rate has fallen for 6 consecutive days! The bank thundered, the giant threw 10 trillion to save itself, and the Japanese crisis escalated again?

It is hoped that the Japanese Government will have a clear understanding of history and reality, scrupulously abide by the principles of the four Sino-Japanese political documents, take concrete actions to improve Sino-Japanese relations, and make positive contributions to regional and world peace and development

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