
Emperor Wulie of Japan: Immediately after ascending the throne, he married his own mother, and died suddenly at the age of 18

author:Pillow Lever

[The content of this article is based on authoritative historical data, and there are citations at the end of the article, please be aware.] 】

In the long history of ancient Japan, there was a famous but controversial emperor - Emperor Takere. Ascending to the throne at the age of nine, his reign was full of unconventional decisions and bloody stories. What is particularly striking is that he offered to marry his own mother shortly after his accession to the throne, an act that was undoubtedly a major ethical challenge in the social context of the time.

However, the trajectory of Emperor Takere's life came to an abrupt end at the age of 18, and the cause of his death remains a mystery to this day. The young emperor left posterity not only with memories of his tyranny, but also with endless speculations about his life and the cause of his death.

Emperor Wulie of Japan: Immediately after ascending the throne, he married his own mother, and died suddenly at the age of 18

Unusual background of succession

In ancient Japanese court politics, the story of Emperor Takere's succession to the throne was particularly remarkable and turbulent. Emperor Takeru was born in 485 in a time of political turmoil, and his father, Emperor Ninken, was known for his tyranny and brutality, despite his name "Ninken". Emperor Ninken died in 498 AD, leaving behind an imperial backdrop full of power struggles and bloodshed.

After the death of Emperor Takere's elder brothers due to a series of power struggles, his young prince unexpectedly inherited the throne. Since the young Emperor Takelie was not yet politically autonomous, his succession to the throne was almost entirely due to power struggles and expediency within the court.

After the death of Emperor Ninken, the vacant powers within the court needed to be filled symbolically, and other potential heirs either died in political battles or were excluded for various reasons. Emperor Takeru ascended the throne when he was 9 years old, in 494 AD. This year, the transfer of power to the royal family was completed in chaos and unease.

Emperor Wulie of Japan: Immediately after ascending the throne, he married his own mother, and died suddenly at the age of 18

Despite his young age, the political forces in the court had begun to engage in new arrangements and struggles around the young emperor. This power vacuum and instability in the court laid the groundwork for his later way of rule.

Emperor Takere's political career is closely related to the background of his succession. His reign was rife with the shadow of his fathers and the continuation of tyranny. His policies and decisions during his reign often showed extreme and unconventional characteristics, which can be traced back to the unconventional circumstances of his succession and the power dynamics within the royal family.

The succession of Emperor Takelie was not only a tragedy for a young prince, but also a microcosm of the struggle for imperial power in ancient Japan. Behind him is a complex history of palace politics and bloody struggles. This history influenced not only his personal destiny, but also the course of Japanese history.

Emperor Wulie of Japan: Immediately after ascending the throne, he married his own mother, and died suddenly at the age of 18

A shocking move by imperial power

During the early years of Emperor Taker's reign, he made a series of shocking decisions, the most controversial of which was his proposal to make his biological mother, Kasuga-Osamu, empress. This decision, made in 497 AD, violated not only the basic ethics of Japanese society at the time, but also the norms within the imperial system.

According to ancient Japanese etiquette, the emperor's personal actions as a moral model for the state and society were of great symbolic significance, so this proposal caused widespread controversy and concern. This decision of Emperor Takelie not only caused great fluctuations within the imperial court, but also caused widespread discussion among the people.

According to ancient records such as the Nihon Shoki and Kojiki, this proposal sparked a strong reaction in Japanese society. This was found unacceptable to many in the aristocracy and bureaucracy, which they believed undermined the image of the purity and holiness of the royal family.

Emperor Wulie of Japan: Immediately after ascending the throne, he married his own mother, and died suddenly at the age of 18

Despite the backlash of opposition, Emperor Takelie insisted on his decision, further demonstrating his extreme autonomy in political and personal decision-making. In historical documents, the political dynamics of this period are extremely complex. On the one hand, the nobles and political advisers in the court tried to influence the emperor's decision-making in various ways in the hope that he would withdraw this improper proposal.

However, instead of being swayed by these exhortations, Emperor Takelie took more radical measures to consolidate his power, such as suppressing opposition through political purges and strengthening imperial power.

This exercise of power not only reflects Emperor Takere's contempt for traditional values, but also his attempt to rewrite social norms through the concentration of power. Under his rule, the absolutization of imperial power became a major feature of political life, which largely changed the political, cultural and socio-ethical structure of the Japanese court.

Emperor Wulie of Japan: Immediately after ascending the throne, he married his own mother, and died suddenly at the age of 18

Tyranny and brutality

During his reign, Emperor Takeru was known for his brutal governance, which is described in detail in several historical records. According to the Nihon Shoki, his reign was marked by atrocities and extreme uses of power, which severely damaged the relationship between the imperial family and the people, while also exacerbating social instability.

A very shocking event was that Emperor Takelie conducted cruel experiments on pregnant women. In 498 AD, he met a pregnant woman while out and showed great curiosity about her pot-bellied figure. Due to the combination of ignorance of fertility knowledge and personal cruelty tendencies, he did not satisfy his curiosity by learning or asking through the normal path.

Instead, he ordered his men to take the pregnant woman to the uterus and dissect her abdomen without any anesthesia to check the condition of the fetus, which led directly to the death of the pregnant woman and caused great shock and panic in society. In addition, Emperor Takelie was extremely cruel to dissidents.

Emperor Wulie of Japan: Immediately after ascending the throne, he married his own mother, and died suddenly at the age of 18

Under his orders, many nobles and commoners who opposed his policies were executed. For example, there are records of him having his entire family executed by a nobleman for dissatisfaction with his advice. This extreme approach to governance greatly intimidated other would-be opponents, who did not dare to openly express their displeasure with Emperor Takere.

Politically, Emperor Takelie used the reign of terror to consolidate his power, which included ruthless repression of potential political opponents. His political purges were not limited to the aristocracy, but also extended to the common people, and anyone who was seen as a threat could be targeted by him.

This style of governance has led to the death of a large number of innocent people, and the sense of unrest and fear in society has risen dramatically.

The tyranny of Emperor Takelie was also reflected in his disregard for laws and traditions. He often violated the laws and etiquette of the time, acting only by his own will. For example, he once openly insulted the gods on a religious holiday, which not only violated religious norms, but also deeply offended the people who believed in these gods.

Emperor Wulie of Japan: Immediately after ascending the throne, he married his own mother, and died suddenly at the age of 18

The conflict between power and ethics

The political strategies and patterns of behavior during Emperor Takere's reign reflected the absolute quest for power and a profound challenge to ethics and morality. His reign was maintained not only through terror and violence, but also through a series of decisions that challenged traditional etiquette and ethics, which caused great controversy and turmoil in Japanese society at the time.

Emperor Takere's proposal to make his mother, Kasuga-Osamu, empress, an extreme example of his exercise of power. This act caused great controversy in the court and society, as it directly violated the expectations and norms of society at the time regarding the behavior of members of the royal family.

However, not only was Emperor Takelie not swayed by social pressure, but instead tried to circumvent social criticism and moral condemnation by changing his mother's name and identity, a plan that was not fully realized, but it was enough to show his determination to cross the ethical boundaries of society.

Emperor Wulie of Japan: Immediately after ascending the throne, he married his own mother, and died suddenly at the age of 18

During his reign, Emperor Takeru also took a series of other measures to strengthen his authority and control. For example, he often ignored laws and traditions and took extreme measures to deal with political opponents and discontents, which at the time were seen as a direct challenge to Japan's traditional political and legal system.

Through these actions, Emperor Takelie demonstrated not only his quest for personal power, but also his contempt for the existing social structure. This abuse of power and challenge to traditional ethics came to a head under Emperor Takere.

His attempt to rewrite the basic moral norms of society by strengthening imperial power provoked strong repercussions not only within the court, but also among the common people. This extreme quest for power and contempt for ethics made his reign leave a deeply negative impression on history.

Emperor Wulie of Japan: Immediately after ascending the throne, he married his own mother, and died suddenly at the age of 18

Sudden death and the mystery of the cause of death

The sudden death of Emperor Takeru occurred in 506 AD, an event that put an end to his controversial and tyrannical rule. According to the Nihon Shoki, Emperor Takerei died suddenly at the age of 18, and the cause of his death sparked widespread speculation and discussion at the time.

Although the exact cause of death has not been recorded, a variety of theories have been passed down to later generations, including illness, overwork, and even assassination. During his reign, Emperor Takelie incurred a great deal of popular resentment and dissatisfaction among the nobility due to his brutal way of ruling and contempt for ethics.

This widespread discontent may have provided the background to various explanations for his sudden death. It has been suggested that the tyranny and ruthlessness of Emperor Takelie may have angered many people, making the assassination a reasonable speculation. In addition, his health may have also deteriorated due to chronic mental stress and an unstable lifestyle, which may also have been a factor in his sudden death.

Emperor Wulie of Japan: Immediately after ascending the throne, he married his own mother, and died suddenly at the age of 18

However, the death of Emperor Takelie was not only the end of his personal fate, it also symbolized the end of a period of extreme rule. His death had a profound impact on the ancient political landscape of Japan, especially in terms of the interaction of imperial power with social ethics.

After his death, the court and political environment underwent a series of reorganizations and adjustments, reflecting society's need to restore ethics and order.

The reign of Emperor Takelie and the manner in which it ended left an important lesson in Japanese history, serving as a warning for the execution of imperial power and political behavior in later generations. His death was seen as a political and social turning point, marking the beginning of Japan's transition from a totalitarian rule to a more stable and regulated political system.



Nihon Shoki

Author: Prince Sheren

Pension for four years


Emperor Wulie of Japan: Immediately after ascending the throne, he married his own mother, and died suddenly at the age of 18

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