
The woman said that her deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled, and the bank: work mistakes, heated discussions in the comment area

author:Kind leaves zzh

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The woman said that her deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled, and the bank: work mistakes, heated discussions in the comment area

Who is responsible for the bank's mistakes?

Ms. Deng's experience, does it make you feel a little sad? When a family loses its breadwinner and loses its property, what kind of helplessness and confusion is this?

"The deceased husband's deposit of 130,000 yuan disappeared and the account was cancelled", is there a hidden crisis of trust in the bank?


(Video source: Sure Video)

We often say that "once a word is spoken, it is difficult to chase a horse", so why is the deposit inquiry information issued by the bank very different from reality? Did the notarial deed in Ms. Deng's hand become a dead letter?

The woman said that her deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled, and the bank: work mistakes, heated discussions in the comment area

She went to the bank many times, but was never able to get her money back, does this make us question the credibility of the bank?

The woman said that her deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled, and the bank: work mistakes, heated discussions in the comment area
The woman said that her deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled, and the bank: work mistakes, heated discussions in the comment area

"People don't have faith, and they don't know what they can do." Banks, as the place where we store our assets, should be the most trustworthy place.

When Ms. Deng took the notarial certificate and the inquiry receipt, but still could not get back her deceased husband's deposit, did this give us a new understanding of the word "credit"?

The woman said that her deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled, and the bank: work mistakes, heated discussions in the comment area

Netizens hotly discussed:

In this case, you should decisively report to the police, which is already a crime

The woman said that her deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled, and the bank: work mistakes, heated discussions in the comment area

It's really ridiculous, the dignified state-owned bank doesn't even have such a little integrity, it's really drunk [covering his face]

The woman said that her deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled, and the bank: work mistakes, heated discussions in the comment area

It's so funny that corruption turns into mistakes, isn't this blatant self-theft by guards

The woman said that her deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled, and the bank: work mistakes, heated discussions in the comment area

This kind of behavior must be investigated for legal responsibility, and the self-theft of the guards is knowingly committed

The woman said that her deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled, and the bank: work mistakes, heated discussions in the comment area

When theft turns into a so-called work error, it is simply an unforgivable sin and must be punished severely

The woman said that her deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled, and the bank: work mistakes, heated discussions in the comment area

This is a clear robbery, which is worse than theft, and it is necessary to investigate to the end and find out the Li ghost behind it

The woman said that her deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared and the account was cancelled, and the bank: work mistakes, heated discussions in the comment area

Final words

"The people cannot stand without faith." Ms. Deng's persistence, does it also let us see the desire of ordinary people for justice? What she wants is not personal reparations, but truth and justice. Does this also let us see the yearning for fairness and justice of ordinary people in society?

What do you think about this, welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss!


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