
The woman said that "the 130,000 deposits of the deceased husband disappeared" Bank: The staff made a mistake and there was not so much money in the account

author:Half-point 不由人


A grief-stricken Ms. Deng accidentally found a deposit of 130,000 yuan while sorting out her husband's estate, but encountered the absurd situation of the bank refusing to withdraw the money. The bank verbally denied the existence of the deposit, but the deposit inquiry information document showed that the deposit was still on the account. What's wrong with the bank? Let's take a look at this shocking story!

The woman said that "the 130,000 deposits of the deceased husband disappeared" Bank: The staff made a mistake and there was not so much money in the account

The lady's husband died

It is reported that Ms. Deng's husband died of illness in October 2021. In the case of grief-stricken, Ms. Deng began to deal with the issue of her husband's inheritance, and soon, Ms. Deng found more than 130,000 yuan in the account of the Agricultural Bank of the Eastern Powers.

Ms. Deng was very surprised, because she had never known that her husband had such a deposit in the bank. Although 130,000 yuan is not a large amount compared to the entire estate, it is the result of her husband's efforts to make money during his lifetime, which is of great significance to Ms. Deng.

However, when Ms. Deng was ready to withdraw the deposit, she was rejected by the bank. The bank staff even told Ms. Deng that the deposit had been withdrawn long ago and that the account had been cancelled.

In the face of the tough attitude of the bank staff, Ms. Deng was also at a loss. At that time, Ms. Tang, who was grieving and preparing to sort out her husband's estate, stumbled upon the money, which surprised and delighted her.

But she didn't expect the bank to give her such a tough answer at such a sensitive time. As a bank, it is an extremely unfriendly attitude towards customers, let alone in such a special context.

It is reported that in February 2022, when Ms. Deng went to the bank to withdraw money, the bank staff told her that the deposit had been withdrawn and the account had been cancelled. In such an absurd situation, the bank did not give a plausible explanation.

The woman said that "the 130,000 deposits of the deceased husband disappeared" Bank: The staff made a mistake and there was not so much money in the account

The deposit exists

Faced with such a sudden situation, Ms. Deng had no choice but to call the police for help. The police immediately intervened in the investigation after receiving the report, and gave the same unusual answer as the bank.

The police did not come up with relevant information to give a conclusion, but said that they needed to investigate before they could give a conclusion. This is also done to avoid jumping to conclusions without sufficient evidence.

At this time, the bank also responded and issued a deposit inquiry information document. This document shows that there are still deposits in the account, and the deposit amount is more than 130,000 yuan.

The issuance of deposit inquiry information documents is also a big surprise to the outside world. On the one hand, bank staff verbally denied the existence of deposits in person, and were still canceling accounts.

On the other hand, the deposit enquiry information slip shows that the deposit is still there. The bank's move is undoubtedly a self-defeating one. Although the documents were issued, the deposit was withdrawn. Such an absurd situation will naturally arouse greater doubts from the outside world.

The woman said that "the 130,000 deposits of the deceased husband disappeared" Bank: The staff made a mistake and there was not so much money in the account

The bank should give an explanation

For the bank, the deposit should not be withdrawn, and the deposit inquiry information document also shows that the deposit is still there, so the obvious contrast is the best proof of this.

But the banks did not give a plausible explanation from beginning to end. As a bank, there will definitely be loopholes in management, but there is now clear evidence that the money is still on the books.

This will undoubtedly lead to greater doubts and speculations from the outside world. Did the bank accidentally make a mistake in the accounts? Or is it deliberate? Or is there some ulterior secret?

In any case, if the bank continues to conceal it at this time, it will be extremely detrimental to the development of its image. And now the customer is also very dissatisfied with the bank, so the matter may eventually be resolved through judicial channels.


The operation of this bank is also outrageous! It is unbelievable to verbally deny and cancel the account even though there is a deposit. It is hoped that the bank can give a reasonable explanation to resolve this incident, otherwise the customer's trust in the bank will fall to the bottom. What do you think is wrong with the bank? Leave a comment to share your thoughts!

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