
It is the instinct of human nature and the driving force for the progress of human society

author:Slow walkers
It is the instinct of human nature and the driving force for the progress of human society

In the past, I also pursued those heroic models of so-called selfless dedication and service to the people. At that time, we kept saying that the phrase "if people are not for themselves, heaven and earth will be destroyed" was simply a forbidden word, and only narrow-minded and selfish people would judge it like this. But now it seems that this sentence has become human nature, and even the fundamental driving force for social development.

The so-called "people are not for themselves" actually means that everyone has a heart to seek happiness for themselves. This does not mean that we have to ignore the interests of others and sink into total selfishness. On the contrary, only when we seek happiness and development for ourselves can we truly give full play to the maximum value of the individual and contribute to the society.

For example, a hard-working civil servant, the reason why he does his best to serve the people is actually for his own future development. Only when he performs well in his work and is fully affirmed by the superior leaders and the masses can he be smoothly promoted and receive higher remuneration. This is undoubtedly a good incentive for him personally. But this does not mean that he is a complete selfish, on the contrary, his hard work has also benefited more people.

It is the instinct of human nature and the driving force for the progress of human society

Or an outstanding student who was admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University, the reason why he was able to persevere in the cold window of hard study is actually because he sees his future development prospects. When he finally enters these prestigious schools, he will not only win a better future for himself, but also become a pillar of the country and make due contributions to the progress of the motherland.

It can be said that only when we correctly understand and practice the essence of human nature that "man is not for himself, and heaven and earth will perish", can we truly give full play to the maximum value of the individual, and at the same time seek happiness for ourselves, and also contribute to the development of society. On the contrary, those who completely abandon their personal interests and sink into nihilism often end up with legal and moral sanctions.

Take those corrupt officials as an example, the reason why they do not hesitate to break the law and discipline for their own selfish sake is because they have completely lost the law that "if people do not do it for themselves, heaven and earth will be destroyed". They think that by perverting the law for bribes, they will be able to have more wealth and power, so that they can realize their selfish desires. But as everyone knows, this kind of behavior not only hurts oneself, but also seriously damages social morality, and will eventually be severely punished by the law.

It is the instinct of human nature and the driving force for the progress of human society

In contrast, those ordinary people who work hard for themselves, whether in work, study or life, can correctly understand and practice this law of human nature. They not only pay attention to their own development needs, but also actively assume social responsibilities, and while seeking happiness for themselves, they have also made due contributions to the prosperity and rejuvenation of the country. This is the real "people do not do it for themselves, and the heavens and the earth will be destroyed".

In the final analysis, each of us should correctly understand and actively practice this law of human nature. We must establish correct values, not only care for the society, serve others, but also seek happiness and development for ourselves. We have to work hard and study, constantly improve our professional skills, and strive for better positions and incomes. We must abide by the law, safeguard our legitimate rights and interests, and make due contributions to social harmony and stability. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the needs of others and society, take the initiative to participate in public welfare activities, and use our own actions to interpret what it means to "help the world".

Only in this way can we truly achieve the human law of "people do not do it for themselves, and heaven and earth will perish". We should not only seek happiness and development for ourselves, but also think about others and contribute our own strength to society. In this way, we can not only pursue the realization of personal values, but also make due contributions to the prosperity and rejuvenation of the country, and finally realize the harmonious development of individuals and society.

It is the instinct of human nature and the driving force for the progress of human society

Did you know, I recently watched a very interesting video about the entrepreneurial story of a young man who is a migrant worker. This young man originally worked in a factory in the Pearl River Delta, working hard every day to earn money to support his family, but he was not satisfied. Instead, with his innovative spirit and unremitting efforts, he eventually succeeded in starting a small garment factory that was sold all over the country.

To be honest, I admire the spirit of this lad. He has not only sought a happy life for himself, but also created a large number of local employment opportunities and made his own contribution to the development of the community. This is the typical wisdom of life that "if people do not do it for themselves, the heavens and the earth will be destroyed". He has made the most of his entrepreneurial potential, seeking benefits for himself and more people at the same time. These are the values that each of us should learn and live by.

I believe that as long as each of us can correctly understand and actively practice this law of human nature, we will certainly be able to make due contributions to the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Let us work hard together, while seeking happiness for ourselves, we will also create more value for others and society, and jointly compose a beautiful chapter of the times!

It is the instinct of human nature and the driving force for the progress of human society

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