
8 popular dramas officially self-certified: Yang Zi, Zhao Liying, Liu Yifei, and Hu Ge's new dramas were selected

author:Sports billion u one oh i

8 popular dramas officially self-certified: Yang Zi, Zhao Liying, Liu Yifei, and Hu Ge's new dramas were selected

In the first half of 2024, 8 popular dramas launched by Tencent Video have attracted much attention. These TV series have gathered a group of popular actors, such as Hu Ge, Zhao Liying, Liu Yifei, etc., covering a variety of themes such as business war inspiration, suspense reasoning, urban love, etc., presenting an audio-visual feast for the audience. Among them, the most eye-catching is "Flowers", which is adapted from Jin Yucheng's novel of the same name.

"Flowers" is undoubtedly the "king" of this batch of TV series. Set in the ever-changing Shanghai from 1960s to 1990s, this drama tells the inspirational story of Ah Bao, played by Hu Ge, who gradually grows from an unknown little person to a business elite. The plot closely follows the historical process and cleverly integrates into the social changes at that time, which is not only full of fierce competition in business wars, but also shows the complex face of human nature. And Hu Ge's Ah Bao has become a classic role in the minds of the audience.

Po has not only made rapid progress in his career, but also experienced ups and downs in the emotional world. The entanglement between him and the three women - Ma Yili, Tang Yan, and Xin Zhilei - is moving. Po's dedication and deep devotion to his feelings make him a three-dimensional and full character that the audience will fall in love with. And these actresses also add more dramatic conflict and ornamentation to the plot with their superb acting skills.

8 popular dramas officially self-certified: Yang Zi, Zhao Liying, Liu Yifei, and Hu Ge's new dramas were selected

In addition, another highlight of "Flowers" is the creation of some other memorable supporting characters. For example, You Benchang, who is known as the "old drama bone", with his superb acting skills, he vividly interprets an ordinary supporting role. The brilliant performance of these small characters makes the group portraits of the characters in "Flowers" more plump and three-dimensional, giving people an immersive feeling.

In contrast, among these 8 popular dramas, there are also some "niche" works, such as "Ice Hunting", "In the Blizzard" and "Spring Lover". Although these dramas have gathered many popular actors, it is difficult for the audience to buy them in terms of plot design and quality of works. For example, the reason why "Ice Hunting" has attracted attention is purely because the audience complains about the heroine's acting skills; The popularity of "In the Blizzard" depends more on the traffic of the leading actor Wu Lei; And "Spring Sending Lover" is considered to be the "least on the list" work, which is not good-looking, and the popularity of the starring Li Xian has also declined. These works may have achieved some results in commercial operation, but in terms of artistic creation, they are difficult to compare with dramas such as "Flowers".

However, among these 8 dramas, there are also some veritable excellent works. In addition to "Flowers", there are also "Walking with the Phoenix" and "The Story of Roses".

8 popular dramas officially self-certified: Yang Zi, Zhao Liying, Liu Yifei, and Hu Ge's new dramas were selected

"Walking with the Phoenix" gathers two powerful actors, Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin, to tell the love story between a pair of ill-fated Phoenix men and women. This drama not only puts a lot of effort into the portrayal of characters, but also has suspense and reversal in the plot design, which has left a deep impression on the audience. And the superb acting skills of Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin have doubled the viewing of this drama.

It is also worth mentioning "The Story of the Rose". This drama starring the powerful actress Liu Yifei tells the story of a woman's growth history full of twists and turns. Not only does the play have wonderful plot development, but Liu Yifei's excellent acting skills also add a lot to this drama. It is worth mentioning that Lin Gengxin also had a good performance in the play, although there were relatively few scenes.

8 popular dramas officially self-certified: Yang Zi, Zhao Liying, Liu Yifei, and Hu Ge's new dramas were selected

The most eye-catching is Yang Zi in "The Story of Chenghuan". With her excellent acting skills, this post-90s actress overwhelmed the three leading actors of "85 Flowers" in one fell swoop, which is impressive. Yang Zi plays a female character with a distinct personality and a sense of justice in the play, and her wonderful performance has won wide acclaim from the audience. It is worth mentioning that this "90 Flower" will also launch another popular drama "Sauvignon Blanc 2" in the second half of the year, which is believed to once again arouse the audience's attention.

In general, these 8 popular dramas launched by Tencent Video not only bring together a group of popular actors, but also have highlights in plot design and character building. Among them, "Flowers" is undoubtedly the most noteworthy work, which not only has made a breakthrough in artistic creation, but also won high praise in the audience's reputation. This can be described as a masterpiece that combines the inspirational business war and the joys and sorrows of human nature, allowing the audience to appreciate the wonderful story while also feeling the complexity and diversity of human nature under the changes of the times. I believe that in the near future, this drama will become the "drama king" in the minds of the audience.

8 popular dramas officially self-certified: Yang Zi, Zhao Liying, Liu Yifei, and Hu Ge's new dramas were selected

In this TV drama feast in the first half of 2024, another work worth paying attention to is "Walking with the Phoenix" starring Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin. This drama can be said to have gathered two powerful actors, and there are quite breakthroughs in character portrayal and plot design.

In the play, the heroine played by Zhao Liying is ill-fated, but she still maintains a high sense of justice and resilience. The emotional entanglement between her and the male protagonist played by Lin Gengxin is not only warm and affectionate, but also full of unpredictable variables. The tacit cooperation between the two in the play, as well as the in-depth portrayal of the characters' personalities, let the audience intuitively feel the joys, sorrows and sorrows of this pair of ill-fated lovers.

8 popular dramas officially self-certified: Yang Zi, Zhao Liying, Liu Yifei, and Hu Ge's new dramas were selected

In addition, the plot design of "Walking with the Phoenix" is also refreshing. This work not only involves business battles, but also incorporates a lot of suspense elements. In the process of watching the movie, the audience is often shocked by some unexpected plot reversals, and this sense of suspense has also become a highlight of this drama. It can be said that "Walking with the Phoenix" gives people a refreshing feeling in terms of story and appreciation.

Let's talk about another work that has attracted much attention - "The Story of Rose" starring Liu Yifei. This drama tells the twists and turns of a woman's growth process, and through the delicate portrayal of the inner world of the characters, it presents the audience with a magnificent picture of life.

8 popular dramas officially self-certified: Yang Zi, Zhao Liying, Liu Yifei, and Hu Ge's new dramas were selected

Liu Yifei's outstanding performance in the play is undoubtedly a highlight of this work. The heroine she plays has a distinct personality, and after experiencing all kinds of ups and downs in life, she finally finds inner peace and strength. Liu Yifei interpreted this role vividly and vividly, fully demonstrating her outstanding acting skills. It is worth mentioning that Lin Gengxin also has a good performance in the play, although there are relatively few scenes, but it also adds some bright colors to the plot.

In general, the two works "Walking with the Phoenix" and "The Story of the Rose" give people a refreshing feeling in terms of plot design, character portrayal, and casting. They have not only achieved good results in entertainment, but also made breakthroughs in artistic creation, which can be described as another highlight in this batch of TV dramas. It is believed that these works will become masterpieces in the minds of the audience and bring them more audio-visual pleasure experience.

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