
Tang Shangjun's 2024 college entrance examination results are out, which is better than in previous years! Do you still go to Qingbei? Tang Shangjun officially responded

author:Honey Snow Tea Party

The end of the 16-year college entrance examination? Tang Shangjun's 600+ high score detonated public opinion

College Entrance Examination "Nail Household" Tang Shangjun rushed to the hot search again! After 16 years of perseverance, he finally saw the light of day, and he actually got a high score of 600+! What's even more shocking is that it is rumored on the Internet that this "living fossil of the college entrance examination" may give up the Tsinghua dream and move to the live broadcast industry. Is he really going to "graduate" this time? For a time, public opinion was in an uproar, and there were different opinions.

Tang Shangjun's 2024 college entrance examination results are out, which is better than in previous years! Do you still go to Qingbei? Tang Shangjun officially responded

From 372 to 646: Tang Shangjun's college entrance examination marathon

Looking back on Tang Shangjun's college entrance examination process, it can be called an inspirational drama with ups and downs. In 2009, 18-year-old Tang Shangjun took the college entrance examination for the first time, but only scored a low score of 372 points. Unwillingly, he resolutely embarked on a long road of repetition. Who would have thought that this test would be a full 16 years!

From 2009 to 2024, Tang Shangjun's college entrance examination results are like a roller coaster. Some say he's a "nail household", some say he's a "living fossil", but no one can deny his persistence. In 2019, his results reached their peak, with a whopping 646 points! However, even so, he did not stop.

Tang Shangjun's 2024 college entrance examination results are out, which is better than in previous years! Do you still go to Qingbei? Tang Shangjun officially responded

Give up the famous school, just for the Tsinghua dream?

Tang Shangjun's experience is amazing. He has been admitted to well-known universities such as China University of Political Science and Law and Xiamen University, but he has chosen to give up again and again. Why? Because in his heart, there is a more ambitious goal - Tsinghua University. This dream supported him to return to the college entrance examination again and again.

However, fate is always full of drama. In 2016, when he finally got the admission letter from China University of Political Science and Law, his father was diagnosed with cancer. Faced with the family's predicament, Tang Shangjun chose to repeat his studies again, hoping to support his family by earning tuition fees as a repeater.

Tang Shangjun's 2024 college entrance examination results are out, which is better than in previous years! Do you still go to Qingbei? Tang Shangjun officially responded

College Entrance Examination 2024: Turnaround or Transformation?

In 2024, 35-year-old Tang Shangjun will usher in his 16th college entrance examination. This time, his results are once again in the spotlight. In the live broadcast of a certain audio platform, he laughed and said that he took the "600+" test, and the specific score was sold out, only revealing that "the first number is 6". This performance has to be said to have the potential to be an "Internet celebrity".

What's even more surprising is that Tang Shangjun said that he was filling in the volunteer. Does this mean that he is finally ending his career as a "professional college entrance examination candidate"? It is reported that he is likely to no longer blindly obsess over Peking University and Tsinghua University this year, but to consider other options.

Tang Shangjun's 2024 college entrance examination results are out, which is better than in previous years! Do you still go to Qingbei? Tang Shangjun officially responded

From the college entrance examination room to the live broadcast room: Tang Shangjun's new choice?

With the explosion on the Internet, Tang Shangjun seems to have found a new direction of development. In a short period of time, he has gained more than 500,000 followers on Douyin. Although the number of followers is not particularly large, the number of viewers during his live broadcast can exceed many large numbers, which speaks volumes about his appeal.

A "person familiar with the matter" revealed that Tang Shangjun may transform into a live broadcast. An Internet celebrity agent said: "Tang Shangjun's experience is very unique, and if he can operate it well, the future development prospects are very broad." It is not ruled out that he will become the next Internet celebrity V. "

Tang Shangjun's 2024 college entrance examination results are out, which is better than in previous years! Do you still go to Qingbei? Tang Shangjun officially responded

Netizens are hotly discussed: support and doubts coexist

Tang Shangjun's choice sparked heated discussions among netizens. Someone said: "16 years of perseverance, this perseverance is really amazing!" Some people also questioned: "Is it worth spending so many years on the college entrance examination?" "

More netizens put forward suggestions for Tang Shangjun's future development. "Instead of being obsessed with the college entrance examination all the time, it is better to make good use of the current heat and do something meaningful." A netizen said.

Tang Shangjun's 2024 college entrance examination results are out, which is better than in previous years! Do you still go to Qingbei? Tang Shangjun officially responded

Expert interpretation: The social significance behind the Tang Shangjun phenomenon

Experts also have different views on Tang Shangjun's choice. Professor Wang, an expert in psychology, said: "Tang Shangjun's behavior may stem from the pursuit of self-worth, but it also reflects a certain escape from reality. "

Professor Li, an education expert, pointed out: "Tang Shangjun's experience reflects some problems in the mainland's education system. We need to reflect on whether we have overemphasized the importance of the college entrance examination and neglected the importance of all-round personal development. "

Tang Shangjun's 2024 college entrance examination results are out, which is better than in previous years! Do you still go to Qingbei? Tang Shangjun officially responded

The road to transformation: opportunities and challenges coexist

In the face of possible transformation, Tang Shangjun will face both opportunities and challenges. Teacher Zhang, a career planner, suggested: "Tang Shangjun can consider writing a book or making a documentary about his experience. His story is very contagious and I believe it will resonate with many people. "

However, from a "professional college entrance examination candidate" to an Internet celebrity anchor, the road is not smooth. Social media experts reminded: "The Internet celebrity industry is highly competitive, and Tang Shangjun needs to find his own unique selling point in order to gain a firm foothold in this industry." "

Tang Shangjun's 2024 college entrance examination results are out, which is better than in previous years! Do you still go to Qingbei? Tang Shangjun officially responded

After the college entrance examination: a new beginning in life

Whatever choice Tang Shangjun ultimately makes, his story has become a microcosm of an era. His experience makes us think: What is the value of life? Is it in the exams again and again, or in the process of bravely chasing your dreams?

Perhaps, for Tang Shangjun, the 16-year college entrance examination is his youth. Now, standing at a new starting point in life, he has more possibilities. Whether he is continuing his studies or devoting himself to the live broadcast industry, I believe he will shine in his own way.

After all, there's more to life than that. As Tang Shangjun said: "I took the college entrance examination not to prove anything, but to realize my dream." "Perhaps, the real dream is just beginning now.

Tang Shangjun's 2024 college entrance examination results are out, which is better than in previous years! Do you still go to Qingbei? Tang Shangjun officially responded

Looking to the future: a new chapter in Tang Shangjun's life

Tang Shangjun's story may represent the possibility of countless dreamers. In this era full of opportunities and challenges, everyone is looking for their own path. No matter which path Tang Shangjun chooses in the end, we wish him to find the true value of life and write his own wonderful life.

Tang Shangjun's 2024 college entrance examination results are out, which is better than in previous years! Do you still go to Qingbei? Tang Shangjun officially responded

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