
Revelation! The shocking slogans behind China's top 10 peasant uprisings

author:Interesting history

1. Chen Sheng and Wu Guang Uprising: Is the prince and general really destined?

Revelation! The shocking slogans behind China's top 10 peasant uprisings

At the turn of the Qin and Han dynasties, power seemed to be tightly held in the hands of wealthy families. Chen Sheng and Wu Guang didn't believe in fate, they rose up in Daze Township, shouting: "The prince and general, is it really destined?" "This is the first time that the Chinese have challenged the hereditary system of power, and their actions have set an example for future generations of rebels."

2. Xia Ren Uprising: Xia Ji is brutal, we will all die!

Revelation! The shocking slogans behind China's top 10 peasant uprisings

Xia Wei's tyranny made the people unbearable, and they roared: "Xia Wei is brutal, we will all die!" "This is the Xia people's ultimatum to the tyrant, and it is also their desperate rebellion to survive.

3. Green Forest Red Eyebrow Uprising: The Liu family was revived, assisted by the Li family

Revelation! The shocking slogans behind China's top 10 peasant uprisings

Wang Mang's retro reforms caused social turmoil, and the Green Forest Red Eyebrow Rebel Army came into being. They played the slogan "The revival of the Liu family, assisted by the Li family", pinning their hopes for the revival of the Han Dynasty and also reflecting their firm determination to overthrow Wang Mang's new dynasty.

4. Yellow Turban Uprising: The sky is dead, and the yellow sky should stand

Revelation! The shocking slogans behind China's top 10 peasant uprisings

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the eunuchs of foreign relatives were dictatorial, and the people were not able to make a living. Holding high the banner of "the sky is dead, the yellow sky should stand", the Yellow Turban rebels united the masses with religion as a link and set off a wave of resistance against tyranny.

5. Peasant uprising at the end of the Sui Dynasty: Before Changbai Mountain, we are not afraid of death!

Revelation! The shocking slogans behind China's top 10 peasant uprisings

The tyranny of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty caused the people to complain, and peasant uprisings broke out one after another. Among them, "The Song of the Death of the Liaodong Waves" expresses the heroic and fearless spirit of the rebel army, who regards death as home: "Zhishilang in front of Changbai Mountain, wearing a pure red Luo Mian's back crotch. The long lance invades the sky and a half, and the wheel knife shines in the sun. ”

6. Wang Xiaobo and Li Shun uprising: The rich and the poor are unequal, we want to be rich and poor!

Revelation! The shocking slogans behind China's top 10 peasant uprisings

Behind the economic prosperity of the Song Dynasty was severe social polarization. Wang Xiaobo and Li Shun's rebel army shouted "The rich and the poor are unequal, we want to be rich and poor!" This is their strong cry for the pursuit of social justice.

7. Zhong Xiangyang's uprising: Before the law, everyone is equal

Revelation! The shocking slogans behind China's top 10 peasant uprisings

In the last years of the Song Dynasty, social injustice became more and more serious. The slogan "Everyone is equal before the law" put forward by the rebel army, which is not only their indictment of social reality, but also their pursuit of an ideal society.

8. Peasant uprising at the end of the Yuan Dynasty: Stone people have one eye, and the world is in chaos!

Revelation! The shocking slogans behind China's top 10 peasant uprisings

In the last years of the Yuan Dynasty, ethnic and social contradictions intensified. The peasant rebels used the proverb "one eye of the stone man" as a rallying cry to start a struggle against the rule of the Yuan Dynasty. Their slogans, although superstitious, expressed their dissatisfaction with the rule of the Yuan dynasty and their spirit of rebellion.

9. Li Zicheng's uprising: Juntian is free of grain, and everyone is equal

Revelation! The shocking slogans behind China's top 10 peasant uprisings

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the society was in turmoil, and Li Zicheng's rebel army put forward the slogan of "free grain for all fields, everyone is equal". This slogan was well received and supported by the peasants, and became an important force in their overthrow of Ming rule.

10. Taiping Rebellion: The world is in harmony, and everyone has land to cultivate

Revelation! The shocking slogans behind China's top 10 peasant uprisings

The Taiping Rebellion was one of the largest peasant uprisings in Chinese history. They put forward the blueprint of an ideal society in which "everyone has land and all have land to cultivate" and tried to realize this ideal through violent means. Although ultimately defeated, their ideals still inspired later revolutionaries.

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