
In summer, this meat is eaten hard, one is to nourish blood, two to nourish the skin, three to strengthen the bones, four to nourish the stomach, tender and delicious!

author:Three-point moment

When the summer sun is scorching and feeling tired and weak, you may need a nutritious beef meal to lift your spirits. Beef, this red-meat delicacy is not only delicious, but also a treasure trove of nutritional value. It is rich in high-quality protein and essential amino acids, which can effectively promote body recovery and muscle growth, and is ideal for post-workout recovery. What's more, the abundance of iron in beef can help prevent anemia and boost your stamina to keep you energized on a hot summer day.

In summer, this meat is eaten hard, one is to nourish blood, two to nourish the skin, three to strengthen the bones, four to nourish the stomach, tender and delicious!

Still worried about summer skin damage? Beef is also a little helper for beauty. The zinc and protein it contains are especially important for skin health, promoting cell repair and leaving your skin looking smoother and more resilient. Moreover, the bone-building nutrients in beef, such as calcium and phosphorus, can also help strengthen bones and prevent minor injuries that can occur during summer activities.

In summer, this meat is eaten hard, one is to nourish blood, two to nourish the skin, three to strengthen the bones, four to nourish the stomach, tender and delicious!

We're about to share four delicious beef recipes that can be easily mastered for both family and small gatherings with friends. From barbecue to stew, each recipe combines the flavor and nutrition of beef to satisfy your health and taste buds.

Recommended recipe 1: Stir-fried green peppers with beef

In summer, this meat is eaten hard, one is to nourish blood, two to nourish the skin, three to strengthen the bones, four to nourish the stomach, tender and delicious!

Stir-fried green peppers with beef are not only a dish with good color and flavor, but also a healthy choice with high nutritional value. Beef is rich in high-quality protein and iron, which helps build muscle strength and improve blood health. Green peppers contain a lot of vitamin C, which helps with antioxidants, protects eyesight, and boosts the immune system.

Main ingredients: beef, green pepper, garlic, ginger

Here's how:

In summer, this meat is eaten hard, one is to nourish blood, two to nourish the skin, three to strengthen the bones, four to nourish the stomach, tender and delicious!

Thinly sliced beef, marinated with a little starch and soy sauce.

Wash the green peppers and cut into strips, garlic and ginger slices.

Heat a pan with oil, add ginger and garlic and sauté until fragrant.

Add the beef and stir-fry quickly until browned.

Add the green pepper and stir-fry quickly, add an appropriate amount of salt and pepper, stir-fry evenly and remove from the pan.

Recommended Recipe 2: Beef Hamburger Steak

In summer, this meat is eaten hard, one is to nourish blood, two to nourish the skin, three to strengthen the bones, four to nourish the stomach, tender and delicious!

Homemade beef hamburger steak is a nutritious dish that provides high-quality protein and essential amino acids to aid in muscle building and energy recovery. The B vitamins in beef help maintain energy metabolism and are also a good source of iron, which has a positive effect on improving physical performance and preventing anemia.

Main ingredients: ground beef, onions, breadcrumbs, eggs

Here's how:

In summer, this meat is eaten hard, one is to nourish blood, two to nourish the skin, three to strengthen the bones, four to nourish the stomach, tender and delicious!

Add chopped onions, breadcrumbs and an egg to the ground meat, season with salt and pepper.

Once well stirred, press the meat mixture by hand into the shape of a hamburger patty.

Add oil to a frying pan and fry on both sides until golden brown and the inside is cooked through.

Recommended recipe 3: Roast beef in sauce

In summer, this meat is eaten hard, one is to nourish blood, two to nourish the skin, three to strengthen the bones, four to nourish the stomach, tender and delicious!

Beef in miso sauce is a dish that takes a long time to cook, and the texture of the beef is extremely tender by slow-cooking. This dish is rich in beef protein, vitamin B12 and minerals such as zinc, which helps to boost metabolism and strengthen the immune system, while zinc is especially important for skin health.

Main ingredients: beef cubes, carrots, potatoes, onions

Here's how:

In summer, this meat is eaten hard, one is to nourish blood, two to nourish the skin, three to strengthen the bones, four to nourish the stomach, tender and delicious!

Soak the beef cubes in cold water, put them in a pot, add water and bring to a boil and skim off the foam.

Add the diced carrots, potatoes and onions.

Pour in an appropriate amount of soy sauce and a little sugar and simmer over low heat until the meat is soft.

After adjusting the taste, sprinkle with chopped green onions to enhance the fragrance.

Recommended recipe 4: Beef pasta

In summer, this meat is eaten hard, one is to nourish blood, two to nourish the skin, three to strengthen the bones, four to nourish the stomach, tender and delicious!

Beef pasta is a delicious and nutritious quick dinner option. Beef is rich in iron and protein, which helps to build stamina and muscle maintenance. Pasta is a source of carbohydrates that provides long-lasting energy and is perfect for refueling after a busy day.

Main ingredients: minced beef, pasta, tomato sauce, onion

Here's how:

In summer, this meat is eaten hard, one is to nourish blood, two to nourish the skin, three to strengthen the bones, four to nourish the stomach, tender and delicious!

Finely chop the onion, sauté in oil until soft, add minced beef and sauté until browned.

Pour in the tomato paste, add an appropriate amount of water to adjust the consistency, bring to a boil, turn to low heat and simmer for a few minutes.

At the same time, cook the pasta until cooked, remove and mix with the beef sauce.

In summer, this meat is eaten hard, one is to nourish blood, two to nourish the skin, three to strengthen the bones, four to nourish the stomach, tender and delicious!

These are four delicious and nutritious beef recipes, each of which will allow you to enjoy a delicious and healthy meal in the summer. Whether it's a family meal or sharing with friends, these beef dishes will satisfy your needs and add vibrancy and flavor to your table. In summer, let's use these delicious beef recipes to nourish blood, beauty, bones, stomach, and enjoy a healthy life!

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