
Is it better to take a cold shower in the summer to cool down? Don't believe these rumors

author:Netinfo Tai'an

Sweating a lot in the summer

There may also be an increase in the frequency of bathing

Recently, there has been a hot search to say

Can't take a shower after 9 p.m.?

Otherwise, it will produce dampness and extinguish yang?

Is it better to take a cold shower in the summer to cool down? Don't believe these rumors

Is this claim scientific?

What kind of water temperature to bathe with

Blood vessels, heart, skin are all injured?

Cold showers are not as effective as warm showers?

Learn about ↓ in one article


Take a shower after 9 p.m

Will it produce dampness and extinguish yang?

Rumor: At 9 o'clock in the evening, the yang energy is diving, try not to do behaviors that damage the yang energy, such as taking a bath. Secondly, after bathing, the pores of the body are open, and it is easy to absorb moisture, at this time, blowing fans and air conditioners, as soon as the pores are closed, the moisture will be locked.

The saying that taking a bath to extinguish yang energy mainly refers to not keeping warm after taking a bath, which causes the body's yang energy to be affected.

The term "dampness" in bathing mainly refers to the fact that after taking a bath, the body and hair are not dried in time, so that the cool air invades, resulting in the accumulation of moisture in the body. Both have little to do with what time you take a bath.

Precautions for bathing at night:

  • In summer, the weather is hot, so you don't have to deliberately keep warm after taking a bath, but you should avoid taking a bath with cold water, and don't blow a fan or air conditioner directly after taking a bath.
  • Dry your body, including your feet, promptly and thoroughly, preferably with a towel to dry the water between your toes.
  • Blow dry your hair and don't fall asleep while your hair is still wet.
  • When you just take a bath, your body will be a little excited, and it is not easy to fall asleep right away, so try not to choose to take a bath at night before going to bed.

Here are 4 times when you should not take a bath:

  • After high-intensity physical or mental activity: After strenuous exercise, blood circulation is active, and taking a shower immediately will increase the burden on the heart and blood vessels, especially not taking a cold shower. Prolonged mental activity, the brain has a high demand for blood. If you take a shower right away, blood will transfer to the skin on the surface of the body, which may cause a rapid decrease in blood supply to the brain, leading to syncope.
  • When eating full or on an empty stomach: After eating, the blood in the body is mainly concentrated in the digestive system, and at this time, taking a bath, the surrounding blood vessels are dilated, which may cause a relative decrease in blood circulation in the digestive system, which can easily lead to indigestion. When fasting, blood sugar levels in the body are relatively low, and bathing increases blood flow to skin tissues and decreases the amount of blood supplied to the brain, which can lead to accidents such as fainting.
Is it better to take a cold shower in the summer to cool down? Don't believe these rumors
  • After drinking: Alcohol inhibits the activity of liver function and hinders glycogen release. When bathing, the glucose consumption in the human body increases, and the blood sugar is not replenished in time, which is easy to produce symptoms such as dizziness, dizziness, and general weakness, and in severe cases, hypoglycemic coma may occur. Drunkenness can affect a person's sense of balance, and it is easy to fall in a slippery bathroom.
  • When you have low blood pressure or low blood sugar: If you take a bath when you have low blood pressure, low blood sugar or extreme fatigue, it is easy to cause dizziness or shock due to lack of oxygen, so it is best not to take a bath at this time.
Is it better to take a cold shower in the summer to cool down? Don't believe these rumors


There's a "best time" to take a shower

The "best time" to take a bath here does not refer to whether it is better to take a bath in the morning or at night, because from a scientific point of view, there is no such thing as when to take a bath, but there is an optimal duration, in general, 10~15 minutes of showering is enough, even if you want to take a bath, it is best not to take a bath for more than 20 minutes.

Taking a bath for a long time makes people feel fatigued, which can easily cause cardiac ischemia and hypoxia, resulting in coronary artery spasm, thrombosis, and even sudden death due to severe arrhythmia.

Is it better to take a cold shower in the summer to cool down? Don't believe these rumors


The cooling effect of a cold shower

Actually, it's not as good as a warm bath

When the weather is hot, people are more likely to sweat, and the skin capillaries are in a state of dilation, and if you suddenly take a cold shower, it will stimulate the constriction of blood vessels, causing discomfort such as poor sweating, heart palpitations, and headaches. Especially middle-aged and elderly people, as well as people with a history of coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke and arrhythmias, should try to avoid taking cold showers in summer. This "cold irritation" is another burden on the body.

If it's just to cool down, cold showers aren't as effective as warm showers, because cold showers give the body the illusion that the environment is getting colder, so that the body produces more heat and dissipates less heat, so cold showers don't cool down more than warm showers.

Is it better to take a cold shower in the summer to cool down? Don't believe these rumors

For healthy people, taking a cold shower properly when the body is in good condition has certain benefits, such as enhancing cardiovascular function, improving the nervous system, regulating the stomach and intestines, and enhancing disease resistance. Especially for those winter swimmers and professional athletes with good physical fitness, insisting on taking cold showers can help improve cold tolerance and promote smooth skin.

However, even seemingly healthy people can trigger hidden diseases in the body due to external triggers, so it is important to be careful when taking cold showers and try to take a gradual approach. Generally speaking, you can pat your limbs with cold water, then wipe your chest and back with a towel soaked in cold water, and finally drench your whole body with cold water.


No matter what kind of people you are, you should not take a cold shower immediately after strenuous exercise.

Is it better to take a cold shower in the summer to cool down? Don't believe these rumors

Since taking a cold shower is not the best option in summer

So is taking a hot bath better for your health?


Optimal bath water temperature

How much?

For people with chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, etc., there is also a risk of high bath water temperature.

With the hot water washing, the capillaries of the whole body dilate, a large amount of blood rushes to the body surface, and the blood of important organs such as the heart and brain is relatively reduced, which may induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents.

Is it better to take a cold shower in the summer to cool down? Don't believe these rumors

Sum up

The water temperature should neither be too high nor too cold when bathing

Generally, it is more appropriate to control it at 38°C~40°C

The irritation to the heart, blood vessels, and skin is relatively small

It also helps to protect the heart~

Source: CCTV Life Circle

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