
Origin: Historical reference for promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity

author:The headline of Kunlunce Research Institute
Origin: Historical reference for promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity has become the consensus of the party, government and all sectors of society. This year's two sessions have embodied the people-centered ideology, highlighted and strengthened the party's leadership by deepening the reform of the party and state institutions, and made important strides to adapt to the effective governance of the state and society in the new era and to further adapt the mainland's superstructure to the needs of the development of the socialist market economy over the past 40 years of reform and opening up.

The following discusses how to implement and implement the specific implementation issues, combined with many regular phenomena presented in the process of previous changes in Chinese history, and puts forward corresponding thoughts and suggestions.

1. From the perspective of tax reform, we can see the regularity of the state administration in the process of operation

"A weekly ceremony, financial management occupies half of it", in the history of Chinese dynasties, fiscal and taxation reform occupies an extremely important position. Through fiscal and taxation reform, it is undoubtedly of great guiding significance for us to promote the modernization of national governance capacity and governance system by finding the general laws of organizational behavior in the governance of major countries, exploring the root causes of their thinking and behavior with the characteristics of oriental culture, and making use of their strengths to make up for their weaknesses.

Organizational behavior refers to the response of individuals, groups or organizations themselves to endogenous or exogenous stimuli from the perspective of the organization. The investigation and analysis of the tax reform and its impact and consequences in the history of the mainland can be used as an important entry point to reveal the behavior of the national administrative organization. From the well field system, the initial tax per mu, the rent adjustment, the two tax system to a whip law, and the apportionment into the mu, the flow of social population and material wealth has basically accelerated; Changing the collection in kind to monetary taxation to reduce the cost of taxation; Changing the personal servitude to pay taxes in currency to get rid of personal dependence; The development trend of the tax system based on the taxation of households and persons has been changed to the taxation of assets. The reasons for this are basically to strengthen the centralization of power, curb the land annexation by the landlords, ease the gap between the rich and the poor, reduce the cost of tax payment, sort out the confusion in the tax base and accounts, and solve the deficit in fiscal revenue and expenditure caused by the loss of fiscal revenue and taxation by the central government. However, the result of actual implementation is often that old problems have not been well solved, and new problems are coming one after another. For example, in the process of cashing in cash in kind to pay taxes, the common people were subjected to price manipulation by local tyrants and the government, resulting in a further serious gap between the rich and the poor. In particular, the transfer of silver currency sovereignty overseas in the Qing Dynasty led to the emergence of a social comprador class, which further weakened the economic management capacity of the central government. Therefore, in modern times, "equalizing land rights and controlling capital" has always become the basic consensus of the social revolution. The most noteworthy here are obviously the problems of land annexation, market manipulation by capital, and wage labour. Since they all operate in the form of "fair trade" in the market, it seems fair to analyze the willingness to buy and sell from a local perspective, but if we analyze it from an overall qualitative perspective, whether it is the transaction mode and the design of the transaction products, or the government's insufficient understanding of the laws of land and capital markets (including the imperfection of market supervision institutions and functions, as well as the manipulation of foreign forces), they all show the results of further deterioration of the social gap between the rich and the poor, and the continuous intensification of class contradictions. That is to say, the law of opposition and unity, which embodies the dialectical contradiction between the part and the whole, has never been consciously controlled and embodied in the management of social organizations.

If we analyze the process of many tax reforms, it seems that just like the "one whip law" implemented by Zhang Juzheng's reform, from the beginning of the "immediate effect" to the end of the "rout of the whole line". In fact, from the two taxation laws of the Tang Dynasty to the apportionment of land to acres in the Qing Dynasty, the reform of the central government to merge taxes and reduce the burden on peasants in history has often changed from "always being a collection of evils to be cleared" to gradually becoming ineffective, and from the original intention of "lightly leviing on the people" to the end of "officials forcing the people to rebel". Tracing back to the source, in addition to the fundamental drawbacks of the imperial power and the rule of man, the imperfect functional setup of the state administrative organs, the collusion between local officials and the powerful, the large scale of the state, the excessively high cost of supervision and control in the market circulation links, the chaotic management of micro-basic accounts in the operation of the state economy caused by "officials without feudalism and officials with feudalism", and the formation of unhealthy social atmospheres such as "legal secrets are disturbed and political strictness is bitter" and the formation of unhealthy social atmospheres such as "official standard" are the main reasons for the continuity and success of the reform.

Therefore, in order to break out of the "Huang Zongxi's law," it is necessary to study the general laws of bureaucratic organizational behavior. At present, strengthening the improvement of the functions of the state administrative organs and supervisory organs, and paying attention to the standardization of the management of the economic micro-foundation, such as clear property registration, transparent decision-making procedures, timely and effective supervision, separate management of government and commercial organizations, meticulous and strict laws and regulations, and the state's absolute control over the currency, are all valuable experiences left to us by history. Of course, due to the backwardness of transportation and information technology in history, it is also the limitation of the times left by the unsuccessful tax reform. This is one of the important points of our urgent need to keep pace with the times, apply productivity tools, and innovate to promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity.

2. From the perspective of the evolution of the supervision system, we can see the contradiction between the centralization of central administrative power and the state's administrative supervision

Starting from the changes in the function of the thirteen states in the Han Dynasty, that is, the function of the central government to supervise the local government at the beginning of the establishment of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty gradually evolved into the permanent local highest-level administrator in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, to the supervision function of the "Dao" in the Tang Dynasty and the "Road" in the Song Dynasty gradually evolved into administrative institutions, and then from the Ming Dynasty governors and governors as the supervisory bodies sent by the central government from time to time, to the Qing Dynasty governors and governors became administrative agencies. Behind the evolution of these regular functions, on the one hand, it reflects the practical need of the central government to further strengthen the centralization of power in order to curb the local forces, that is, the landlords, in the process of national governance, and on the other hand, it also reflects the inevitability of the organizational behavior of the central government's transfer of supervision power to local administrative power. This is because the purpose of restraining the landlords is not only to prevent the growth of local separatist forces, but also to ease and regulate the contradictions and conflicts between the landlord class and the peasant class. Because the landlord class exploited the peasant class, on the one hand, it weakened the central power, and on the other hand, it also caused social contradictions and conflicts. At the same time, the transformation of the functions of the supervisory organs obviously also reflects the simple and irregular process of inspection and supervision, and in fact there are many problems, which ultimately lead to their inability to compete with the powerful local administrative forces in the performance of their duties. In order to solve the contradiction between the two, the central government has always repeatedly implemented this kind of decision-making to change functions, so as to achieve the goal of more centralization of power and control of the local government. Therefore, the transformation of the supervisory body into the administrative body eventually becomes an inevitable organizational behavior.

The above-mentioned historical phenomena not only reveal the ultimate ineffectiveness of the central inspection and supervision system, but more importantly, reflect the contradiction between the centralization of power and the dependence of local administration on local administration and the strengthening of supervision over local governments. Due to the constraints of transportation and information transmission between the central and local governments, the abolition of inspection agencies will inevitably weaken the timeliness and effectiveness of supervision itself to varying degrees, and the weakening of supervision power will not only lead to the replacement of supervision with administration, but will also affect the standardized operation of the two levels of administrative power itself. As a result, "chaos as soon as it is released" and "death as soon as it is harvested" have always become chronic diseases that are difficult to overcome in handling the relations between the central and local authorities. After a few rounds, the wind of slackness gradually formed, and the entire administrative organization often fell into a bureaucratic trap from which it was difficult to extricate itself.

Therefore, from the perspective of the methodology of the governance of a large country, how to achieve effective supervision within the scope of affordable supervision costs requires professional and efficient supervision on the one hand, and standardization and supervision of the administration itself on the other hand. This involves the principle that we often refer to "everything is well documented, everything is based on rules, everything is responsible, and everything is supervised". The problem is that the implementation of these basic principles is by no means easy, and it requires not only the support of administrative culture, but also the strong support of administrative organization and management technology.

3. Study the organizational behavior of bureaucrats and explore ways to cure both the symptoms and the root causes

In the long history of national development on the mainland, changing the law to become strong and reviving the weak has always been the most important theme in national governance. Governing the country means governing officials, and using history as a mirror to study the behavioral characteristics of bureaucratic organizations is obviously a practical need for us to have a definite goal and achieve twice the result with half the effort in the process of modernizing the country's governance system and governance capacity.

Judging from several major changes in the history of the mainland: Shang Ying's reform of the law, starting from the establishment of the government's administrative credibility; Wang Anshi of the Song Dynasty summarized a series of changes and the consequences of their implementation, and believed: "If you get the right person and do it, it will be a great benefit, if you don't do it yourself, it will be a great harm, if you want to do it slowly, it will be a great benefit, and if you are in a hurry, it will be a great harm" (Xining's fifth year "Shang Wu Shi Zazi"), which is actually a copy of "the way of government, the first thing is to win people". Zhang Juzheng, a reformer in the Ming Dynasty, concluded from the perspective of system innovation and implementation: "The affairs of the world are not difficult to legislate, but difficult to implement the law." He believed that "first-class people use organizations, second-class people use talents, and third-class people do their own work", but the reality has caused him to encounter the historical problem of "legal secrets are disturbed, and political strictness is bitter".

As for the famous historian Huang Renyu, he summed up from the perspective of bureaucratic cultural shortcomings, and after studying the financial operation of the Ming Dynasty, he believed that in Chinese history, "it has never been possible to use numbers to manage," and "...... The clerical clique is only concerned with the integrity of the logic (which in fact is only a name) that they advertise to each other, and the actual success or failure can be regarded as secondary...... All kinds of sloppiness can also be covered up. In addition, the substitution of abstract morality for work efficiency, and the calculation of etiquette as the actual administration, both have a history of more than 2,000 years."

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, overcoming bureaucracy has remained a major problem in the governance of the country. Chairman Mao Zedong criticized the bureaucracy's "five more and five less": that is, there are more meetings and less contact with the masses; There are many documents and reports, and there are few experience summaries; There are many people squatting in the organs, and there are few serious investigations and studies; More work, less learning; In general, there are many calls, and there is little meticulous organizational work. Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out in his speech on "Reform of the Party and State Leadership System" on August 18, 1980: "The phenomenon of bureaucracy is a major problem that exists extensively in the political life of our party and state. Its main manifestations and harms are: being aloof from the top, abusing power, detaching from reality, detached from the masses, being good at putting on a façade, being good at talking empty words, being rigid in thinking, sticking to conventions, bloated institutions, being superficial in people, procrastinating in handling affairs, not stressing efficiency, being irresponsible, not keeping promises, traveling in official documents, passing the buck to each other, and even being full of official spirit, training people at every turn, retaliating, suppressing democracy, deceiving superiors and subordinates, being arbitrary, offering bribes for personal gain, bending the law for bribes, and so on. This has reached an intolerable level, both in our internal affairs and in our international dealings".

Obviously, there is a definite target for the malpractice of bureaucracy, and whether it is law change or reform, it needs to be solved through institutional innovation. The effective operation of any system is inseparable from the support of the cultural dimension. Therefore, the study of the way of thinking, behavior and values hidden deep in the culture has become the key to grasp the laws of organizational behavior. Professor Zhang Dainian, a master of Chinese studies, once analyzed: "In the Chinese tradition, there is no complete system like Euclidean geometry, nor has there been a rigorous system of Aristotle's formal logic; In modern times, there was no metaphysical thinking method that prevailed in the West in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, let alone the empirical scientific method pioneered by Galileo. It should be admitted that this is a major flaw in the traditional Chinese method of thought. In today's new era of building socialist culture, it is necessary to modernize the way of thinking. It is necessary not only to bring into play the fine tradition of dialectical thinking, but also to learn the scientific method of meticulous analysis and experimentation. The brilliant future of China's new culture needs to be renewed in the way of thinking" (Zhang Dainian, Culture and Philosophy, Educational Science Press, 1988, p. 208).

Therefore, to promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity through organizational structure construction and institutional innovation, on the one hand, we must emphasize "refinement, quantification, standardization, proceduralization, and transparency", and ensure that the operability of organizational behavior is in place through formal logic; On the other hand, we should not forget the historical summaries of historical philosophers and politicians on "laws and regulations, and there are many thieves" (Lao Tzu) and "the country is about to die, and there must be many systems" (Shu Xiang, Sima Guang). The emphasis of "supplementing the law with virtue and consolidating virtue with law" emphasized by our Oriental society clearly points out that governing the country according to law is inseparable from the strong support of governing the country with ethics. These two cannot be neglected, and they are the concrete application of dialectical thinking and our party's tremendous ideological and political superiority. Obviously, another key issue for us is to grasp the "degree" of the development of various affairs in the process of national governance, and to coordinate the effective transformation of various contradictions in the process of national governance and the "degree" of dynamic balance.

Fourth, from the perspective of the relationship between decision-making and implementation, an inherent contradiction in the governance of major countries

As everyone knows, "death as soon as it is harvested, chaos as soon as it is released", going from one extreme to another or using one tendency to cover up another tendency is a historical problem in the governance of our big countries. This is manifested in the political, economic, cultural, and other aspects of our country's life, which are prone to all kinds of phenomena such as exaggerated winds, communist winds, and unhealthy trends of extravagance, as well as the coexistence of insufficient domestic demand and serious overcapacity.

It is manifested in the behavior of the government's administrative organization, such as why some of the plans of our macro departments are often shelved or called "nonsense"? In the past few years, the real estate macro policy regulation, each time the goal is to reduce the price, why is there often a counterproductive phenomenon? At the beginning of 2016, because the price of coal was too low, the macro-control department decided to limit production to raise prices, but the result was from one extreme to another, resulting in soaring coal prices, resulting in a comprehensive loss of power generation companies! In addition, in order to rectify the problem of administrative disorder, many departments have not acted! In the financial sector, many measures aimed at solving the financing difficulties of small and micro enterprises have objectively become the reason for the high cost of financing for small and micro enterprises. Therefore, how to comprehensively analyze these organizational behavior phenomena from the perspective of decision-making, implementation and their relationship is an unavoidable practical problem for us to promote the modernization of the national governance system and capacity.

From the perspective of decision-making, correct decision-making is inseparable from in-depth investigation and research, a deep understanding of the problems that may arise in all aspects of decision-making, and systematic and authentic data, information and materials. For example, if the coal price is too low due to overcapacity, and you want to increase the coal price by limiting the production time, if you do not understand the actual production situation of coal mining enterprises with a wide range of points, and do not understand the situation that many coal mines are seriously overproducing due to the strong demand for thermal coal (for example, the administratively approved 2 million tons of coal mining capacity, many local private coal mines may overproduce according to 1,000 tons), and the production is limited according to the administratively approved production capacity data, then the consequence is bound to be an unexpected increase in coal prices. Due to the relationship between supply and demand, the actual implementation link often spreads the transaction tax to the buyers, and the result is that the price reduction policy has become a driving force for further promoting the rise in housing prices. Of course, in reality, it is impossible to require decision-makers to have a thorough and deep understanding of all walks of life, and it cannot be ruled out here that the inducement of various stakeholders and the distortion in the process of information transmission, as well as the deviation of the guiding ideology and theoretical understanding of macroeconomic regulation and control, and the eagerness of some government departments to achieve results lead to detachment from reality.

Due to the vast territory of the mainland, the situation of regions and industries is very different, and it is restricted by cross-industry, cross-departmental and even human factors, there are many transmission links, and it is actually more difficult to grasp the real data and information.

From the perspective of implementation, in order to ensure the effective implementation of decision-making, the transmission mechanism of implementation needs to be supported by rigid and authoritative institutions, as well as effective and timely supervision and guarantee. However, there are often large differences in resources, talents, and people's customs between mainland regions, and in reality, there are different demands of different stakeholders, and the implementation process must also face many changes in the actual situation. Therefore, the central government always puts forward that the implementation of various policies needs to be combined with the actual situation in various places in the implementation of the policy, which is obviously correct as a principle, but the problem lies precisely in this "combination", because this link is the most prone to the problem of taking what each needs and even violating the yang and the yin! Taking the contradiction between the central and local governments in the distribution of fiscal and tax expenditures as an example, local governments often proceed from the reality of increasing their own tax revenues, ignore the various hard constraints of the central government's planning, or use the changing situation as an excuse to think that the original planning is unscientific, and through various channels, bypass the constraints to increase project investment, which ultimately leads to serious overcapacity in many fields. In reality, it is often easy to break away from the rigid constraints of national planning on the grounds that it is not suitable for administrative intervention, and many ministries and commissions lack a series of standardized management mechanisms from strategy, planning to annual project implementation and adjustment, and post-project evaluation, resulting in very weak planning constraints in some macro departments of the state. What is even more serious is that due to the lack of constraints in reality, in turn, planning work may become a weakness that cannot be taken seriously and gradually degenerate into a formalistic and head-pat work. Over time, the so-called lazy government, mediocre government, and the trend of conformism seem unavoidable.

From the analysis of the relationship between decision-making and implementation, it seems natural that the correctness of any decision should be judged by the actual effect of implementation, and this itself requires that decision-making must cover the whole process of implementation. However, in reality, decision-making and execution are inevitably different subjects that are separated, and sometimes they are often distorted in the implementation process, making the correct decision-making unrecognizable. And so, the troublesome question arises! If we look at it from the perspective of results, then it is often difficult to identify whether there is a problem in the decision-making link or the implementation link, and even the mutual cause and effect becomes an inexplicable contradiction. Many things in history that are powerless are the result of such problems being entangled and falling into a vicious circle. For example, at the end of Chongzhen, in order to increase the encirclement and suppression of "rogue bandits", it was necessary to increase taxes, but the increase in taxes led to more conflicts between the government and the people, leading to a vicious circle and falling into the law of historical cycles that could not be escaped. Another example of this kind of problem is that the State Council has asked all provinces to speed up the establishment of government-funded financial companies mainly for public welfare, in order to solve the problem of small and medium-sized enterprises with difficulty in obtaining loans, which is obviously the correct decision. However, whether it is the cost of the financing company or the cost that should be borne by the bank, it must be responsible for the preservation and appreciation of the value of the state-owned capital contribution, so some banks and guarantee companies have joined forces to designate that customers must find a certain company to guarantee, and the guarantee company requires that the income be charged far more than the normal rate. In this way, many of our decision-making measures aimed at solving the financing difficulties of small and micro enterprises have objectively become the reasons for the high cost of financing for small and micro enterprises, and the original intention and result of the decision-making are very different, which is obviously what we did not think of when we designed the policy. So at this time, can we easily criticize the right and wrong decisions from the results of implementation? Apparently not! Historically, if we look at the controversy between the two noble statesmen of the Northern Song Dynasty, Wang Anshi and Sima Guang, and the results of their administration, it is obviously difficult to correctly find the reasons for the failure of reform if we simply assume that one side is right and wrong.

The above analysis from the three aspects of decision-making, execution and the relationship between the two reveals an important complex problem about organizational behavior in the process of governance of our big country: one is the problem of accurate and clear micro numbers, and the other is the problem of rigid link and effective transformation of all links from macro to micro policy transmission. Since the social system is complex, pluralistic and open, it must include both quantitative and qualitative issues, and the combination of qualitative and quantitative issues and their transformation must also be considered. Obviously, this is by no means a long-term solution to the philosophical principle of "taking into account the overall situation, treating both the symptoms and the root causes, properly handling various relationships, and combining policies with actual conditions." Historically, many of the best leaders of our nation have worked hard and exhausted, and have died after death, but unfortunately it is inevitable that they will inevitably repeat the regret of the death of the people. This inspires us to pay attention to the limitations of human capabilities by analyzing the laws of organizational behavior of the governance of large countries, and then rely on advanced productivity tools - social organization management technology to solve the problem! "If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools" ("Analects of Wei Linggong"), which is obviously talking about this truth.

5. The modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity requires the vigorous promotion and application of social organization management technology

Society is a complex, open system. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the first generation of leading collectives headed by Mao Zedong has made a great deal of exploration on the issue of how to build socialism, whether it is "On the Ten Major Relations", "Sixty Articles on Working Methods (Draft)" (1958), "Seventy Articles on Industry" (1961), and "Sixty Articles on Agriculture" (1961), all of which have left us a valuable legacy. In addition, the explorations of the first generation of scientists in New China, headed by Qian Xuesen, Hua Luogeng, and Li Siguang, are also worthy of serious inheritance and exploration. Qian Xuesen believes that "our socialist country, a socialist country with a population of 1.2 billion, such a large country, how to improve the efficiency of this office and administrative system, this is a big problem" (Qian Xuesen on System Science [Speech]", Science Press, 2011 edition, p. 81). He attaches great importance to the qualitative and quantitative approach of integrated functional offices, and believes that "how can we achieve stable, sustained and coordinated development?" A few days ago, I read an article introducing Liu Shaoqi's thoughts in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Whether we were Comrade Shaoqi or Chairman Mao at that time, we were all kind-hearted, and the qualitative things we talked about were all correct, and we did a lot of good things, but we had to quantify them" (ibid., p. 52). After listening to Comrade Qian Xuesen's report that year, Comrade Song Ping also profoundly pointed out: "The other thing is the qualitative and quantitative decision-making, which should indeed be quantitative. It is always qualitative, without using the current technology, without powerful tools, and without a quantitative system, that is, everyone is discussing policies, rather than analyzing on a quantitative basis, and providing a possible data, which is unscientific and subjectively arbitrary. The social system is so complex, with so much data, that people really can't fit much in their heads, and it's okay to have ten or eight, but too much is really not enough" (ibid., p. 70).

Comrade Qian Xuesen held that we are currently facing a social system in deepening reform. "The social system is a special open and complex giant system, and its complexity can be summarized as follows: the subsystems of the system can communicate with each other in various ways; There are many types of subsystems, each with its own qualitative model; The expression of knowledge in each subsystem is different, and knowledge is acquired in various ways; The structure of the subsystem in the system will change with the evolution of the system, so the structure of the system is constantly changing" (Qian Xuesen, "Creating Systematics", Shanghai Jiaotong Publishing House, 2007, p. 110). Therefore, "empirical methods alone are not enough, there must be modern scientific methods" (Qian Xuesen). He believes that "the problems in our country today are, first, that there is no overall observation, and second, that there is no observation of time changes, and these two are fatal keys" (Qian Xuesen on System Science (Speech), Science Press, 2011, p. 29). After conscientiously summing up the lessons and lessons learned in the mainland's socialist construction since the founding of the People's Republic of China, he said: "If we do not use our method to build socialism, and if we do not establish a number of general design departments as I mentioned, there will really be tens of thousands of people and such a team to engage in this thing, and I will say that it is not possible, and we will still make mistakes and toss" (ibid., p. 53).

He analyzed that "the primary productive force is man's ability to transform the objective world, so the primary productive force also includes the methods of management in natural science, engineering technology and social sciences and other related content" (Jiang Lu, ed., "Qian Xuesen on System Science (Speech)", Science Press, 2011, p. 139). He was very concerned about the development of social sciences in the mainland, and pointed out that "what should the Academy of Social Sciences do in the future, the central topic of this is that social sciences should be combined with natural sciences" (Jiang Lu, ed., Qian Xuesen on System Science (Speech), Science Press, 2011, p. 76).

When learning from the experience of foreign countries, he analyzed: "There is another common situation, that is, to introduce how a certain country has done things in a certain historical period, and it seems to be very successful, so can we do the same with him?" I'm afraid I can't say for sure. Under its specific conditions, it is a successful measure for a certain period of time, but is it okay to get it to the mainland? I'm afraid that I can't be sure of borrowing foreign methods. At present, the problems that have arisen in the development and reform of our country, and as mentioned earlier, are the problems that have arisen in the course of rapid development and change, which make us feel that they are indeed complicated, and the old methods are not enough, and there is another method that should be considered in addition to the above-mentioned methods, which is the system engineering that I want to introduce. (Journal of Chinese Renmin University, No. 02, 1988).

Comrade Qian Xuesen is a natural scientist who has made outstanding contributions to the mainland's "two bombs and one satellite" cause, and he believes that management science is "an emerging science and technology that can solve problems in organization, management, and decision-making in the course of socialist construction on the mainland, and provide advice to leaders" (Qian Xuesen, From Engineering Management to Social Management, Science Press, 2011, p. 89). Before his death, Premier Zhou Enlai hoped that Qian Lao would promote the management experience of "two bombs and one satellite" to other social fields. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the mainland's reform and opening up, and the memory of the older generation of revolutionaries and scientists who led and built New China is a tremendous driving force that inspires and spurs us to carry forward the past and forge ahead into the future, contribute to the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and contribute to the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The ancients said, "Those who do not seek eternity are not enough to seek a moment; Those who do not seek the overall situation are not enough to seek a domain". We study and summarize the general laws of China's social organization behavior from a long-span history, and closely combine the current background of the rapid development of digital information and artificial intelligence technology. It is necessary to pay more attention to the specific application of combining system science and thinking science; It is necessary to pay more attention to the innovation of combining social science and natural science; It is necessary to train and employ a large number of party and state administrative officials who understand the management techniques of social organizations; It is necessary to pay more attention to the excavation of the essence of traditional Chinese culture and the integration and interpretation of modern science and technology. At the same time, we should actively promote the sinicization of Marxism, pay attention to the distinction between the overall law and the partial law and the study of different application categories, study the application of the combination of qualitative and quantitative things and their transformation, and study the quantitative operation model of overall planning and various dialectical relationships. In turn, it will lay a solid theoretical and material foundation for the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity.

(Source: Kunlun Ce Network [Original] Revised Draft, Author's Authorized Release)

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