
Follow Cai Lan, who can eat, find all kinds of food, taste the taste of food, and eat the beautiful emotions in the world

author:I'm here

In the current Internet era, some people often joke that when you are in a bad mood, there is nothing that cannot be solved by one meal, and if it really can't be solved, then there are two or three meals.

From this point of view, eating does have the effect of comforting our body and mind, because in the long years of human beings, food has been our first need. Maslow's theory of needs gives the same view. In his theory of needs, the first is the need for survival, and for survival, is there anything more important than eating? All other human needs can only be fulfilled after food and clothing have been satisfied.

Follow Cai Lan, who can eat, find all kinds of food, taste the taste of food, and eat the beautiful emotions in the world

As the most basic needs, the vast majority of people have already met the lowest survival needs. If you only eat from time to time, then other functions will be more prominent, not only to eat full, but also to eat well, to eat out of life, to eat out of charm, and even to eat out of culture, to import food into other levels of demand theory.

This is what some of the individuals in our lives who are delicious, can eat and have a very rich cultural literacy can stand out, they use food to express their thoughts, they use food to warm more people's hearts, and heal more souls.

Follow Cai Lan, who can eat, find all kinds of food, taste the taste of food, and eat the beautiful emotions in the world

Cai Lan, one of the "Four Great Talents in Hong Kong", since he is among the four great talents, his talent is beyond doubt. This is evidenced by his outstanding achievements in various fields. He is a host, he is a filmmaker, he is more importantly a gourmet, he has a unique view of eating, of course, he is also a writer, he has his own experience and experience about eating and various details of tasting food stories in the form of words, so that more people can feel the charm of eating through his words.

Follow Cai Lan, who can eat, find all kinds of food, taste the taste of food, and eat the beautiful emotions in the world

Cai Lan's collection of essays "Things in the Heart, Explanation of the Tip of the Tongue" is a collection of the author's words about eating. Here, Cai Lan takes us to taste a variety of delicacies with his extensive knowledge and enjoy the beautiful experience brought by food.

Cai Lan's texts, because most of them are published in the media, are short and concise, generally only about 1,000 words, but each article can bring enjoyment, a kind of food-related information sharing, and this kind of text makes us read it with unique charm, so that in such a fast-paced era, we can complete the reading of an article in the shortest time, and feel the understanding of food-related stories.

Follow Cai Lan, who can eat, find all kinds of food, taste the taste of food, and eat the beautiful emotions in the world

The author tells us a lot about food here, such as the best dish or the home-cooked food made by his own family. Because it's not just a taste, it's an infinite amount of emotion. And eating is indeed not only about the taste, but also about eating everything that is beautiful beyond the taste.

What about specific cuisines? Cai Lan also shared a lot for us, such as a simple egg fried rice, how to make it delicious, the author gave a lot of practical suggestions, and even took us to complete the production of a simple and delicious food.

Follow Cai Lan, who can eat, find all kinds of food, taste the taste of food, and eat the beautiful emotions in the world

What about the emotions of food? How can we heal our hearts? Cai Lan also has his own opinions here, such as many people think that some unhealthy foods should be avoided or eaten less as much as possible. But in the eyes of foodies, it is a completely different cognition. Because in their opinion, physical and mental pleasure is the best state of health, and for the sake of so-called health to destroy their good mood, it is a kind of gain that outweighs the loss.

Follow Cai Lan, who can eat, find all kinds of food, taste the taste of food, and eat the beautiful emotions in the world

The author even used Akira Kurosawa as an example, when he knew that eggs were harmful to his body, he liked eggs instead, and ate more and more, but this did not prevent him from living to be 88 years old.

Eating is the most wonderful thing in the world, so let's follow Cai Lan, who can eat, to find all kinds of delicacies, taste the taste of food, and eat the most beautiful emotions in the world through the reading of such a collection of essays. #散文##蔡澜##蔡澜人生笔记#

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