
From the emperor to the commoners, there is no escape from this iron law, and these are examples


Kou Zuren, an official of the Northern Wei Dynasty. At the end of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Emperor Yuanzi of Wei Xiaozhuang killed the powerful minister Er Zhurong. Er Zhurong's nephew Er Zhuzhao took advantage of the excuse to raise troops from Taiyuan and soon invaded Luoyang. The royal family of the Northern Wei Dynasty, King Yuanhui of Chengyang carried 100 catties of gold and 50 horses to the former Luoyang Ling Kou Zuren. Kou Zuren's three assassins were all recommended by Yuan Hui in the past, so Yuan Hui fled here. Who knew that Kou Zuren pretended to receive Yuan Hui, but said in private: "Er Zhu Zhao is offering a heavy reward for Yuan Hui, and today he is really rich and noble." ”

So he frightened Yuan Hui and said that the pursuers had arrived, and asked him to flee for his life, and then robbed Yuan Hui on the road, and took his head to Er Zhu Zhao to receive the reward.

That night, Er Zhu Zhao dreamed of the dead Yuan Hui and said: "I gave Kou Zuren 200 catties of gold and 100 horses, all of which are with him. ”

Er Zhuzhao then grabbed Kou Zuren and asked for the property that Yuan Hui said in his dream. Kou Zuren confessed: "There are not so many at all, only 100 catties of gold and 50 horses. ”

But at this time, Er Zhuzhao didn't believe it at all, thinking that the amount in the dream was real, so he suspected Kou Zuren of concealing it and tortured him. Kou Zuren was in pain, and had no choice but to take his own 30 catties of gold and 30 horses, which were all the property of the Kou family. However, Er Zhuzhao still didn't believe it, and in a fit of rage, he beat Kou Zuren to death. Kou Zuren couldn't take out the 200 catties of gold and 100 horses that Yuan Hui said in his dream until he died, and what was even more tragic was that Yuan Hui had been killed by him, and in the face of doubling the blood debt, Kou Zuren didn't even have a chance to defend and confront him.

Fan Ye, an official of the Liu and Song dynasties of the Southern Dynasty, is a famous historian. Fan Ye is the author of the Book of the Later Han Dynasty and is extremely talented. "The Book of the Later Han Dynasty" is also known as an outstanding work in the history books of the past dynasties, but Fan Ye's character has beaten his world-class talent. When Fan Ye's old leader, Liu Yikang, the king of Pengcheng, died of his mother, Fan Ye and his younger brother opened the window, listened to the elegy, drank and had fun. And Fan Ye's own mother-in-law (non-biological mother) was sick, and he didn't go home immediately. It wasn't until his mother-in-law died that Fan Ye took the prostitutes all the way.

After Liu Yikang, the king of Pengcheng, was dismissed, Liu Yikang's confidant Kong Xixian conspired to elect Liu Yikang as emperor. Kong Xi first deliberately lost a lot of money to Fan Ye, and then instigated him to rebel together, and finally Fan Ye decided to join, but he was wiped out before he started. In prison, Fan Ye was very afraid of death, and even the jailer laughed at him and said: "It is rumored that you may be imprisoned for a long time." ”

Fan Ye was very happy, and his accomplices laughed at him one after another: "In the past, you pretended to be a hero, but today you are restless, afraid of dying to this point." Even if the emperor lets you live, what kind of face do you have to live if you plot (rebel)? ”

Before the execution, Fan Ye was at the front, and he asked again: "Is today's order by (official)?" ”

The accomplice said, "The thief head first. ”

When he was about to be sentenced, Fan Ye's mother and wife wept goodbye one after another, but Fan Ye was not ashamed. When his sister and the prostitutes came to say goodbye, Fan Ye cried sadly and burst into tears. Fan Ye was only 48 years old when he died. When the imperial court raided the house, it was found that Fan Ye's home was extremely luxurious, and the prostitutes and concubines were all dressed in gorgeous clothes. Only Fan Ye's mother lives in a simple small house, his nephew has no quilt in winter, and his uncle has single clothes all year round. When Fan Ye was a teenager, his elder brother often said: "This child likes to chase fame and fortune, and he will eventually ruin the family." ”

Unexpectedly, he was unfortunately said by his brother in the end. It's really talented, but it can't hide all kinds of inferior products.

From the emperor to the commoners, there is no escape from this iron law, and these are examples

Ancient officials

Zhao Ran, a former Zhao general of the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms. At the end of the Western Jin Dynasty, Zhao besieged Chang'an. After Zhao Ran won several battles, he was very proud. Chang Shi Luwei persuaded him: "Now that the monarchs and ministers of the Western Jin Dynasty refuse to die, the general should arrange the whole army and not underestimate the enemy." ”

Zhao Ran said: "I defeated them and destroyed them, I want to capture their boss alive and eat him." ”

The next day, Zhao Ran led hundreds of elite horsemen to battle, but returned defeated. However, Zhao Ran said angrily: "I don't listen to Lu Hui's words, so what kind of face do I have to meet him." ”

actually killed Lu Hui.

Before his execution, Lu Hui said: "The general is stubborn and does not listen to advice, but now he holds a grudge against people who are smarter than you, and kills Zhongliang to vent his personal anger." During the Eastern Han Dynasty, Yuan Shao's advisor Tian Feng repeatedly offered his advice but was not adopted, but Yuan Shao was defeated, faced Tian Feng without face, and killed him. Yuan Shao does it first, you do it last, and your failure and demise will only end the same. If the deceased knows, I will worship Tian Feng as a teacher in the underground, and accuse you in the Yellow Spring, so that you will not die well. ”

Soon, Zhao Ran invaded the northern land, and suddenly dreamed that Lu Hui was furious and pulled a bow to shoot him, but the strange thing is that when he attacked the city the next day, Zhao Ran was really killed by an arrow.

The (cause) effect of Zhao Ran in this story is obvious, and he reaped the consequences after killing Lu Hui for no reason. So from Lu Hui's point of view, how should a superior like Zhao Ran avoid trouble? The Analects of the Analects of Advanced Confucius records: "The so-called ministers should serve the monarch with the way, and they must not stop", which means that the ministers should advise the monarch with the right way, and if it does not work, they must stop. The Analects of Yan Yuan records: "Zigong asked to make friends, Zi said, advice and good way, do not stop, do not humiliate yourself", which means advice, and to be guided by good words, if it does not work, it must be stopped, and do not bring humiliation on yourself.

There is also a chapter in "The Analects of Wei Linggong" that says: "Zi said, you can talk with words but not with words, and lose people; Don't talk with words, lose your words; The wise man does not lose his words, and the man does not lose his words", which means that you can talk to him, but if you don't say it, you will lose this person; You can't talk to him, but if you want to say it, that's called a gaffe; A wise man does not lose his words, nor does he lose his words. Therefore, the way of working and making friends in Chinese culture has never been one-hearted and reckless. Whether in the workplace or making friends, persuade with righteous and good words, but it also varies from person to person, pay attention to ways and means, and stop if it doesn't work; Otherwise, it will be unpleasant at least, and at worst, it will bring humiliation and self-inflicted misfortune.

Lü Guang, the monarch of the Later Liang State of the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms. In 389 AD, Fu Yao, the governor of Zhangye County, was killed by Yin Xing, the county commander of Qiuchi County, when he was assessing his subordinate counties. Yin Xing threw Fu Yao's body into a dry well. One night, Fu Yao told Lu Guang in a dream: "The minister is a small official of Zhangye County, and he was ordered to inspect and assess all counties. Qiu Chi County ordered Yin Xing to pervert the law for bribes and gain a bad reputation, and because he was afraid that the ministers would play according to the truth, he killed the ministers and threw his body into an empty well in Nanting. The shape of the minister's clothes is like this. ”

Subsequently, Lu Guang ordered a thorough investigation into the matter, and the result turned out to be exactly the same as what Fu Yao said in his dream. Lü Guang was furious and immediately executed Yin Xing. Yin Xing plotted to kill Fu Yao, thinking that he was hiding from the world, but what he didn't expect was that there was such an operation as "suing the emperor in a dream". Some people may think it is incredible, but there was a master of Zhou Yi of the Three Kingdoms who was in charge before, and revealed the murder case that had been sealed for many years through (hexagram) elephants.

The records of the two generations of history books are equally shocking, so do you think that no one knows about the evils that no one knows? Also, doing good deeds has not been rewarded for the time being, and evil deeds have not been rewarded for the time being, but in the face of time and space, do you guess whether it is the final truth? We may not know when good will blossom and when evil will bear fruit, but the only thing we know for sure is that they will come somewhere in our life's journey, inadvertently, as expected. Skynet is magnificent, negligent but not leaky, gentleman cautious, dark room is not deceiving.

From the emperor to the commoners, there is no escape from this iron law, and these are examples

Ancient officials

Yuan Cang, prime minister of the Southern Dynasty Liu Song. In 477 AD, Xiao Daocheng, a powerful minister of the Liu Song Dynasty (who later established the Southern Qi Dynasty), took control of the government and was ambitious. Yuan Cang raised an army to resist, and was destroyed after the defeat. At that time, Yuan Cang only had a little son left, only a few years old, and the wet nurse took the younger son and went to Yuan Can's student Di Lingqing. Who knew that Di Lingqing said: "I heard that there is a heavy reward for handing over this child, and now that the Yuan clan is gone, who are you hiding his little son for?" ”

Subsequently, Di Lingqing actually hugged the only remaining youngest son of the Yuan family to denounce. The nurse was grief-stricken, and said to the heavens: "Yuan Gong was kind to you in the past, so I took the risk to come to you, but you want to kill his only remaining son to seek a small profit." If heaven and earth (God) knew it, I would see you destroyed. ”

After Yuan Can's youngest son was killed, Di Lingqing often saw Yuan Can's youngest son riding a long-haired dog playing as usual. More than a year later, a dog suddenly ran to Di Lingqing's house and bit Di Lingqing to death on the spot in the courtyard. After a while, Di Lingqing's wife and children also died, and this dog was the one that Yuan Cang's youngest son often ridden.

Wen Tao, the most famous tomb robber in history. Wen Tao was a thief when he was a teenager, and later defected to Zhu Wen, the emperor of Later Liang. During the seven years that Wen Tao served as the envoy of Yaozhou, he dug up the imperial tombs of the Tang Dynasty in the territory, and the history records "all the excavations". Only when the Qianling Tomb where Tang Gaozong Li Zhi and Wu Zetian were buried together, it was not successful because of the sudden wind and rain. Among the imperial tombs excavated by Wen Tao, the Zhaoling Tomb of Taizong of the Tang Dynasty is the most solid, containing books from previous generations, as well as works by famous calligraphers Zhong Xuan and Wang Xizhi. When Wen Tao stole it, he still wrote and wrote as new, and later it all flowed to the people.

After the fall of the Later Liang, Wen Tao took refuge in the Later Tang Dynasty, and Guo Chongtao, a famous minister of the Later Tang Dynasty, said: "This is a thief who plundered the imperial tomb, and the crime is unforgivable!" ”

But Wen Tao was able to avoid death by bribing Empress Tang Liu. However, after Tang Mingzong succeeded to the throne, Wen Tao was exiled to Texas and finally died. Wen Tao has three sons, Wen Yanjun, Wen Yanzhao, and Wen Yanbiao. In the early years of Tianfu in the Later Jin Dynasty, the general Zhang Congbin made a rebellion, and Wen Tao's three sons went to take refuge. But Zhang Congbin thought they were too much to control, and beheaded all three of Wen Tao's sons. So if it weren't for the lightning and thunder, wind and rain, all the Tang Dynasty imperial tombs might not have been spared. Wen Tao, the (most) notorious tomb robber in history, even if he dug 17 imperial tombs in a row and stole a lot of wealth, he could not escape the tragic life of being given death and all three sons being killed.

Five generations later, the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Li Cunmiao, was brave and good at fighting all his life, but after he destroyed the Later Liang, he had no skills in governing (the country), and even created a peculiar phenomenon - pampering the fortunate servants. Lingren, also known as Youling, refers to musicians, opera and other entertainers. Li Cunmiao liked Lingren very much in his early years, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he even reused Lingren as officials, resulting in many soldiers who were born and died not being appointed. And the servants even participated in the (political) council (politics) and bullied the minister.

In 926 AD, when Wang Yan, the last emperor of the former Shu, returned to the Later Tang Dynasty, Li Cunqiao swore an oath to the sun and the moon, promising to keep him immortal. However, when Wang Yan entered the court, Li Cunqiao followed the advice of the servant Jingjin and killed Wang Yan's family on the way. Wang Yan's mother, Xu Shi, shouted before she died: "My son surrendered with one (country), but he was killed, and his faith and righteousness were abandoned, and I know that your calamity will soon follow." ”

Coincidentally, more than ten days later, Guo Congqian, a general who was once a Lingren, suddenly (rebelled) and attacked Xingjiaomen (Gongmen). Li Cunqiao was shot dead in the melee at the age of 42. Subsequently, another person piled up musical instruments on Li Cunmiao's body and set fire to his body, which is known as the "Xingjiaomen Change" in history. This overlord of the Five Dynasties period spoiled the servants all his life, but in the end he died at the hands of the servants, and his reputation was wasted, but it is not sad!

From the emperor to the commoners, there is no escape from this iron law, and these are examples


Li Qi, a traitor in the Tang Dynasty, was originally a relative of the royal family, and he relied on bribery (bribery) to get the fat difference of the Runzhou Assassin and the salt and iron envoy, and then continued to loot the people's wealth and give it to Tang Dezong to gain favor. However, Li Qi was arrogant and lawless, doing whatever he wanted, first killing the local people who exposed him, and then cruelly distributing (eating) to persuade his subordinates, and even recruiting troops and horses, secretly plotting evil.

In the early years of Tang Xianzong's Yuan and early years, someone (faced) said: "The Danyang woman Zheng will give birth to the Son of Heaven." ”

When Li Qi heard about it, he took Zheng as a concubine, and delusionally imagined that he would become the father of the Son of Heaven, so he raised troops the next year. However, only a little more than a month later, Li Qi and his son Li Shihui were captured by their subordinates and returned to the capital, and they were all beheaded immediately. However, the story does not end, after Li Qi's death, the concubine Zheng he married was punished into the palace as a traitor and dependent, and served as the maid of Tang Xianzong Guo Guifei.

Unexpectedly, the Zheng family was fortunate by Tang Xianzong and gave birth to the 13th son Li Chen for Tang Xianzong. Due to their humble status, Zheng and his son Li Chen have been ignored for a long time. Until the death of Tang Wuzong, the eunuch Ma Yuanzhen and others thought that Li Chen was easy to control, so they supported Li Chen to succeed him. Li Chen, that is, Tang Xuanzong, who has the title of "Lord of Zhongxing" in the Tang Dynasty and is called "Little Taizong". The Zheng family, who Li Qiqiang married as a concubine, really gave birth to a son of heaven, but the father of the son of heaven was not Li Qi.

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