
Female ranking general Li Juan: Her ex-boyfriend married Wei Qiuyue, how is her emotional condition?

author:Nian Entertainment Sports

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Female ranking general Li Juan: Her ex-boyfriend married Wei Qiuyue, how is her emotional condition?


Li Juan has comprehensive skills and is the "all-round warrior" of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

She has helped the Chinese women's volleyball team win the championship of the Doha Asian Games, the third place in the Beijing Olympic Games, and also helped the Tianjin women's volleyball team win the championship many times.

She once broke up with Yuan Lingxi after falling in love, Yuan Lingxi and Wei Qiuyue fell in love, and it was rumored on the Internet that Wei Qiuyue pried away Li Juan's boyfriend and caused a conflict.

In fact, after Li Juan and Yuan Lingxi broke up, Yuan Lingxi and Wei Qiuyue fell in love, although this rumor is not true, but the relationship between the three is delicate.

When the Chinese Volleyball Academy held the opening ceremony of the exhibition, Li Juan, Wei Qiuyue and others participated, and the two were far apart.

Female ranking general Li Juan: Her ex-boyfriend married Wei Qiuyue, how is her emotional condition?

From "all-round warrior" to winner in life

Li Juan's story begins in Tianjin, a city that has given birth to countless athletes.

From an early age, she showed a strong interest and talent for volleyball, and began her volleyball career in elementary school.

Under the careful cultivation of Tianjin Sports School.

Li Juan has grown rapidly, not only improving her skills day by day, but also exercising her perseverance and willpower.

Female ranking general Li Juan: Her ex-boyfriend married Wei Qiuyue, how is her emotional condition?

The stage of the Tianjin women's volleyball team has become the starting point of her career, and it is also the place where she shows herself and chases her dreams.

In 2002, Li Juan's name was engraved into the roster of the Chinese women's volleyball team for the first time.

This marks another important milestone in her career.

The journey of the national team has not been smooth sailing, and the short experience of leaving the team has made Li Juan cherish every opportunity to represent the country even more.

Female ranking general Li Juan: Her ex-boyfriend married Wei Qiuyue, how is her emotional condition?

After her return, she shined on the international stage as the main attacker and won numerous honors for the Chinese women's volleyball team.

The crowns in important competitions, including the World Championship and the Asian Cup, show the true strength of the "all-round warrior".

The 2008 Beijing Olympics was one of the highlights of Li Juan's career.

In that high-profile match, she relied on her excellent play and consistent technique.

Female ranking general Li Juan: Her ex-boyfriend married Wei Qiuyue, how is her emotional condition?

contributed key points to the Chinese women's volleyball team.

Despite failing to stand on the top podium in the end, Li Juan's performance earned respect and praise from all over the world.

She has interpreted with practical actions what a real "all-round warrior" is.

In the world of competitive sports, love is like a beautiful landscape.

Female ranking general Li Juan: Her ex-boyfriend married Wei Qiuyue, how is her emotional condition?

The acquaintance of Li Juan and Yuan Lingxi stems from their common sports dreams and unremitting pursuit.

The two gradually got closer during their time with the national team, supporting each other and growing together.

The emotional road is not always smooth, and a beautiful relationship came to an end in 2009.

There are many speculations about the reasons for the breakup, but the real situation is best known only to the parties.

Female ranking general Li Juan: Her ex-boyfriend married Wei Qiuyue, how is her emotional condition?

After the breakup, the relationship between Yuan Lingxi and Wei Qiuyue became the focus of media attention.

But that doesn't stop them from moving forward in their respective career paths.

In the era of information explosion, there are endless rumors about the emotions between Li Juan, Yuan Lingxi, and Wei Qiuyue.

In the face of all kinds of speculation from the outside world, the three parties have always kept a low profile and rarely talked about private matters in public.

Female ranking general Li Juan: Her ex-boyfriend married Wei Qiuyue, how is her emotional condition?

Through media interviews, we learned that their relationship is far more complex than the outside world thinks, but it is also more mature.

Time is the best proof, and the three of them have now found their own happiness.

In 2013, Li Juan announced her retirement, ending her professional volleyball career for more than ten years.

After retiring from football, she chose to devote herself to volleyball education and devote herself to cultivating the next generation of volleyball talents.

Female ranking general Li Juan: Her ex-boyfriend married Wei Qiuyue, how is her emotional condition?

At the same time, she also actively participates in public welfare activities and uses her influence to give back to the society.

After retiring, Li Juan ushered in another chapter in her life - starting a family.

She and her husband have a son and a daughter, and the family life is happy.

Female ranking general Li Juan: Her ex-boyfriend married Wei Qiuyue, how is her emotional condition?

Although she has been retired for many years, she still has a deep friendship with her former teammates, and often meets to share the details of each other's lives.

Today's Li Juan, although she no longer gallops on the field, she still exudes dazzling light on the stage of life.

Female ranking general Li Juan: Her ex-boyfriend married Wei Qiuyue, how is her emotional condition?

From an "all-round warrior" in the volleyball world to a life coach

When the news of Li Juan's retirement came, countless fans were moved.

For her, it was a new beginning, a magnificent turnaround from athlete to life coach.

After retiring, Li Juan did not leave her beloved volleyball, but turned this love into the cultivation of the next generation of volleyball talents.

She knows that the inheritance of sportsmanship lies not only in the teaching of skills, but also in the guidance of spirit.

Female ranking general Li Juan: Her ex-boyfriend married Wei Qiuyue, how is her emotional condition?

When Li Juan served as a coach, she poured her experience and skills into the world.

She is not only a technical guide to the students, but also a spiritual mentor to them.

Li Juan emphasized that volleyball is not only a sport, but also a manifestation of team spirit and fighting spirit.

She encouraged the young players not only to strive for technical excellence, but also to learn to face failure.

Female ranking general Li Juan: Her ex-boyfriend married Wei Qiuyue, how is her emotional condition?

Draw strength from setbacks and keep moving forward.

In addition to volleyball education, Li Juan also actively participates in various public welfare activities and transmits positive energy with actions.

She knows that as a public figure, her every move can affect others, especially teenagers.

So, whether it's participating in charity runs or visiting children in poor mountainous areas.

Female ranking general Li Juan: Her ex-boyfriend married Wei Qiuyue, how is her emotional condition?

Li Juan always goes all out, hoping to inspire more people's love and sense of responsibility.

In addition to busy work, family is Li Juan's warmest harbor.

She and her husband run this loving little home together, and the laughter of a pair of children is her greatest comfort.

Li Juan often says: "Family is my strongest backing and the driving force for me to move forward." ”

Female ranking general Li Juan: Her ex-boyfriend married Wei Qiuyue, how is her emotional condition?

She firmly believes that a good balance between family and career is the only way to have a complete and fulfilling life.

Although she has been retired for many years, Li Juan's contact with her former teammates has never been interrupted.

Whether it's an online communication or an offline gathering, they can always quickly regain that familiar feeling.

Female ranking general Li Juan: Her ex-boyfriend married Wei Qiuyue, how is her emotional condition?

Over the years, they have experienced the joy of victory together, but also faced challenges and difficulties together.

In Li Juan's view, this friendship is a priceless treasure that transcends time and distance.

Female ranking general Li Juan: Her ex-boyfriend married Wei Qiuyue, how is her emotional condition?


Li Juan has gone from an "all-round warrior" in the volleyball world to a life coach, and she has interpreted what real sportsmanship is with practical actions.

It is not only the desire for victory, but also the love of life and the responsibility of social responsibility.

In the days to come, Li Juan will continue in her own way.

Influencing and inspiring more people, weaving a more brilliant chapter of life with love and dreams.

Female ranking general Li Juan: Her ex-boyfriend married Wei Qiuyue, how is her emotional condition?
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