
Is it easier to get a master's degree in insurance? Fake

author:Kangshi stone

In recent years, the scale of graduate enrollment has continued to expand, including that by 2020, the number of post-graduate students has accounted for more than 60% of the total number of master's students.

It seems that the golden age of professional masters is coming!?

So, is it easier to go ashore when you choose a master's degree in Baoyan?


Similar problems have been widely concerned in the insurance research circle. But the answer is:

Below, let's talk about the real situation of the insurance research master with some specific insurance research information.

Ensuring that a master's degree has become mainstream?

With the continuous expansion of the enrollment scale of professional masters,.

Earlier, the Ministry of Education issued the "Opinions on Further Promoting the Development of Academic Degree and Professional Degree Graduate Education", which proposes to further expand the scale of colleges and universities recommending exemption (preliminary examination) to recruit professional degree graduates, that is, in the research projects of various universities.

Is it easier to get a master's degree in insurance? Fake

"Opinions on Further Promoting the Development of Classification of Academic Degree and Professional Degree Graduate Education" Source:

In addition, the above "Opinions" also proposed that the enrollment scale of professional and master's students will be expanded to about two-thirds of the total enrollment scale of master's students. It means that the master's degree will account for more than 2/3 of the master's students, and its gold content and social recognition are rising.

Is it easier to get a master's degree in insurance? Fake

China Education Daily released "The Mainland Deepens the Development of Graduate Education Classification" Source:

Judging from the actual situation of various colleges and universities, most colleges and universities have a large number of students and a small number of students. For example, in 24 years, it is planned to recruit 32 masters, but only 9 masters, compared to less than 1/3 of the number of masters.

Is it easier to get a master's degree in insurance? Fake

China Academy of Art 2024 Full-time Professional Degree Master's Degree Supplementary Table

Is it easier to get a master's degree in insurance? Fake

"China Academy of Art 2024 Full-time Academic Master's Degree Schedule" Source:

For another example, according to the major, students who want to apply for a master's degree can choose; Students who want to enroll in a master's degree can choose it.

In short, there are more majors with master's degrees than master's degree majors, and the number of students who plan to recruit master's degrees is naturally more than master's degrees.

Is it easier to get a master's degree in insurance? Fake

Therefore, the more places for professional and master's degree guarantees, the easier it is to go ashore?

However, the relatively large number of professional and master's degrees gives students more opportunities to choose. For example, last year, most of them chose to specialize in master's degrees, such as master's degree in innovative design and entrepreneurship, master's degree in interaction design, product and service system design, etc., and only one student chose the master's degree in design strategy and management.

Is it easier to get a master's degree in insurance? Fake

However, as far as the difficulty of insurance research is concerned, it cannot be solved by a single dimension, but is affected by a variety of factors. ↓↓↓

Guarantee a master's degree, less difficult?

As mentioned above, the national policy encourages the development of professional and master's degrees to meet the market's demand for practical talents, and the relatively large number of professional and master's enrollment places in these universities has dispersed the competitive pressure of professional and master's degrees to a certain extent, but it does not mean that the difficulty of securing research for professional and master's degrees is relatively low.

If you want to talk about the difficulty of research, you can't talk about it in isolation from the institution. Some of the top universities in the industry, such as Tsinghua University, CAFA, Gome, Tongji, Shanghai Jiaotong, etc., have attracted a large number of outstanding students to compete for research places due to their academic reputation and strong faculty, so the competition is very fierce.

For example, I once shared with you that at the Shanghai Jiaotong University (engineering) summer camp he signed up for last year, hundreds of people submitted registration materials in the preliminary screening stage, and then a total of 57 people in the three directions of card design were qualified to participate in the camp.

Is it easier to get a master's degree in insurance? Fake

NN, a student of the 23rd class of Hanyi, successfully obtained a master's degree in interaction design (professional master's degree) from Tongji University

So, what is the first screening of summer camp?

Sieve academic background, sifter portfolio, sift competition, sift practical experience...

Later, NN classmates took and also got a master's degree in interaction design.

However, some ordinary universities or non-popular majors may have relatively less competitive pressure. However, even so, it still takes a lot of effort and sweat to stand out from the crowd.

Is it easier to get a master's degree in insurance? Fake

Hanyi's 23rd students successfully secured offers from various universities (partial)


In fact, you can make a choice according to your own personal career planning and hobbies.

Because for the vast majority of art students, especially those who take the path of research and study, there is no essential difference between the enrollment portrait of a master's degree and a master's degree.

For example, in addition to Article 1, students applying for a master's degree need to submit it, and students applying for a master's degree need to submit it, and the rest of the application materials are applicable to all applicants.

Whether it is a master's degree or a master's degree, everyone needs to submit portfolios, competition awards, patents, papers and other materials.

Is it easier to get a master's degree in insurance? Fake

Notice of 2024 Summer School Activities for Outstanding Students of the School of Design and Innovation of Tongji University

What is the focus of the insurance research?

Therefore, if students who have a research plan are still simply considering the number of students and choosing a master's degree or a master's degree, it will be too one-sided.

In other words, materials such as grades, awards, portfolios, and practical experience are the top priorities of the research institute.

For example, the School of Design and Art of Hunan University has stated in the promotion and exemption rules in previous years that it has won awards in international design competitions (such as the German Red Dot Design Award, the German IF Design Award, and the Japanese G-Mark Design Award) on behalf of Hunan University during the study period.

Is it easier to get a master's degree in insurance? Fake

Source: Official website of the School of Design and Art, Hunan University

The Communication University of China said that if there are "representative achievements" that have passed the review, that is, they will be awarded, and they can.

There are many schools that have such application rules for insurance research. Students who can win the award in advance are equivalent to cutting the difficulty of the research in half directly.

Another example is the interdisciplinary research of double non-professional background at Tongji University.

Even her achievements are far more than that, at that time in the summer camp stage, she got the qualification of 10 schools, due to time reasons, the best of the best, participated in Tongji, Nanjing Institute of Technology, Shenzhen University 3 colleges and universities of the summer camp, and all got the excellent camp, among them. In the end, she also got offers from 9 colleges and universities, including Southwest Jiaotong University, Shenzhen University, and Xidian University!

Is it easier to get a master's degree in insurance? Fake

Hanyi 22nd Student C Portfolio (Partial)

On the one hand, as soon as she entered the university, she began to prepare for the first grade, participate in competitions, publish papers, etc., and in the summer vacation of her freshman year, she came to the summer camp of the Chinese Art Competition to improve her background; On the other hand, after she estimated that she had the hope of getting a place in the research institute, she would also come to Hanyi to prepare a collection of research works. The overall preparation was very adequate.

Therefore, Baoyan is by no means a simple matter of choosing a master's degree or a master's degree. If you want to get a more secure way to go ashore, you might as well start with the "bonus points" such as portfolios, competitions, awards, papers, patents, and internship experience.

If you don't have a clue about these pluses, Hanyi can be a great guide for you!

For example, the winter/summer camp program, which specializes in domestic and foreign competitions, has won more than 100 awards at home and abroad in 23 years, and the German Red Dot, which has just been drawn in 24 this year, has won 7 awards. Other awards include, but are not limited to:...

Is it easier to get a master's degree in insurance? Fake

(It's those awards that can help everyone get a place in the insurance research "painlessly")

This year, Hanyi has once again prepared a new and upgraded summer camp course for everyone, including courses to cultivate everyone and improve soft power. Through this summer camp, we aim to greatly improve the success rate of your research and security!

Hanyi 2024 Competition|Study Abroad|Baoyan Summer Camp Booking Channel Officially Opens!

Is it easier to get a master's degree in insurance? Fake

There are also 24-year corporate internship background improvement projects, including but not limited to Huawei, Tencent, Byte, LVMH, Mercedes-Benz, Microsoft, Tesla, Dior, Chanel, Apple, GUCCI and other well-known enterprises at home and abroad.

This includes, but is not limited to: UI, UX, products, games, graphics, illustrations, clothing, jewelry, architecture, luxury management, art management, ......

H· ART Internship丨Huawei, Tencent, Byte, Apple, Microsoft, NetEase, LVMH, Mercedes-Benz Official Internship! Letters of recommendation + background support

Is it easier to get a master's degree in insurance? Fake

If you have any other questions related to art study, postgraduate entrance examination, research insurance, doctoral application, and portfolio creation, please send a private message to Kang Shishi.