
"Integration of France and Tourism", Gannan Duoba Court creates a new "maple" scenery in the scenic spot


In order to create a good legal environment and promote the healthy development of Zhuoni tourism, the People's Court of Zhuoni County, Gannan Prefecture has dug deep into the characteristic highlights and built the Duoba Court into the first "tourism court" in Zhuoni County, which is the first professional service scenic spot in Zhuoni County.

"Integration of France and Tourism", Gannan Duoba Court creates a new "maple" scenery in the scenic spot
"Integration of France and Tourism", Gannan Duoba Court creates a new "maple" scenery in the scenic spot

Recently, the police officers of the Duoba Court went to the Dayugou 4A-level tourist attraction to carry out the rule of law publicity into the scenic spot. During the publicity activities, court staff provided legal advice to tourists, distributed legal popularization brochures, and guided everyone to travel in a civilized and safe manner. Through case analysis, interpretation of laws and other methods, the focus is on providing accommodation, catering, transportation, shopping, entertainment and other services for tourism operators in scenic spots to carry out door-to-door law popularization services, advocating everyone to operate in good faith and abide by the law. In the Dayugou Tourist Service Center, lectures on hot topics such as tourism safety, environmental protection, and consumer rights protection were held to help everyone identify and prevent possible legal risks and avoid the occurrence of contradictions and disputes.

"Integration of France and Tourism", Gannan Duoba Court creates a new "maple" scenery in the scenic spot
"Integration of France and Tourism", Gannan Duoba Court creates a new "maple" scenery in the scenic spot

In the next step, the Duoba Court will give full play to the functions and roles of the tourism court, strive to extend the tentacles of judicial services, and smooth the green channel for the mediation of tourism disputes through various forms of activities to bring the law into the scenic spot, so as to realize the fast establishment, trial and conclusion of tourism disputes. Deepen the "court +" judicial linkage model, continuously broaden the ways to resolve tourism disputes, resolve all kinds of disputes in scenic spots in a timely manner, provide all-round and multi-level judicial guarantee for the healthy development of Zhuoni tourism, do a good job as the "escort" for the development of the tourism industry and the "defender" of the judicial needs of the masses, and contribute to the construction of a happy, beautiful and modern new Zhuoni. (Contributed by the Political and Legal Committee of the Gannan Prefecture Party Committee)

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