
This summer vacation "fun" where to play Baokang Liuzhuya is waiting for you!

author:Xiangyang Radio and Television Station

The summer vacation has arrived, and the Baokang Liuzhuya Ecological and Cultural Tourism Zone has been planned and carefully designed in advance, and a wonderful summer cultural tourism feast is waiting for you to taste.

This summer vacation "fun" where to play Baokang Liuzhuya is waiting for you!

Liuzhuya Ecological and Cultural Tourism Zone is located in Huanglongguan Village, Baokang County. It is adjacent to the Shennongjia forest area, with an average altitude of 1,200 meters. It is only 8 kilometers away from the exit of Baoshen Expressway, and only 20 minutes' drive from Baokang County Station and Shennongjia Station of Zhengyu High-speed Railway.

This summer vacation "fun" where to play Baokang Liuzhuya is waiting for you!

The forest coverage rate of Liuzhuya Ecological and Cultural Tourism Zone is 95%, the average temperature in summer is only 20 °C, and the content of negative oxygen ions is extremely high, making it a natural summer resort. Visitors drive up the road from the bottom of the mountain, and as the altitude increases, they can feel the coolness of the mountain even more.

This summer vacation "fun" where to play Baokang Liuzhuya is waiting for you!

At the top of the six-pillar hill at an altitude of 1,500 meters, visitors can sweat on the extreme sports field; You can also lie in the cabin and watch the sea of clouds play at your feet; When the neon lights flicker, light a bonfire, and invite friends to dance and sing in the night.

This summer vacation "fun" where to play Baokang Liuzhuya is waiting for you!

With the arrival of summer vacation, in order to welcome teachers and students who come to play, Liuzhuya Scenic Area will hold a starry sky concert and a cool summer carnival at the end of June and July respectively.

This summer vacation "fun" where to play Baokang Liuzhuya is waiting for you!
This summer vacation "fun" where to play Baokang Liuzhuya is waiting for you!
This summer vacation "fun" where to play Baokang Liuzhuya is waiting for you!

During the event, visitors can watch a large-scale fireworks show at the campsite, enjoy the passionate singing of the resident band, and party in the masquerade and firefly party, blending in with the summer starry sky.

Shi Huajian, deputy general manager of Baokang Liuzhuya Ecological and Cultural Tourism Zone, told reporters: "This camp is equipped with various types of outdoor camping experience areas such as wild wooden house area, canopy area, tent area, bonfire area, movie viewing area, and self-built area, which can accommodate 300 people camping at the same time. At that time, the scenic area will hold a carnival Songkran Festival, and visitors can cross the canyon, trace the river, and play in the water. You can also enjoy large-scale night shows, participate in various cultural and artistic activities, and plan to invite star bands to provide wonderful live performances for visitors. ”

(Reproduced without permission)

Source: Xiangyang Rong Media Center Economic Life Channel

Reporter: Ouyang Ruogu

Braided hair: Hu Jiefei | Editor: Xie Xuefei

Editor-in-charge: He Wen | Review: Huang Chao