
Build a strong line of defense for health and draw a blueprint for the prevention and control of chronic diseases

author:Ouyang Xiayu talks about health

At a time when food safety problems are frequent and air pollution is soaring, chronic diseases are like an invisible net, quietly invading public health.

In the face of this severe challenge, how can we effectively prevent and control chronic diseases and protect the evergreen tree of life?

Build a strong line of defense for health and draw a blueprint for the prevention and control of chronic diseases

1. Concept: Co-construction and sharing, everyone participates in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases

The concept of "everyone is the first person responsible for their own health" is like a beacon, illuminating the way for chronic disease prevention and control.

It advocates the formation of healthy lifestyles and behavioral habits in the whole society, and promotes health education and health promotion throughout the life cycle.

From individuals to groups, from the government to society, we should work together to build a health management model of "self-centered, interpersonal mutual assistance, social support, and government guidance".

Only in this way can the seeds of health be sown in everyone's hearts, so that the concept of prevention can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the prevention and control of chronic diseases can be realized.

2. Action: Focus on prevention and strengthen early screening of chronic diseases

Prevention is better than cure, and it is especially critical for chronic diseases.

We should adhere to the principle of prevention, strengthen the control of behavioral and environmental risk factors, promote early diagnosis and early treatment, and reduce the risk of disease in high-risk groups.

Specifically, the first diagnosis and blood pressure measurement system for people over 35 years old will be fully implemented, so that patients with hypertension and high-risk groups can receive timely intervention; Promote opportunistic screening for chronic diseases such as cancer, stroke, and coronary heart disease, so that diseases have nowhere to hide.

At the same time, it is recommended to quit smoking and limit alcohol, balance diet, and moderate exercise, so as to resist the invasion of chronic diseases with a healthy lifestyle.

Build a strong line of defense for health and draw a blueprint for the prevention and control of chronic diseases

3. Protection: Medical and prevention coordination to provide a full range of chronic disease services

The prevention and treatment of chronic diseases is not an isolated battle, but requires the coordination of multiple fronts.

We should insist on attaching equal importance to traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, and provide residents with equitable, accessible, systematic and continuous integrated services for prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and health promotion.

This includes: enhancing the capacity of primary care services so that patients with chronic diseases can enjoy professional diagnosis and treatment at their doorstep; Build a digital intelligent environmental health monitoring network to achieve precise prevention and control; and improve the long-term follow-up management of patients with chronic diseases to ensure the continuity and effectiveness of treatment.

4. Strategy: Categorical guidance and precise implementation of policies to deal with the challenges of chronic diseases

In view of the different epidemiological characteristics and prevention and control needs of chronic diseases in different regions and different populations, we need to adopt a categorical guidance strategy.

On the one hand, we should give full play to the typical leading role of the National Demonstration Zone for Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases, and promote the formulation of prevention and control plans according to local conditions. On the other hand, for special populations such as the elderly and children, customized health management services are provided, such as health check-ups for the elderly, topical fluoride for children, etc., in order to achieve precise prevention and control and improve the health level of the whole people.

Build a strong line of defense for health and draw a blueprint for the prevention and control of chronic diseases

5. Prospects: Improving the environment and contributing to the construction of a healthy China

A good ecological environment is a necessary condition for human health.

In the face of environmental problems such as air pollution, which are fueling chronic diseases, we must resolutely declare a war on pollution, continue to improve air quality, and cut the link between it and chronic diseases.

Accurate identification of the health effects of pollutants through in-depth epidemiological studies; Promote emission reduction at the source, reduce industrial emissions, vehicle exhaust and other pollution sources; Establish and improve the air pollution risk prediction and assessment system, and carry out precise management and control of high-risk areas.

Only in this way can we dispel the haze, return the people to a blue sky, and pave a green road for the construction of a healthy China.

The prevention and control of chronic diseases is a war without gunpowder, which requires the participation of all sectors of society, with the concept of co-construction and sharing, prevention-oriented actions, the guarantee of medical and prevention coordination, the strategy of categorical guidance, and the determination to improve the environment, to jointly build a three-dimensional chronic disease prevention and control network.

Let's start from today, start from ourselves, protect health with practical actions, and make unremitting efforts to realize the beautiful vision of a healthy China! #头条创作挑战赛#