
"A bowl of soup in summer, no need for a doctor's help", share a few spleen-strengthening and heart-nourishing soups

author:Guangdong Traditional Chinese Medicine

Even the rain does not know the spring, and the summer is deep when it is sunny.

Halfway through the summer, the weather is getting hotter, the yang energy is rising, and the heart is gradually booming. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that summer belongs to fire, and fire and qi flow through the heart, so the human body is prone to irritability, restlessness, insomnia, fire, mouth and tongue sores and other manifestations in summer.

At present, it is the rainy season, and the moisture is easy to stay in the body, which is easy to cause people to lose appetite, bloating, limb sleepiness and other discomforts.

Therefore, summer health should focus on nourishing the heart and protecting the heart, supplemented by strengthening the spleen and dispelling dampness.

"A bowl of soup in summer, no need for a doctor's help", share a few spleen-strengthening and heart-nourishing soups

Recommended diet:

● It should be light, easy to digest, more acidic, less fatty;

● It is advisable to eat more poria cocos, lotus seeds, lilies, red dates, cherries, etc. to nourish the heart and calm the nerves;

● Yin nourishing products, as well as fish, lean meat, duck meat, barley, winter melon, corn, loquat and other foods that are both moisturizing and spleen-strengthening and dampness-dispelling;

● Proper consumption of acidic foods such as black plum, schisandra, papaya, etc., can play a role in sweating, invigorating and appetizing;

● As the temperature rises, it is recommended to drink more soup and porridge to nourish the spleen and stomach;

●It is not advisable to eat more cold food and cold drinks to avoid hurting the spleen and yang.

Several soups to strengthen the spleen and heart

Lotus seed lily papaya soup


15-20 grams of lotus seeds (with core), 15 grams of lily, 15 grams of poria cocos, 1 green papaya, 3 red dates (pitted), 400 grams of pork ribs, 50 grams of lean meat, appropriate amount of salt.


Cut the green papaya, peel and core, cut into pieces, and the pork ribs and lean meat fly first. Put the ingredients into the pot together, add an appropriate amount of water, boil, turn to a simmer for 1-1.5 hours, and season with salt.


Nourish yin and clear heat, strengthen the spleen, nourish the heart and calm the nerves.

Lotus seeds, lentils, tripe soup


30 grams of lotus seeds, 30 grams of fried white lentils, 30 grams of barley, 250 grams of tripe, 50 grams of lean meat, 2 slices of ginger.


Wash the tripe and lean meat, cut into large pieces, fly water, lentils and barley and soak them in water for 30 minutes. Put the ingredients into the pot together, add an appropriate amount of water, boil over a fire, turn to a simmer for 1.5 hours, and season with salt.


Strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, eliminate stagnation and appetize.

Loquat fruit and almond lean broth


5-6 loquat fruits, 15 grams of southern apricots, 10 grams of northern apricots, 2 taels of lean meat, 2 dates, 3 slices of ginger.


The loquat fruit is cut in half, peeled and pitted, the north and south apricots are peeled, and the lean meat flies first. Put the ingredients into the pot together, add an appropriate amount of water, boil over a fire, turn to a simmer for 1 hour, and season with salt.


Loquat fruit is not only nutritious, but also a good health product, which has the effects of relieving cough and qi, reducing inversion and stomach, nourishing the heart and lungs, and has an adjuvant therapeutic effect on pulmonary fever and cough. It makes soup together with almonds and lean meat in the north and south, the taste is fresh and sweet, it has the effect of nourishing yin and moistening the lungs, dissolving phlegm and relieving cough, and is suitable for people with hot cough in the lungs, phlegm is difficult to cough out, or yellow phlegm, and dry mouth.

Crucian carp double bean dispelling dampness soup


1 crucian carp (about 200 grams), 30 grams of eyebrow peas, 50 grams of red adzuki beans, 1 tael of lean meat, 1 clove of tangerine peel, 3 slices of ginger.


Eyebrow peas and red adzuki beans are soaked in water for 30 minutes, the crucian carp is scaled and gilled, washed, and the crucian carp is fried in the pot with oil until it is light yellow, then put it in the soup pot, add the above ingredients, boil and simmer for 1 hour, and season with salt.


Strengthen the spleen and invigorate the body, dispel dampness.

It is suitable for drinking in summer when the climate is humid and hot, and has a therapeutic effect on heavy drowsiness, limb weakness, sticky mouth, thick tongue coating and other symptoms caused by dampness trapping and coke.

Pork rib soup with cold melon and soybeans


1 bitter gourd, 50 grams of soybeans, 300 grams of pork ribs, 1 clove of tangerine peel, 3 slices of ginger, appropriate amount of salt.


Remove the bitter gourd and cut it into pieces, wash and soak the soybeans for 30 minutes, and chop the pork ribs into pieces with water first. Put the ingredients in the pot together, add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil and simmer for about 1 hour, and season with salt.


Clears away heat and annoyance, strengthens the stomach and cleans the intestines.

It is suitable for consumption in hot summer weather, suitable for all ages.

Horseshoe corn lily soup


3-6 water chestnuts, 1 sweet corn, 1 fresh lily, 1/3 carrot, 1 egg, 30 grams of lean meat.


Peel the horseshoe, cut the corn, peel the carrots, wash the fresh lilies, tear them into small petals, beat the eggs, and chop the lean meat. Break the water chestnut, corn and carrots with a blender respectively (slightly break them into small grains), separate the residue, retain the juice, and set aside. Put water chestnuts, corn, carrots, and lean minced meat in the pot first, add an appropriate amount of water, boil over high heat and simmer for about 10 minutes, then add fresh lilies, water chestnuts, corn juice, boil for 3-5 minutes, add eggs, turn off the heat when boiling, and season with salt.


Horseshoe, sweet and cold, has the effects of clearing heat and moistening dryness, eliminating food accumulation, improving pharynx and dissolving phlegm, and lowering blood pressure. Corn, sweet and flat, has the effects of tonifying and benefiting the stomach, diuretic, and lowering blood lipids. With carrots to clear the stomach and diuretic, lily to clear the heart and moisten the lungs, this recipe has the effect of clearing the heart and nourishing the stomach, and quenching thirst. It is suitable for people with dry mouth, thirst, dry stools, and short urine in summer.

"A bowl of soup in summer, no need for a doctor's help", share a few spleen-strengthening and heart-nourishing soups

A cup of summer health tea

Tea therapy is a health preservation method in which Chinese herbal tea is applied to daily health care. As early as in "Shennong's Classic of Materia Medica", it was recorded that "Shennong tasted a hundred herbs, encountered seventy-two poisons every day, and got tea to solve them." ”

After entering the summer, the weather is hot, the summer heat is easy to hurt the qi, the human body sweats more, and is prone to polydipsia, fatigue, appetite and other manifestations.

Longan kumquat tea


1-2 kumquats, 3-5 longans.


Wash the kumquat, cut it in the middle (do not cut it), then put it in a cup, and add the longan meat to brew with boiling water.


Strengthen the spleen and nourish the blood, soothe the liver and promote qi.

It is suitable for insomnia, forgetfulness, palpitations and other discomfort conditions caused by physical deficiency and cold or heart and spleen deficiency.

Lotus leaf hawthorn lentil tea


5 grams of lotus leaves, 6 grams of hawthorn, 20 grams of fried white lentils, 15 grams of raw barley.


Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, boil over high heat, add hawthorn, lentils, barley, turn to low heat and cook for 30 minutes, finally put in lotus leaves, and cook for another 5 minutes. Depending on personal taste, add a little rock sugar or brown sugar to taste.


Lotus leaves have the effect of clearing heat and dampness; hawthorn eliminates appetite and strengthens the stomach, invigorates blood and dispels stasis; Lentils and barley strengthen the spleen and promote dampness. This tea clears away heat and relieves heat, strengthens the spleen and appetizes the effect. It is suitable for people with damp and hot constitution, or in the hot and humid climate in summer, to treat discomfort such as upset, loss of appetite, dry mouth and bitter mouth, thick tongue coating, etc., especially for people with high blood pressure and high blood lipids who have the above symptoms. ■

[Source: This article is synthesized from the WeChat of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, author: Peng Yuying, Center for Preventive Treatment]

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