
The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

author:Rule of law in Shanghai
The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

During the 2nd Shanghai Rule of Law Culture Festival, Jiading District actively integrated the resource advantages of all parties, relying on the 4th "Civil Code Publicity Month" and the 4th "Jiading Magic Cup" Jiading District Rule of Law Culture Festival, guided by Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law and Xi Jinping Cultural Thought, effectively integrated the rule of law culture with the promotion of the Civil Code, and carried out diversified and multi-level rule of law cultural activities, so that the whole people can share, help, benefit and enjoy together.


Integrate the "classics" into the festival and share them with the whole people

Jiading District adheres to the people-centered work orientation, focuses on the hot spots of the rule of law and people's livelihood concerns, and launches a series of characteristic rule of law cultural activities, so that the brand characteristics of Jiading's rule of law culture are better, the background color is more solid, and the quality is more sufficient.

Let the city's "zero time difference" light up the light of the rule of law. Increase the intensity of publicity for the Shanghai Rule of Law Culture Festival and Civil Code Publicity Month throughout the region, relying on community bulletin boards, rule of law culture walls and corridors, outdoor electronic display screens, new media and other position carriers, all-round, three-dimensional, and multi-dimensional publicity slogans, posters, videos and other elements to light up the lights of thousands of homes and create a strong cultural atmosphere of rule of law.

The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".
The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".
The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".
The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".
The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

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Let the whole people feel the power of the rule of law "at zero distance". All units and towns are to adopt the "online + offline" dual-track operation mode in light of local conditions to carry out rule of law cultural activities.

Online, it organized and held an all-media live broadcast of the "Fabao Online" series of interviews during the Civil Code Publicity Month, and produced and pushed WeChat publicity columns such as "Big Coffee Sitting in the Hall - Interpretation of the Civil Code Short Video Series".

The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

△ Jiading Radio and Television Station's comprehensive broadcast "Fabao Online" launched a special plan "Bright Life, Walking with the People - A Series of Live Interviews in the Civil Code Publicity Month", inviting judges and lawyers to interpret the Civil Code with case popularization.

The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".
The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

△ The District Legal Publicity Office launched the "Big Coffee Sitting in the Hall - Interpretation of the Civil Code Short Video Series", and Guan Minzheng, a lawyer from Shanghai Shenjun Law Firm, explained the relevant provisions of the Civil Code one by one, so that the Civil Code can go to the masses. (Pay attention to the official account of "Shanghai Jiading District Judicial Bureau" and search for "big coffee sitting in the hall")

Offline, relying on the strength of lawyers, village legal advisers, rule of law leaders, legal experts, and volunteer knights for law popularization, to carry out learning lectures, sharing salons, and theme activities such as "Law Rhyme City", "Rule of Law Enters Campus, Escorts and Assists Growth", and "Classics" into 10,000 homes, so that the whole people can share the feast of rule of law culture.

The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

△ Xuhang Town has carried out special training on civil code knowledge for more than 30 people, including village (community) mediation directors, town joint service team members, rule of law leaders, and representatives of legal experts.

The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

△ Jiading Town Street has carried out the "Law Rhyme Qicheng Law Popularization Tour" in many communities to bring the study and publicity of the Civil Code into the community.

The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

△ Jiading Industrial Zone carried out the Civil Code publicity activity of "Law into Campus, Escort and Growth", and explained the provisions and cases in the Civil Code that are closely related to campus life for students.

The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

△ The District Legal Publicity Office and the District Federation of Trade Unions jointly carried out the activity of sending "classics" to 10,000 homes by the "Jiading Magic Weapon" Law Popularization Volunteer Knights, giving full play to the role of the "Jiading Law Weapon" Law Popularization Volunteer Knights, and turning "law popularization audiences" such as takeaway brothers into "law popularization propagandists".


Integrate "classics" into the industry, and help the whole people

Make the culture of the rule of law an important part of optimizing the business environment, continue to carry out in-depth publicity of relevant laws and regulations such as the Civil Code for enterprise operators and workers, and promote the mutual empowerment of the culture of the rule of law and urban development.

"Classic" to protect the enterprise. Dig deep into the legal service needs of enterprises, provide enterprises with assistance in solving financing problems, standardize capital reduction, legal policy consultation, etc., and ensure that the preferential policies for enterprises are fully understood, the relief measures are implemented in detail, and the actions to protect enterprises are excellent and practical.

The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

△ The District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau launched the main event of the Civil Code Publicity Month of "Happy Industry + Better Life" (click on the blue word to view details), interpret corporate credit supervision and common labor and employment legal risks for enterprise representatives, and provide consultation on work-related injury prevention, labor relations, social insurance, legal services and other services.

The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

△ The District Finance Bureau and the District Small and Micro Enterprises Finance and Accounting Training and Consulting Base carried out a special lecture on "Practical Operation and Tax Treatment of Capital Reduction under the New Company Law" (click on the blue word to view details) to effectively help small and medium-sized enterprises to standardize capital reduction and prevent and resolve risks, and about 150 corporate finance and accounting personnel participated in the training online and offline.

The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

△ The District Taxation Bureau walked into the Xinhui Headquarters Bay of the North Hongqiao Business District to carry out tax law publicity services, and explained the operation rules for taxpayers "face-to-face" at the party building and talent theme activity of the North Hongqiao Park of "New Quality Driven Zhihui Beihong", and calculated the tax benefits and dividends "hand in hand", and guided taxpayers to know the law and abide by the law and enjoy it accurately.

The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

△ Nanxiang Judicial Office, Nanxiang Town Chamber of Commerce, and the Public Legal Service Station of Zhidi Park, on the basis of the previous rule of law salon and rule of law demand research, carried out a special rule of law lecture on the Civil Code of "Rule of Law Leading Service and Helping Enterprises" for the enterprises of the Executive Committee of Nanxiang Town Chamber of Commerce.

The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

△ Jiangqiao Judicial Office, together with the town party and government office, the town economic development service center and the town chamber of commerce, combined with the comprehensive revision of the new company law and system reform, carried out the activities of optimizing the business environment and protecting enterprises.

"Pawn" helps "new" industry. Focusing on the protection of the rights and interests of workers in new forms of employment, carry out publicity activities on the rule of law in "exemplary" and "new" life. Carry out a centralized action on legal services for enterprises in the new employment form platform of the "Safety Production Month", and all relevant functional departments will strengthen accurate popularization of the law in the process of law enforcement, management, and service, and further implement entity responsibility.

The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".
The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".
The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".
The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".
The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".
The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

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△ Various towns and towns went deep into takeaway express delivery sites, logistics parks and other places, and delivered services to new employment forms of workers such as takeaway riders, truck drivers, and couriers for a total of 28 times, focusing on publicizing the Civil Code, Labor Law, Trade Union Law, and traffic safety laws and regulations, and distributed 3,779 copies of various publicity materials, benefiting 3,150 people.

The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".
The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".
The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".
The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

△ Combined with the 23rd "Safety Production Month" in the country, the District Safety Committee Office carried out the "Jia'an-2024" comprehensive emergency drill in Jiading District and the theme publicity activity of "Safety Production Month", and effectively improved the legal awareness of platform enterprises in safety production, food safety, traffic safety, fire safety and other aspects by setting up booths for publicity, distributing materials, and special law enforcement inspections.


Integrate "classics" into art, and the whole people will run together

Expand new carriers for the experience of rule of law culture, promote the in-depth integration of "rule of law +" with works that are both political, social, and artistic, show the diversity and vividness of the rule of law society, and let the rule of law culture infiltrate the hearts of the people.

The rule of law merges with traditional arts. Carry out the "Send the Law to School" Jiading District "Rule of Law +" Micro Classroom Series - "Jiading Magic Weapon" People's Art Troupe "Quyi Light Cavalry" Rule of Law Culture Approaching Youth Activities, "Fa Run Qicheng Paint My Jia" 2024 Jiading District Rule of Law Calligraphy and Painting Seal Carving Works Exhibition and Evaluation, and "Painting and Talking about Law" series of law popularization activities.

The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".
The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

△ "Jiading Magic Weapon" People's Art Troupe "Quyi Light Cavalry" focuses on anti-telecom network fraud (click on the blue word to view details), and the original Shanghai Opera drama "Anti-fraud Consciousness Remembers", and successively organizes primary and secondary school students to watch a total of 15 performances. (Click on the blue text for details)

The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".
The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

△ "Farun Qicheng Painting My Jia" 2024 Jiading District Rule of Law Calligraphy and Painting Seal Carving Works Exhibition and Evaluation Activity (click on the blue word to view details), focusing on Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, Civil Code and other content, collecting more than 50 legal cultural works such as calligraphy and painting, bamboo carving, seal carving, straw weaving, etc., and carrying out roving exhibitions in the district library, Lily Library and other places.

The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

△ "Painting to Speak of Law" series of law popularization publicity (click on the blue word to view details), through the appreciation of the painting "People are diligent in the early spring" by Mr. Lu Yanshao, a famous painter from Jiading, popularized the legal knowledge behind the paintings, and highlighted the integration of the rule of law and traditional art.

The rule of law is integrated with modern technology. Relying on the WeChat platform of "Shanghai Jiading District Bureau of Justice" and "Jiading Magic Weapon", it integrates the IP images of excellent micro-videos, micro-animations, and rule of law cartoons in the whole region, and launches columns such as the "cloud" exhibition of rule of law micro-video works and the co-appearance of rule of law IP stars, to further promote the cultural brand of Jiading's rule of law and show the achievements of Jiading's rule of law construction.

The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".
The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

△ "Fa Run Qiancheng Co-Xuanjia Law" Jiading District rule of law cultural works "Cloud" on the exhibition (click on the blue word to view details), integrating the excellent law popularization videos in the district, divided into "Constitution and Civil Code Knowledge", "Protection of the Rights and Interests of Minors", "National Anti-fraud" and other topics for exhibition.

The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".
The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".
The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".
The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".
The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".
The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

△ "Magic Weapon" gathers IP stars of rule of law culture brands to take the stage, focusing on displaying a series of IP images of rule of law culture brands led by "Jiading magic weapon" (click on the blue word to view details), using anthropomorphic images to promote the spirit of the rule of law, and using a people-friendly tone to publicize the legal popularization work of various units and popularize legal knowledge.


Integrate "classics" into fun, and the whole people will enjoy together

Increase the extent of rule of law culture to benefit the people, through a series of mass rule of law culture activities in which the public can participate in, exchange and interact together, increase the affinity, traction, and influence of rule of law publicity, and comprehensively increase the public's legal literacy.

Immerse yourself in the culture of the rule of law. Organize the community to make "magic weapon" clay handicrafts, watch red rule of law movies, and listen to the "Lianxin Small Radio" civil code column of the local sound radio, so that everyone can feel the power of the law while feeling the charm of culture.

The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

△ The "boss" rule of law is also a national tide - popularization of law meets "intangible cultural heritage" activities (click on the blue word to view details), organize the "boss" of Waigang Town to make "magic weapons" with clay to spread the culture of the rule of law.

The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

△ Huating Town's "Linkingxin Small Broadcasting" "Jiading Magic Weapon, Debao by Your Side" Township Radio Column specially invited Beixin Village's "Legal Understanding People" to interpret how to use the Civil Code at different ages.

Interactive participation in the practice of the rule of law. Through the collection and creation of micro-videos for law popularization, the public is guided to enhance their awareness and recognition of the law in the creative process. Organize various game quizzes to let the public feel the atmosphere of the rule of law and learn legal knowledge in leisure and entertainment. Carry out rule of law service bazaars for the people in all rule of law cultural parks, squares, and so forth, so that the spirit of the rule of law can be integrated into the daily lives of the public and enter thousands of households.

△ The 2024 "Qicheng Legal Rhyme" rule of law public service advertisement and "I and the Constitution" micro-video work collection contest will be launched in the city, and the public will actively contribute, and a total of 62 works from creators from all walks of life will be collected.

The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

△ Xuhang Judicial Office and Xuhang Middle School jointly carried out a series of activities with the theme of "Youth and the Rule of Law", and invited teachers and students of the school to jointly create a small video of "Juvenile Rule of Law".

The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

△ "Fa Run Qiancheng Joyful Life" National Rule of Law Reading Activity (click on the blue word to view details), focusing on the rule of law education for young people, and the reading form of combining the rule of law and comics attracts adults and children to actively participate in the check-in.

The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

△ Jiading Town Street held the "2024 Rule of Law Talent Challenge" (click on the blue word to view details), through the form of "playing games", "learning law", "winning prizes" and "having fun", so that more community residents strive to become "rule of law experts" who learn the law, use the law and abide by the law.

The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

△ "A Better Life, Accompanied by the Civil Code" Civil Code Online Answering Questions (click on the blue word to view details), a week-long online answering activity was carried out throughout the region, attracting tens of thousands of people to participate in answering questions and learning the law.

The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

△ Combined with the activities of the 23rd Shanghai Social Science Popularization Activity Week, the rule of law lantern riddle quiz was carried out (click on the blue word to view details), and activities were carried out by hanging 48 lanterns (hanging the rule of law riddle) and distributing legal publicity materials, so that the people could learn legal knowledge imperceptibly.

The rule of law culture festival attracted extensive attention and active participation from all walks of life, forming an atmosphere of linkage and positive interaction, which is not only a feast of rule of law culture shared by the whole people, but also a powerful promotion of the concept of rule of law. In the next step, Jiading District will continue to carry out wonderful and diverse activities to expand the influence of Jiading's rule of law culture and let the concept of rule of law be deeply rooted in the hearts of the masses.

Source: Jiading District Bureau of Justice

Editor: Zhang Haiyan

The rule of law culture festival in Jiading District is full of "classics".

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