
A combination of selected and archived issues of Culture

author:Cultural horizontal
A combination of selected and archived issues of Culture

Dear readers,

Thank you for your long-term support to the cultural vertical, we have launched a collection combination of previous issues, including "Beyond the "Involution", "Artificial Intelligence, Not Just Technological Change", and "Socialism in China" three issues of the magazine, the original price of a single copy is 38 yuan, and the combination special discount is 99 yuan free shipping. Welcome, everyone

Welcome to the Culture Horizons Package

— Beyond the "Involution" —

▍Editor's Notes: From Pan Xiao's Letter to Cao Fengze's Phenomenon: How to Shape the Spirit of Youth in a Market Society, the Editorial Department of "Cultural Vertical".

▍Extraterritorial "Starlink" on the battlefield: the first commercial space war

Zhang Hanshu

▍Cover topic: Instead of holding a magnifying glass to obsess at the problems in front of them, contemporary young people need a pair of telescopes to look at the trend of the times, and integrate their own growth with the general trend of the development of the times.

Put away the magnifying glass and pick up the telescope - the Chinese youth's breakthrough road Xiuyuan Foundation

The individual and the country, the youth and the times, in fact, shape each other and move forward together.

Expedition and "involution": the double beat of youth Internet thought

Is it possible for Yu Liang to create a new way to balance idealism and realism today? How can the mechanism be coordinated with the ideological and emotional "Belt and Road" to open up the imagination and create more "Global South" channels for young people?

Getting out of the "involution" and going to the new land: where should Chinese youth go in the new era?

Lian Si

"Ashore" Africa? -- Youth "Going Overseas" under the New Globalization

Liu Han

▍ World view

The thirst-quenching dilemma: "anarcho-capitalism" and Argentina's "dependency" dilemma

Shi Qing Zhang Yongle

The Harvard Admissions Case and the Change of American Polity

Zuo Yilu

In the past, one might have counted on the U.S. Supreme Court to act as a stabilizer in extraordinary times, but today the Supreme Court is at its lowest point of authority and trust.

▍ Classic revisited

Win cultural leadership in the struggle of ideas

The Formation Process and Historical Retrospective of Modern Chinese Revolutionary Discourse

Dried spring pine

When the Red Army's Long March entered Yan'an, the people in the base areas began to understand the dialectical relationship between the immediate tasks of the revolution and the future goals through works such as "Theory of Contradiction" and "Theory of Practice".

How to Seek Truth from Facts: Mao Zedong's Reflections on Chinese Marxist Philosophy

Zeng Rong Wang Lisheng


A key choke point in China's debt problem

Feng Wanqi

Under the current economic situation, based on the unique institutional advantages of the state-owned economy unique to the mainland, it is suggested that the prices of production factors in the upstream of the industrial chain that the state can control and influence should be appropriately lowered, so that the profits ceded by the state-owned economy can be passed on to the private economy and individual residents.

▍A new type of multinational enterprise

"Genshin Impact" "launched" in Brazil

Liang Yingyi, Min Xuefei

The issue of control in the "going out" of Chinese enterprises

Liu Yuzhao Xiong Jianran

Why is it difficult for overseas Chinese-funded enterprises to take root?

Based on the survey and analysis of 18 countries along the "Belt and Road".

Shen Yuanyuan Kong Jianxun

Although Chinese enterprises have a positive attitude towards learning from the successful experience of local enterprises, the crisis of trust of "outsiders" still brings different degrees of embedded anxiety to Chinese enterprises.

▍Historical view

The Death of the Cold War: Anti-War Reflections on Child's Archaeology

Li Zero

A combination of selected and archived issues of Culture

— Artificial intelligence, not just technological change —

▍Editor's Notes: Two Problems in the Era of Innovation: The Editorial Department of "Cultural Vertical".

▍Extraterritorial AI as infrastructure for content production

Chen Hui, Wang Ruxi

▍Special article: Imagine a kind of human order with "law and heaven" Zhao Gang In the socialist revolution, there was a transliteration of "heaven" - called "people". But Chen Yingzhen's sharpest pain in the 80s of the 20th century was that the "new enlightenment" intellectuals he encountered in Chinese mainland at that time almost without exception no longer believed in "the people", and even said, "Who are the people?" I am the people! ”。

▍Cover topic: Artificial intelligence, not only the era of technological change and artificial intelligence has arrived, but it still takes a long journey for technology to be fully integrated into society.

Smart Revolution or "Scale" Revolution? ——Artificial Intelligence Technology and Industrial Evolution from a Historical PerspectiveLi Yin

Artificial intelligence should not become a "one-man show" of capital

Originally a major public project in the 20th century, Zheng Ge AI was ruthlessly privatized, bringing huge economic benefits to a very small number of people at the top of the pyramid." Sadly, the harvested "leeks" continue to marvel at the magic that the tech giants have shown them, indulging in "AI rhapsody".

"Satellite Zones": The Geologic of Data Center Expansion

He Yanhui

The Unfinished Revolution in Knowledge Production, and What Can the Law Do?

Hu Ling

The current legal and policy focus is to ensure that generative AI can be improved as soon as possible, in both the sense of social knowledge aggregation and labor organization integration.

▍ Focus

Unexpected Economic Transitions: Russia's Invasion of Ukraine and Russia's Reindustrialization

Xu Poling

▍Topic: Lane Change Racing: The Inspiration of the Rise of China's New Energy Vehicles

A new machine that changed the world? -- The prospect of global competition for new energy vehicles

Feng Kaidong Chen Junting

In the face of fierce competition around the world, any optimistic "quick win" theory about China's new energy vehicle industry may be unrealistic.

How State-Owned Automakers Face the Disruptive Technological Revolution – SAIC as an Example

Fan Wen Gao Bai

The "venture capital development" government and the rise of new energy vehicles in Hefei

Zhu Lan, Gao Bai, Huang Mai

▍ Global South

What does India want in the "Global South"?

Lu Guangsheng Nie Jiao

The "Global South" should not be an exclusionary framework. Only by working together can China and India truly promote the development of a more equitable, safer and more just global order.

South-South Convergence: How Africa Became the Next Asia

Bangs square

▍ Overseas ethnography

China's medical team in Africa: groping its way forward in the quagmire of neoliberal health

Qi Tengfei Gao Liangmin

▍Observation & Society

"Fan circle": group organization and behavior logic in the era of mobile Internet

Jin Fangting

▍Academic review

The Intrinsic Characteristics of Knowledge Production in Economics: Where is Chinese Economics Going?

Lu Di

A combination of selected and archived issues of Culture

— Socialism in China —

▍Editor's Notes: The Editorial Department of Chinese Socialism in the Era of Global Crisis


Lin Yiwu

▍Cover Topic: Socialism in China: History and Possible Experimentation also bring complexity, which makes it difficult for people to recognize and understand Chinese socialism and reform.

Some Reflections on the Complexity of Socialism and ReformLi Tuo Why China Chose Socialism - Thinking about "People's Socialism" Sun Ge

▍Focus on strategic industrial diffusion: Yan Peng, the bottom-line thinking of China's participation in the restructuring of the global industrial chain

Will China lose its status as the world's factory? -- New Trends in International Industrial Transfer and China's Policy Choices

Su Qingyi, Gui Zihao

▍Observation & Culture

Why are the "bullets" still flying? The "Illegal Rise" of Internet Culture Production

Shen Weiwei

The cultural changes set off by the Internet revolution in China are of pioneering significance due to the democratization of technology and the "weak protection" of intellectual property rights in the mainland.

▍Topic: Facing food security

Getting out of the "globalization trap": China's food security strategic transformation and global food system reconstruction

Zhan Shaohua Wang Qinghua

Why does China's agriculture have to make an ecological transition?

Ding Ling: Permission

Now that the green revolution developed by industrial civilization has clearly begun to move towards the opposite, the whole world is actually facing the challenge of how to turn to ecological civilization and how to solve the problem of eating under ecological civilization.

Food insecurity: how developing countries are losing the food initiative

Jiao Yuping

▍ Wealth of Nations

Embracing a post-industrial society

Lu Ming

Changes in the governance model of China's new energy vehicle industry

Ma Ying, Zhen Zhihong

▍ Global South

The Global South as seen by the Portuguese-speaking world

Wang Yuan

The Global South may be inherently difficult to define clearly, but its potential may lie in it, and its meaning and role need to be sought by people from the South.

▍Academic review

Further reinventing our learning—starting with Russell's learning-based narrative of civilization

Tong Shijun

A combination of selected and archived issues of Culture

The official Douyin store of "Culture Horizontal" has opened a new store

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