
Show off the new charm of rural culture This competition is "township" when the tide

author:Zigong cultural tourism

On the evening of June 26, sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism, and the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the finals of the 4th Sichuan Provincial Rural Culture Revitalization Charm Competition Zigong Division were held in the Rongxian Sports Center.

Show off the new charm of rural culture This competition is "township" when the tide

At the event site, the "spokespersons" of each township took the stage, with the theme of rural revitalization, combined with regional characteristics to tell stories and make recommendations, and 12 participating teams brought an immersive "village tide" experience to the audience with a variety of artistic expressions such as singing and dancing, melodrama, and folk performances, showing the folk customs, tourism resources and characteristic culture of each township to the fullest, with the dance "Vitality New Village", "Spring Travel Map of the Ancient Town", "Happy Dam Feast", national style rap "Ancient and Modern Beach", and the stage play "Longyin Long Beach River" The all-round, multi-level and multi-dimensional shows the rapid changes brought by the rural revitalization construction to the countryside of our city, and vividly interprets the moving picture of the construction of beautiful countryside, and the audience is immersed in the beautiful melody, and the infinite praise and love for their hometown are born in their hearts.

Show off the new charm of rural culture This competition is "township" when the tide
Show off the new charm of rural culture This competition is "township" when the tide
Show off the new charm of rural culture This competition is "township" when the tide

"The most beautiful but the hometown beauty, the strongest but the hometown feelings, rural revitalization to improve the basic environment of our countryside, enhance the well-being of farmers, promote the development of agriculture, the years silently let us witness the great changes in the hometown, this art show let us see the spiritual outlook of the countryside, let us see the development of the new countryside, I wish our countryside is getting better and better, farmers are getting richer and richer, and the industry is becoming more and more prosperous." A spectator in Qingyang Street, Rong County, said excitedly.

It is reported that since the launch of the 4th Sichuan Provincial Rural Culture Revitalization Charm Competition in April this year, the towns (streets) in our city have taken the countryside as the background, culture as the main theme, and the masses as the main role, and adopted the form of "township endorsement + characteristic program performance" to solicit and launch and excavate a group of charming towns, rural spokespersons, and rural culture talents, and display the local culture of Zigong in a panoramic way, so that the rural culture can be "lived", the rural life will be "tide", and the rural industry will be "fired", so as to moisten the new rural development of Yandu with cultureto promote the prosperity and development of the city's cultural undertakings.

Source: Zigong Net

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