
Forget my envy of my six-year-old treasure boyfriend 141: Let's go, punish you for a walk with me!

author:Good mood Yaya entertainment

Wei Ying was stunned for a moment before reacting

"I'm with Huaisang, don't worry, I'll be home soon"

"Where are you, I'll pick you up"

The man's tone was a little tough, and it was so late, obviously the man was very uneasy.

"No need, I'm already in the car, don't bother"

At the same time, Wei Wuxian stopped a car and sat directly inside, and with a bang, Lan Wangji heard the sound of the car door closing on the phone

"Master, Tianrun Villa District, thank you"

Forget my envy of my six-year-old treasure boyfriend 141: Let's go, punish you for a walk with me!

He said to Lan Wangji again, with a comforting tenderness in his voice that he didn't even notice

"You heard me, I'm already in the car, I'll be there in a minute, don't worry"

Lan Wangji stopped walking towards the gate of the Wei Mansion, he originally wanted to start the car, but it seemed that he didn't need it, now that he came out, Lan Wangji turned his head and looked at the Wei Mansion behind him, he didn't turn around and went back, and continued to walk out.

On the way, I met Cui's mother who came back from throwing out the garbage

"Young Master Lan, it's so late, where are you going?"

"Run at night, come out and breathe"

"Oh, young people are young people, then you go, come back early to rest, don't let Miss worry"

Lan Wangji nodded, didn't say anything, but trotted away, Cui Ma looked at Lan Wangji's back that gradually disappeared into the night, and shook her head gently.

Wei Mansion is in Tianrun Villa District, is a famous rich residential area in City A, generally foreign vehicles can not enter, the park is very large, are rich according to the planning and construction of single-family villa area, the distance between the villa and the villa is very large, so from the Wei Mansion to the gate of Tianrun Villa District, even if it takes fifteen minutes to drive, Lan Wangji trotted all the way.

Forget my envy of my six-year-old treasure boyfriend 141: Let's go, punish you for a walk with me!

When they arrived at the door, the taxi that Wei Wuxian was riding also stopped at the door, and as soon as Wei Ying got out of the car, there was a good bass voice behind him that made people's ears pregnant

"Wei Ying"

It's Lan Zhan!

Wei Wuxian turned his head sharply, sure enough, it was him, not an auditory hallucination.

Under the night light, Lan Wangji was dressed in casual clothes, standing there straight, the light hit his body, it seemed to gild him with a golden halo, he seemed to be a bright star in the night sky, which was fascinating.

Lan Zhan is a handsome guy, an out-and-out handsome guy, his facial features are impeccable, and he exudes a noble and elegant temperament all over his body, even if he is just wearing a simple casual shirt at this time.

Wei Wuxian didn't expect Lan Wang's opportunity to appear here, after all, the distance from the Wei Mansion was not close, he didn't drive, if he ran all the way, wouldn't it be longer?

Thinking of this, Wei Wuxian's heart swelled with an indescribable emotion, moved, and the urge to erupt from the point of grievance, he slowly walked towards Lan Wangji, and stood a step away from him

"Lan Zhan, how are you ......?"

Before he finished his words, the whole person was hugged into a warm and solid embrace in the next second.

Lan Zhan, why are you here?

How could he not come? It's so late, he calls you a dozen times, and you don't answer, and he mobilizes almost everyone he knows to help find your whereabouts.

Forget my envy of my six-year-old treasure boyfriend 141: Let's go, punish you for a walk with me!

How could he not come? After receiving your call and hearing that you had already taken the taxi back, he breathed a long sigh of relief, Wei Yanli had just suffered a car accident in the park not long ago, how could he rest assured that you would walk back alone?

The man's arms were very strong, and Wei Wuxian was tightly clenched in his arms, and he was a little breathless

"Lan Zhan, cough cough...... You let go of me first"

Lan Zhan let go of the person at this time, but still wrapped the person in his arms

"Where did you go? I was worried to come back so late"

Wei Wuxian pouted as he looked at the face of the outrageously handsome man who was close at hand

"I'm with Huaisang, and we're going to play games in the arcade"

After a pause, Wei Wuxian continued apologetically

"Yes...... no"

Again, before he could finish his words, his mouth was grabbed by the man strongly, tossing and turning, not gentle, and finally he bit his lower lip again

"Little guy, you forgot again, you never have to say sorry to me, yes, and thank you, you are here with me, no matter what you do and say it is a matter of course, remember?"

Wei Wuxian stared at the eyes that had just been kissed, still a little shiny with water, and nodded a little confusedly.

The tenderness that came out of Lan Wangji's eyebrows almost melted Wei Wuxian, and with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, he wrapped the person in his arms

"Let's go, punish you for a walk with me!"