
Yanshou Town held an exchange and interview meeting for young cadres of "Torch Seedling".

author:Beiqing Community Newspaper Changping Edition
Yanshou Town held an exchange and interview meeting for young cadres of "Torch Seedling".

In order to further give full play to the role of leading cadres in "passing on the torch and helping to lead" and create a vivid situation of "passing on the torch" and "connecting the blue and blue" in the training of young cadres in the organs, on June 25, Yanshou Town held a "Torch Seedling" young cadre exchange and interview meeting, Luo Lihua, Secretary of the Party Committee of the town, attended the meeting, and all young cadres including "Green Seedlings" attended the meeting.

Yanshou Town held an exchange and interview meeting for young cadres of "Torch Seedling".
Yanshou Town held an exchange and interview meeting for young cadres of "Torch Seedling".

This exchange and interview meeting is divided into three links: "preaching and teaching", "answering questions and solving doubts" and "Daigo empowerment".

Session 1



In the "preaching and teaching" link, Secretary Luo answered the 14 questions that young cadres are most concerned about in three aspects: "good cadres in the eyes of leaders", "how leaders will do" and "how to improve leaders" collected before the meeting.

Yanshou Town held an exchange and interview meeting for young cadres of "Torch Seedling".

Session 2



In the "Q&A" session, young cadres asked questions on the spot and listened carefully to Secretary Luo's wonderful answers on "how to make high-quality reports" and "where to start for newcomers to improve their abilities".

Yanshou Town held an exchange and interview meeting for young cadres of "Torch Seedling".
Yanshou Town held an exchange and interview meeting for young cadres of "Torch Seedling".
Yanshou Town held an exchange and interview meeting for young cadres of "Torch Seedling".

Session 3



In the "Daigo Empowerment" link, young cadres talked about their experiences in this exchange, and said that the form of this exchange and interview meeting was lively and unique, and Secretary Luo's heartfelt sharing benefited a lot and touched a lot.

Yanshou Town held an exchange and interview meeting for young cadres of "Torch Seedling".
Yanshou Town held an exchange and interview meeting for young cadres of "Torch Seedling".

The town party committee cares for the growth of young cadres

The results of this exchange and interview will be summarized and transformed in depth

Make it a way to promote personal growth

and the "nourishment" of career development

Text/Reporter Cheng Ming

Correspondent: Wang Chenxu