
After China's successive countermeasures, the EU made concessions and lowered the proposed tariffs on China by a surprising amount

author:He Wenping

A few days ago, China and the EU agreed that the two sides will start consultations on the EU's anti-subsidy investigation of electric vehicles against China. However, the European side has remained tough, with the European Commission claiming that if no consensus can be reached, temporary tariffs will be imposed as scheduled.

During this period, China also introduced a series of countermeasures, including an anti-dumping investigation of pork produced in the EU, while closely monitoring calls for a countervailing investigation of EU dairy products.

After China's successive countermeasures, the EU made concessions and lowered the proposed tariffs on China by a surprising amount

According to other sources, European luxury goods and large-displacement cars have also entered China's field of vision, and it is not ruled out that China will impose tariffs on the above-mentioned products as a countermeasure.

Against this backdrop, Europe seems to have softened a bit, considering a "slightly" reduction in the proposed tariffs on China. According to foreign media information quoted by the observer network, the EU originally planned to impose tariffs of 17.4% on BYD, 20.0% on Geely Automobile, 38.1% on SAIC, and tariffs ranging from 21.1% to 38.1% on other companies.

After deliberations, the EU decided to impose tariffs of 19.9% on Geely Automobile, 37.6% on SAIC, and tariffs ranging from 20.8% to 37.6% on other companies. BYD kept the tariff unchanged at 17.4%.

It can be said that the wording of the article is very rigorous, and to say "slightly" is slightly, without the slightest exaggeration. Although the EU seems to have made concessions, it does not show any sincerity in wanting to solve the problem, but will smell a little condescension from it, so it is very surprising.

After China's successive countermeasures, the EU made concessions and lowered the proposed tariffs on China by a surprising amount

Not long ago, EU spokesman Gill said that the negotiations between EU and Chinese officials on the electric vehicle tariff case against China were "frank and productive" and that the two sides would maintain dialogue.

He also mentioned that any outcome negotiated on countervailing duty investigations must effectively address the issue of harmful subsidies. Consultations will continue at all levels in the coming weeks.

Now it seems that this is clearly a polite word on the table. With only a few days to go before July 4, if the EU can only come up with this attitude and price, then it means that they have no sincerity for dialogue at all, and all statements and consultations are face-saving projects based on pressure from the European industry.

It is foreseeable that if the negotiations break down in the end, the EU will be the first to "express regret", then to say that it has "done its best", then to "dump China and refuse to make concessions", and finally to emphasize that it will "do its best to safeguard the interests of the industry".

After China's successive countermeasures, the EU made concessions and lowered the proposed tariffs on China by a surprising amount

There are two words to describe the current China-EU relationship: "sensitive" and "uncertain". The EU gives the impression that whenever you feel like he has a chance to stand up, there's always a bunch of that shatters your expectations.

Take, for example, the tariffs imposed on Chinese trams. Isn't it a contradiction that the EU has been clamoring for a "green transformation" all day long, but now it is stuffy and the United States is hyping up China's "overcapacity" and hitting the development of China's new energy vehicles?

If the EU really wants strategic autonomy, then it can't always follow others behind the back to engage in that set of bandit logic, when you are technologically advanced, you advocate market economy and free trade; When your industry is backward, you will hype up overcapacity, decoupling and breaking the chain. This is not only unreasonable, but can even be said to be extremely anti-intellectual.

After China's successive countermeasures, the EU made concessions and lowered the proposed tariffs on China by a surprising amount

The essence of China-EU relations is complementarity and mutual benefit. The two sides are important economic and trade partners of each other, and share common strategic needs, common policy positioning, and common development interests, and there is no core contradiction between China and the EU, which also determines that the bilateral relationship is "non-confrontational" in nature.

At a time when global challenges are emerging, anti-globalization and trade protectionism are on the rise, and cooperation is a common strategic choice for China and the EU. But what the EU must think about is whether to take the road of independence or the wrong path of bloc confrontation.