
Between lovers, these behaviors are more hurtful than betrayal, leave as soon as possible

author:Dahui said
Between lovers, these behaviors are more hurtful than betrayal, leave as soon as possible

I used to think that the dissipation of a love must experience earth-shattering events, such as betrayal.

Later, I found out that what actually kills love is often some small things.

It doesn't completely destroy a relationship, and it doesn't feel like it's here.

But it's the diaphragm.

Between lovers, these behaviors are more disgusting than betrayal, leave as soon as possible.

Between lovers, these behaviors are more hurtful than betrayal, leave as soon as possible

Full of mistrust, constrained everywhere

In the TV series "The Story of Rose", the marriage between Fang Xiewen and Rose is suffocating.

Fang Xiewen was full of distrust of Huang Yimei, and his inner inferiority complex and sensitivity made him want to extinguish the light on Huang Yimei and trap her in the small world at home.

Even she has to take care of the interview in a skirt, and she has to ask questions about her nails.

She was not allowed to go to work, and she was not allowed to go back to Beijing to see her parents.

Such a marriage full of constraints and distrust really makes me feel tormented for a day, and I admire Huang Yimei for enduring it for a few years.

But fortunately, in the end, wake up, wake up in time, and stop loss in time.

When a marriage is full of mistrust, the foundation is no longer strong, and it is only a matter of time before they separate.

Between lovers, these behaviors are more hurtful than betrayal, leave as soon as possible

Ignore your existence and be indifferent

Nothing hurts more than ignorance and indifference.

The two people were very close to each other, lying on the same bed, but they were separated by a long distance.

In his eyes, he can't see your existence at all.

He doesn't listen to anything you say, and he looks at everything you do.

When two people are together, there is only silence, and the silence is so depressing that it is depressing.

The marriage between Xu Bochang and Shufen in the movie "Wuwen Xidong" is like an ice cellar.

Xu Bo often treated Shufen coldly and violently, using the coldest knife to bully his wife step by step, and finally Shufen, who couldn't bear it, chose to end her life.

Cold violence is more harmful than quarrels and betrayals.

There is no communication, there is nothing to say, and such a relationship ends as soon as possible, hurting others and hurting oneself.

Between lovers, these behaviors are more hurtful than betrayal, leave as soon as possible

Every sentence pierces the heart, and the words hurt

Saying goes

"Good words are warm in three winters, and bad words are hurtful and cold in June."

Don't underestimate the lethality of words.

The reason why many couples can't go on is not because they don't love anymore, and there are no principled things such as betrayal.

It's because I can't talk well.

The two people couldn't communicate calmly at all, and as soon as they opened their mouths, they quarreled, and both sides stabbed each other in the most vicious tone.

The closest people know what words hurt the most, and once they have no scruples, they will pierce their hearts.

When words become a sharp weapon, hurting people invisibly, feelings will gradually disappear.

Between lovers, these behaviors are more hurtful than betrayal, leave as soon as possible

Calculate the calculation and defense, and use it for selfishness

When two people are together, they must have the same interests, so that the ending will be perfect.

Once there is a guard against interests and both parties hide their selfish intentions, then the direction of the relationship is foreshadowed from the beginning.

I've heard a lot of couples who have reservations about money and end up splitting up.

Money can see a person clearly, and in the face of interests, human nature cannot hide.

Two people's eyes should look in the same direction, and "we" should be used as a community of interests, financial openness and transparency, and everything should be discussed, which is a benign relationship.

If both people are thinking about their own interests, they are full of hearts and minds for the other half, full of calculations, all kinds of vigilance, and use each other's relationship to satisfy their own selfish desires.

Such a relationship, falling into it is like eating a bug, which is disgusting.

Men and women who choose to come together must have the mentality of wanting to be better to manage a relationship.

But not all relationships will develop in a good direction as desired.

Once you find that there are bad signs, you must withdraw decisively to protect yourself.