
11 stupid actions that ruin a child's intelligence! Don't do it!

author:Elegant white cloud fL
11 stupid actions that ruin a child's intelligence! Don't do it!
11 stupid actions that ruin a child's intelligence! Don't do it!
11 stupid actions that ruin a child's intelligence! Don't do it!
11 stupid actions that ruin a child's intelligence! Don't do it!

On a sunny spring afternoon, in the town's library, a young man named Lin Qian was immersed in a book about children's education. His eyes were sometimes solemn, sometimes they shone thoughtfully. Lin Qian is a young psychologist who has recently become interested in a thought-provoking topic – behaviors that can inadvertently destroy a child's intelligence in everyday life. He decided not only to study these behaviors, but also to change those families who are walking in the "misunderstanding" through his own actions.

The turning point of the story happened by chance, Lin Qian met a mother and son on a park bench, the little boy named Doudou looked innocent, and his mother Li Wan seemed a little anxious and tired. Lin Qian noticed that when Li Wan communicated with Doudou, her words inadvertently revealed some behavior patterns that might inhibit the child's intellectual development. Isn't this exactly the "real-life" opportunity he has been looking for?

Lin Qian plucked up his courage and joined their conversation in a gentle and friendly way. "Hey, Doudou, it looks like you're curious about the world! Do you know? I'm also an exploratory person. As he spoke, he handed Doudou an illustrated popular science picture book.

Li Wan was a little surprised, but then she was moved by Lin Qian's sincerity, and she smiled: "Yes, Doudou always asks non-stop, and sometimes I don't know how to answer." ”

"Actually, every child is a natural learner," Lin Qian said slowly, "Sometimes, some of our casual behaviors may accidentally 'turn off' the switch for them to explore the world." For example, often interrupting children's questions, not giving them enough time to think, or giving answers directly instead of guiding them to discover on their own. ”

Hearing this, Li Wan frowned slightly, as if she realized something: "Are you saying that I am probably restricting Doudou's intellectual development by doing this?" ”

"Not exactly," Lin Qian quickly explained, "Every parent makes mistakes, and the important thing is whether we can realize and correct it." For example, you can try using the phrase 'Why do you think this is happening?' to encourage Doudou to think for himself, or to do experiments together to test his ideas. In this way, not only will his curiosity be protected, but he will also develop problem-solving skills. ”

In the following weeks, Lin Qian became a regular visitor to Doudou's house. He took Doudou to plant small potted plants together and observed the process of plant growth; Build simple robots together and explore the principles of physics. Whenever Doudou asked a question, Lin Qian always patiently guided him to find the answer by himself, instead of telling him the result directly.

Over time, changes have quietly taken place. Doudou's eyes are brighter and his mind is more active. He started asking questions and trying to solve them in his own way. Li Wan also discovered the difference between Doudou and was pleasantly surprised to find that her child had such amazing potential and creativity.

"Lin Qian, thank you so much!" Li Wan said gratefully in a conversation, "I now understand that education is not cramming, but igniting a flame and letting the light in the child's heart shine through." ”

Lin Qian smiled and nodded, his heart full of satisfaction. He knew that he had not only helped a child, but more importantly, he had made a mother aware of the true meaning of education. He decided to compile his experience and the "11 stupid behaviors that ruined children's intelligence" into a book, hoping to benefit more families.

After the publication of the book, it attracted wide attention from the society. In the book, Lin Qian not only lists those seemingly ordinary behaviors that may have a negative impact on children's intelligence, such as overprotection, neglect of emotional needs, and excessive emphasis on grades, but also provides specific and feasible suggestions to help parents avoid these misunderstandings and create an environment that is more conducive to children's growth.

At the end of the story, Lin Qian stood on the stage of a lecture on children's education, facing the parents and children in the audience, his voice was firm and warm: "Every child is unique, and what they need is guidance, not molding. Let's work together to create a sky full of love and freedom for children to grow up, so that the flower of their intellect can bloom in the most beautiful season. ”

In the audience, the applause was thunderous, and Li Wan and Doudou were also sitting in it, their faces filled with happy smiles. Lin Qian knows that this is just the beginning, but he is ready to continue to write more stories about growth and counterattack with love and wisdom.