
How can I not make mistakes?

author:The lucky ones of the times

Recently, the police have been punished for their law enforcement mistakes: how can they not make mistakes?

Maduo Public Security

How can I not make mistakes?

Recently, many peers have fallen into the pit of non-standard law enforcement, take stock (there is a surprise at the end of the article)▽

A police station in Yan'an made a mistake in household registration work, resulting in an error in the child's date of birth information, and seven police officers were held accountable

How can I not make mistakes?

Due to the mistake of the household registration staff of the police station, the child's household registration date of birth information was wrong, but in the correction process, 14 kinds of certificates such as birth certificates, village committee certificates, and kindergarten certificates were requested, and the parties had to go back and forth 6 times without success. Recently, the Yan'an Municipal Public Security Bureau has seriously held 7 relevant responsible persons accountable for the "difficulty in handling affairs" problem of the household registration window of the Liqu Police Station found during the inspection. Among them, Director Wang Moumou was dismissed, Public Security Captain Wang Moumou was dismissed, and Deputy Director Yi Moumou of the sub-bureau was warned by the party to start the accountability of Director Liu Moumou. At the same time, the main leaders of the sub-bureau were ordered to personally send the completed household registration to the people's homes and apologize in person.

The Sichuan police did not standardize their words and deeds in dealing with the masses, and were seriously warned by the party

How can I not make mistakes?
How can I not make mistakes?

On May 12, the Mianzhu police in Sichuan Province rescued a drunk lost elderly man and sent the old man to his home safely at 22 o'clock that night, but the irregularities in the police handling process were exposed by netizens. Because the police officer was a member of the Communist Party, he had a bad attitude towards the masses in the process of dealing with the police, and he was simple and rude, causing a negative impact, and was given a serious warning within the party.

Henan Yiyi Detention Center, 1 certificate of release after completing his sentence, and now 5 wrongful policemen have been punished

How can I not make mistakes?

In July 2017, Mr. Guo from Henan Province was arrested by the police on suspicion of fabricating and publishing false information and sentenced to one year in prison, serving his sentence in a detention center. At the end of the sentence, there were five errors on the release certificate: the wrong case number, the wrong address, the wrong charge, the wrong date of judgment, and the wrong official seal.

How can I not make mistakes?

In the end, the director of the detention center came to Mr. Guo with the correct certificate and apologized to Mr. Guo. The police officer was admonished to talk and disqualified from the annual evaluation.

The lessons learned from the lessons, such as talking and warning, and holding colleagues accountable, are the best wake-up calls: how to avoid law enforcement mistakes? How can we not "step on mines" in law enforcement? You need a tool book that's super close to the actual combat ▽

How can I not make mistakes?

It is rich in content and relevant to the times. 100 cases of common law enforcement mistakes of the police are all included, and the "thunder" that you can't see and haven't stepped on is all here!

How can I not make mistakes?

It is a real case and a detailed explanation. The cases in the article are taken from real cases of law enforcement mistakes by the police, and detailed explanations of why they made mistakes and what mistakes they made -

How can I not make mistakes?

Its recommendations were to the point and the jurisprudence was clear. How should the people's police deal with their law enforcement mistakes? It gives the most law-based and law-abiding handling suggestions, which are worthy of reference by leaders and police. The relevant laws and regulations are attached to convince the relevant personnel.

How can I not make mistakes?

I believe that every comrade-in-arms who has been punished for law enforcement mistakes is not deliberately making mistakes, but in front of the law, mistakes are mistakes, irrefutable, so prevention in advance and learning to deal with them is the royal way to make law enforcement more standardized, hurry up and get it √! ▽

100 Cases of Common Law Enforcement Mistakes of Police, published by Law Press

How can I not make mistakes?

In the past, the Party Committee of the Jingcai Maduo Public Security Bureau sent off the veteran soldiers of the Armed Police Squadron Maduo Public Security丨Investigate the chaos and sort out the source of contradictions and disputes: the police circle

The official WeChat public platform of the Maduo County Public Security Bureau

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How can I not make mistakes?