
In 2024, the decline of the CNC industry will start from involution! What should be the future of CNC?

author:Drifting pony Vlog

Have you noticed?

In 2024, it seems that it will be extremely difficult to do both part-time work and business!

Wages are so low that it's sad, and profit margins are compressed to the point that they are almost invisible!

The phenomenon of involution in all walks of life has reached an unprecedented height!

Even the CNC industry is no exception.

In 2024, the decline of the CNC industry will start from involution! What should be the future of CNC?

Remember the past?

When I did CNC numerical control, the profits were so huge that people were red-eyed, and the money came quickly, as if as long as I joined this industry, I could easily become a boss and live a good life.

As a result, both insiders and laymen have poured into this field, buying machines and opening factories, all wanting a piece of the pie.

But market demand is like a piece of cake, the more people who share it, the less everyone can get.

Soon, the problem of overcapacity surfaced, and everyone had to start a price war without gunpowder in order to compete for limited orders.

This price war is so fierce! I heard that some bosses actually promised to process mold bases for free in order to grab orders!

You heard it right, it's free! This is a big surprise.

In 2024, the decline of the CNC industry will start from involution! What should be the future of CNC?

In this way, while it may attract some customers in the short term, in the long run, this practice is undoubtedly digging its own grave.

Because once this kind of low-price competition becomes the norm, the healthy development of the entire industry will be seriously threatened.

So, in the face of such a grim situation, what should the future of the CNC industry be?

First of all, I believe that companies in the industry should strengthen cooperation and avoid vicious competition.

Through the establishment of industry associations or alliances, industry standards and price systems can be jointly formulated to ensure that everyone has enough living space.

In 2024, the decline of the CNC industry will start from involution! What should be the future of CNC?

Secondly, processing and manufacturing enterprises should pay attention to technological innovation and product upgrading.

Only by continuously improving product quality and technical content can we stand out in the fierce market competition.

In addition, it can also expand new market areas, such as the development of CNC equipment to adapt to new energy, new materials and other emerging industries to meet the new needs of the market.

Of course, as practitioners, we also need to look at this issue rationally.

When choosing a supplier, we should not only look at the price, but also consider product quality, after-sales service and other factors.

In 2024, the decline of the CNC industry will start from involution! What should be the future of CNC?

At the same time, we should also maintain our attention and learning about new technologies and new products, and constantly improve our professional quality and competitiveness.

In short, although the current situation is indeed quite a big head, I believe that as long as we work together and continue to innovate, we will be able to find a breakthrough and make the CNC industry rejuvenate and revitalize!

Do you think there is a future for CNC? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss

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