
Civil and military double banquet: deer feast and eagle feast

author:Little Creek Academy

Friends, the scores of the college entrance examination have been announced one after another in the past few days, and the students who have done well in the exam are really worth celebrating with their relatives and friends. In the ancient imperial examination system, the entrance examination was also a great joy for scholars, and various celebrations were also held.

There is such a description in "Kindergarten Qionglin": "Luming Banquet, the sage of the literary list; Eagle feast, wait for the people of martial arts".

What does this mean? If you are interested, you must insist on reading my articles.

Civil and military double banquet: deer feast and eagle feast

"The deer feast, the sage of the literary list; The "money" and "hospitality" in the "Eagle Feast, Treat the Warriors of the Martial Arts" refer to hospitality and banquets.

The meaning of this sentence is that the "Luming Banquet" is a banquet to entertain Wen Jinshi; The "Eagle Yang Banquet" is a banquet for the reception of martial scholars, describing two different celebratory banquets held in ancient China for the outstanding talents of the two categories of literature and martial arts in the imperial examination, namely the "Luming Banquet" and the "Eagle Yang Banquet".

"Deer Feast"

"Luming Banquet", originated from the ancient township drinking etiquette, is the local magistrate congratulated the examination of the tribute students or people in the "township drinking" banquet.

"Deer Song" is taken from the "Xiaoya Lu Ming" chapter in the Book of Songs, which describes the scene of a group of deer chirping in the wild, calling their companions to enjoy food together. This place symbolizes the monarch's good will to recruit talents and courtesy talents.

Civil and military double banquet: deer feast and eagle feast

The banquet was personally organized by the county magistrate, who prepared a sumptuous banquet and invited new imperial examination personnel, internal and external curtain officials, and local gentry. There must be a small prison (sheep and pigs) in the banquet, and the song of "Deer Song" must be played before the banquet, and then the song of "Deer Song" must be read aloud to enliven the atmosphere.

Civil and military double banquet: deer feast and eagle feast

The purpose of this banquet was to entertain those literati who had achieved excellent results in the imperial examinations, to demonstrate the importance that the state attached to culture and education, and to encourage more scholars to devote themselves to the imperial examinations and to select more talents for the country.

"Eagle Feast"

Corresponding to the "Deer Banquet" of the liberal arts, the "Eagle Yang Banquet" is a banquet specially designed for the martial artists who are in the middle test after the trial list in Wuke Township.

The word "Eagle Yang" means flying like an eagle, symbolizing the courage and might of the warriors. In ancient times, martial arts examinations selected talents with military talents, who would become an important pillar of the country, defending the territory and maintaining the security and stability of the country.

Civil and military double banquet: deer feast and eagle feast

During the banquet, the chief examiner and the field examiner will attend the banquet and celebrate with the new science and technology martial arts people. The new science and technology martial arts people need to pay homage to the examiners first, and then sit down in turn for a banquet.

In addition to feasting and drinking, martial artists with strong martial arts will also show their skills such as horseback riding and archery to demonstrate their bravery and martial arts.

There may also be cultural activities such as poetry and singing at the banquet, but these are relatively few and revolve more around the martial arts and glory of the Wuju people.

Civil and military double banquet: deer feast and eagle feast

This banquet is also a grand banquet for those martial artists who have stood out in the martial arts examination, in recognition of their bravery and talent, and also a kind of affirmation and appreciation for their contributions to the country.


Friends, when those knowledgeable and martial arts talents passed the imperial examination, the imperial court held a grand "Deer Banquet" and "Eagle Yang Banquet" for them, which is not only a recognition of their knowledge, but also a kind of respect and courtesy for them, showing the attitude of the corporal Lixian, showing that the imperial court respects talents, attaches importance to talents, and is willing to provide talents with due treatment and opportunities.

Civil and military double banquet: deer feast and eagle feast

In addition, it is also to buy people's hearts, so that these talents will be more loyal to the imperial court, serve the country, and promote the prosperity and development of the country.