
After the Philippines fled in embarrassment, the US military "shot" at Ren'ai Jiao: a scene at the scene made the United States realize that the situation was not good

author:Aerospace power

U.S. military planes and warships frequently appear in China's vicinity, stirring up the situation in the South China Sea. This action was even more trivial, but the Chinese side caught it right and quickly took countermeasures.


In recent years, the United States has continued to make small moves to encourage the Philippines to confront China. Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos pursued a one-sided policy, closely following in the footsteps of the United States and adopting a hardline policy toward China on the South China Sea issue, which caused tension between China and the Philippines for a time.

However, in the face of the absolute superiority of the PLA, the Philippines has restrained its actions. Under such circumstances, the US military personally "went into battle" to make a big deal in the South China Sea.

After the Philippines fled in embarrassment, the US military "shot" at Ren'ai Jiao: a scene at the scene made the United States realize that the situation was not good

(China Coast Guard Vessel Operation)

1. The U.S. military did bad things in the South China Sea and was directly caught

Recently, a US military plane circled over the waters of the South China Sea and dropped an unidentified object. The Chinese Coast Guard immediately rushed to the target area to salvage it, and sure enough, it found an unknown electronic device.

After a detailed examination of the equipment, the Chinese side found that this is a detector, which is mainly used to detect submarine signals, and can also conduct signal confrontation with submarines underwater, and the purpose of this move by the United States is self-evident.

It is worth mentioning that the probe was dropped into the waters near Ren'ai Jiao, and the noise generated by its sonar will affect the normal movement of marine life, causing it to lose its way and even run aground and die, seriously affecting the marine ecology.

In fact, over the years, the U.S. military has dropped similar items in the waters around China, and fishermen have been able to salvage probes or underwater vehicles from time to time, which once again proves that the United States is the main culprit in the turmoil in the South China Sea.

In recent years, the US military has continuously dispatched reconnaissance ships and planes to monitor the movements of the PLA in the South China Sea, and US warships have repeatedly intruded into the waters near Nansha islands and reefs to "flex their muscles" to China; although they were warned and driven away by the PLA's naval and air forces, the United States has not given up on giving up and is trying its best to make trouble in the South China Sea, intending to contain China's forces in the South China Sea and vainly trying to seize the initiative in the strategic situation in the South China Sea.

After the Philippines fled in embarrassment, the US military "shot" at Ren'ai Jiao: a scene at the scene made the United States realize that the situation was not good

(U.S. military aircraft drop detection device)

However, China's move this time is undoubtedly a slap in the face to the United States, and it also confirms China's control of the situation in the South China Sea.

With the launch of various advanced Chinese warships one after another, the gap between China and the United States in the military field is rapidly narrowing. Under such circumstances, the United States has gone to great lengths to win over its allies to encircle China, and its actions in the South China Sea are also aimed at taking the opportunity to create a military encirclement and prevent the Chinese Navy from projecting strategic forces further away.

2. "Ventilation message" to the Philippines? The U.S. aims more than that

Considering the location of the US military's launch, it is inseparable from the current "confrontation" between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea. Recently, Philippine ships have tried every means to rush into Ren'ai Jiao, nominally to transport supplies, but secretly carrying construction materials behind their backs, not only did they not notify the Chinese side in advance, but even insisted on rushing forward in the face of the Chinese coast guard's obstruction, resulting in a collision between the two sides, and finally the Philippines "returned in a fiasco".

After this incident, the Philippines seems to have stopped for a while, but the United States has no intention of doing so. Both the United States and the Philippines are well aware that Chinese coast guard ships and PLA warships have actually built a blockade line near Ren'ai Jiao and other Chinese islands and reefs, and it is obviously not feasible for Philippine ships to force their way in.

This may just be one of the purposes of the United States. Some analysts say that the United States' move may be an opportunity to probe the construction of China's underwater forces.

Recently, CCTV has disclosed a lot of information about submarines on the mainland, and naval officers have even described the development of submarines as "both nuclear and conventional, and nuclear-oriented." This can't help but make the outside world speculate that China's nuclear submarines may soon usher in a wave of "dumplings" climax. To put it another way, this also means that China has made rapid progress in nuclear submarine technology, and such a scenario is exactly what the United States does not want to see.

After the Philippines fled in embarrassment, the US military "shot" at Ren'ai Jiao: a scene at the scene made the United States realize that the situation was not good

(The U.S. military wants to detect the movement of PLA submarines)

The U.S. military has long believed that its underwater power far exceeds that of the PLA, especially in nuclear submarines, which has formed an asymmetric advantage over China. Many US military officials regard submarines as a "trump card" for winning the Sino-US conflict, and if China catches up with the United States in the field of nuclear submarines, it will be a heavy blow to the confidence of the US military.

However, no matter what actions the US military takes, it will not be able to stop China's military strength. The current U.S. military is strong as a whole, but as long as we are given enough time, these gaps may not be unbridged.

3. The surrounding environment is harsh, but China has a "safety card" in the South China Sea

The Philippines was pushed to the forefront by the United States to confront China. At the same time, the United States is constantly courting ASEAN countries in an attempt to get them to stand in opposition to China. Fortunately, ASEAN countries have a clear position and are unwilling to choose sides among major powers, but they have not given up cooperation with China, but the Philippines has come to the point of "betraying relatives".

There is sufficient evidence to show that the South China Sea originally belonged to China, but due to historical reasons, some islands and reefs fell into the hands of other countries, affecting the relevant rights and interests of the mainland, so the South China Sea issue arose.

The South China Sea is inherently incompatible with the United States, but the United States has tried its best to disrupt the South China Sea.

Through land reclamation, China can not only strengthen its military deployment capabilities in the South China Sea, but also effectively deter provocative forces and defend the relevant rights and interests of the mainland. In particular, Mischief Island, Subi Island, and Fiery Cross Island have become "unsinkable aircraft carriers" in the South China Sea, and will defend national sovereignty and security together with Chinese warships.

After the Philippines fled in embarrassment, the US military "shot" at Ren'ai Jiao: a scene at the scene made the United States realize that the situation was not good

(The "unsinkable aircraft carrier" of the South China Sea)

The Philippines should be clear about one thing: the South China Sea issue should be resolved through consultation among neighboring countries, and blindly introducing foreign forces or even opening military bases for it will inevitably pay a heavy price and burn itself in the end.