
The Women's Federation of Huangchuan County carried out the "6.26" International Anti-Drug Day concentrated publicity activities

author:Xinyang, the county economy

  On the occasion of the 37th "6.26" International Anti-Drug Day, in order to guide and educate the majority of young people to firmly establish the awareness of staying away from addictive substances such as narcotic-related drugs, enhance the ability of young people to recognize, prevent and reject drugs, and create a strong social atmosphere of anti-drug propaganda, on the morning of June 25, the Huangchuan County Women's Federation held a concentrated publicity activity for the 2024 "6.26" International Anti-Drug Day with the theme of "Preventing Drug Abuse among Adolescents" at the County Convention and Exhibition Center.

The Women's Federation of Huangchuan County carried out the "6.26" International Anti-Drug Day concentrated publicity activities

  Liu Jun, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and Director of the Narcotics Control Commission, Qi Xinfeng, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, and Ma Yajun, Vice Chairman of the County Political Consultative Conference, attended the event. The opening ceremony was presided over by Liang Shikui, member of the Party Committee of the County Public Security Bureau and director of the Narcotics Control Office, and the propaganda and education activities kicked off with anti-drug songs.

The Women's Federation of Huangchuan County carried out the "6.26" International Anti-Drug Day concentrated publicity activities

  At the event site, the staff of the County Women's Federation publicized and explained the types and harms of drugs, as well as the methods to resist the harm of drugs, by putting up publicity boards and distributing publicity materials, and called on young people to cherish their lives and resolutely stay away from drugs and drug abuse. It also educates and guides women to strengthen the study of anti-drug knowledge, firmly establish anti-drug awareness, enhance the concept of drug prevention, and effectively safeguard the physical and mental health of themselves and their family members.

The Women's Federation of Huangchuan County carried out the "6.26" International Anti-Drug Day concentrated publicity activities

  This activity further created a strong atmosphere for the whole people to actively participate in anti-drug propaganda, and further improved the ability of young people to understand new drugs and reject the temptation of drugs. In the next step, the County Women's Federation will continue to guide the majority of women and children to actively cultivate good living habits and civilized and healthy lifestyles, consciously resist the harm of drugs, continuously improve the ability to prevent and reject drugs, and contribute to the construction of a harmonious and safe Huangchuan.

(This article is reprinted in [Huangchuan News Network], edited by [Kaisheng Financial Media], please indicate the original author to maintain the integrity of the article.) If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete. )

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