
Professor Zheng Qiang said: The flight attendants are recruiting graduate students! It's a sad thing for education


Professor Zheng Qiang said in a speech that what he really couldn't figure out was that under the influence of the current social climate, even flight attendants began to recruit graduate students. Although this phenomenon may sound like a joke, when you think about it, isn't it sad? In fact, many people understand that the flight attendant is a waiter to put it bluntly, to put it mildly, an illiterate person in the countryside can be competent after training, do you need such a high diploma and education? So why are even flight attendants recruiting graduate students, and what is the logic of this? I'm going to make a brief analysis today, and I ask for your forgiveness for saying something that may be wrong or something more subjective.

Professor Zheng Qiang said: The flight attendants are recruiting graduate students! It's a sad thing for education

We know that the number of jobs in a country itself is unlimited, and as society develops, there will be more and more jobs. However, compared with the positions within the system and some of the better positions, the number is fixed. Many of us have seen the fact that the system is bloated now, but we have not seen the real reason behind it. In fact, when it was decided to expand the enrollment of universities, this policy was opposed by many people, because once the enrollment was expanded, the gold content of college students would inevitably be seriously reduced, and it would have to bring huge employment pressure to the whole society. In fact, there is a certain reason why the university expanded its enrollment in the first place, in essence, the university expansion is to allow more talents to be discovered and to cultivate more high-level talents for the country. But everyone forgot one thing, for many readers, the reason why they have been cold for ten years is actually to change the fate of themselves and their families. In the past, not to mention college students, even secondary school students were assigned in packages, but later due to the increasing number of people and the shortage of positions, they were not allocated.

Professor Zheng Qiang said: The flight attendants are recruiting graduate students! It's a sad thing for education

Although it is not allotted, in the hearts of many college students, entering the system is still the best choice. Therefore, every year, a large number of college students take the public examination and want to squeeze into the system. As we all know, a person has at least 40 years from the time he joins the job to the time he retires, during which the number of jobs is fixed. However, every year, a large number of college students enter the system through public examinations, and the number is much higher than that of retirees, which creates problems. On the one hand, the number of jobs in the system is fixed, and on the other hand, there are constantly people joining the system, what should I do? There is only an expansion, and many people with backgrounds prefer to expand the organization, because as long as the expansion is carried out, they can enter the system more justifiably by virtue of their own connections. Therefore, under the influence of the expansion of university enrollment, the system is becoming more and more bloated. In recent years, the establishment of the system is really insufficient, so some people have proposed to purchase services, which is actually increasing the establishment in disguise and making the system even more bloated.

Professor Zheng Qiang said: The flight attendants are recruiting graduate students! It's a sad thing for education

Once the society is involuted to a certain extent, people with connections and backgrounds can still squeeze into the system in a certain way, of course, this system also includes many state-owned enterprises, central enterprises, scientific research institutes and education systems, and so on. For other college graduates, because many jobs are occupied by some people, it is more difficult for them to enter the system, so a large number of college students are shunted to other positions in society. However, despite the diversion to the society, many college students have not changed their mentality, and they can't adapt to some ordinary jobs or difficult positions at all, and they naively think that they are graduates of a famous university, so they should have a better treatment and working environment. I remember that there was an article in the People's Daily last year that said very thoroughly, that is, many people have a set of long shirts that they can't take off, which is a fact.

Professor Zheng Qiang said: The flight attendants are recruiting graduate students! It's a sad thing for education

Under such circumstances, the position of flight attendant has entered the sight of many graduated female college students. For other jobs, this job is not too tiring, there is more free time, and the pay is very good. More importantly, this job meets some wealthy elites, and there are relatively more opportunities to change their own destiny. Everyone also knows that in the past few years, the stories of rich sons and domineering presidents in some Korean dramas have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and under such influence, the position of flight attendant, which often has access to upper-class people, has naturally become the best choice for some female college students. After all, from the perspective of the composition of passengers, most of them are composed of groups above the middle class, and there are some social elites, business elites or elites in the system in the first class.

Professor Zheng Qiang said: The flight attendants are recruiting graduate students! It's a sad thing for education

Although there are not many opportunities, it is still easier than crawling around in society, and the odds are much higher than buying lottery tickets. Because of this, this profession is becoming more and more popular, and there are more and more female college students who want to enter this industry. Once the number of people increases, what should we do if the supply exceeds the demand? Only by setting a certain threshold can a part of the job seekers be stopped. Therefore, from this point of view, the phenomenon of recruiting flight attendants with graduate degrees may be understandable. But we can also see that in the whole society, due to the limitations of traditional concepts, many people do not have a good impression of flight attendants, and there is a reason for this. Mainly because human nature is greedy and not satisfied, because there are more upper-class elites in contact, so they are more and more demanding of their other half. In addition, after they come into contact with these people, they are influenced by the values of the upper elite, and their concept of interests is heavier, and their requirements for other aspects of the individual are relatively relaxed, so they are prone to some life style problems. After a long time, the chaos of the industry has appeared, so the impression in society is not good.

Professor Zheng Qiang said: The flight attendants are recruiting graduate students! It's a sad thing for education

Of course, what I have said above is just an example, and it does not represent the whole story, but often a mouse spoils a pot of soup. Just like the current society's pursuit of electric vehicles, although there is a shadow of capital behind it, but in fact, the problem of electric vehicles not obeying traffic rules, the problem of electric vehicle charging explosions, although very little, but the impact is great. This also gives a very bad impression to many people, coupled with some capital in the advocacy, and through a variety of media to hype, in the whole society everyone will think that all electric car riders do not obey the traffic rules, all electric car charging has safety hazards, this is the same reason. Another example is that if a restaurant has a food hygiene problem, the image of the hotel will collapse instantly, even if its performance for decades is very good, it will not work, because the modern network is spreading too fast, many people only believe in their intuitive feelings, and will not calmly consider the probability of things happening, problems and reasons.

Professor Zheng Qiang said: The flight attendants are recruiting graduate students! It's a sad thing for education

Therefore, there is no need to be surprised that we need a graduate degree to recruit flight attendants, and many places even require a graduate degree for security guards. Is it because this profession requires such a high degree of education? Definitely! In fact, it is just a manifestation of the surplus of the talent market, which is the follow-up impact of the expansion of college students in that year. As long as we take academic qualifications as normal, not to mention that college students are everywhere now, even the number of graduate students in the mainland is already very large. Thirty years ago, secondary school students could be assigned, and the situation that high school students were treasures is gone forever. The level of education is generally improving, and it is time to look at contemporary college and graduate students from a different perspective. In fact, in my opinion, the so-called college students and secondary school students are just academic qualifications, and do not represent a person's ability level. Everyone understands the truth that scarcity is expensive, and now college students are not only not a scarce group, but an ordinary existence, so it is common to not find a suitable job. If they can take off their kaftan and see themselves as high school students thirty years ago, their mentality will be normal, what do you think?


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