
Behind the questioning of Jiang Ping's math competition results is the revival of education or the arrogance of the school valve

author:Layer Lan Jiashu

Recently, Jiang Ping, a student from Lianshui County, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, participated in a global mathematics competition organized by Alibaba DAMO Academy as a secondary school student and won the 12th place. After the results of the competition were announced, everyone sighed that "a noble son from a poor family" was announced.

As everyone continued to pay attention, some people began to question Jiang Ping's achievements. One of the focuses of questioning: the top 11 in the competition are all top students of Tsinghua University and Peking University, why can you, a little-known secondary school student, be on an equal footing with these proud sons of heaven in the ivory tower? The second focus of questioning: Jiang Ping's monthly mathematics test score was only 83 points (out of 150 points), and she was able to get the 12th place in the world in the mathematics competition, and she was suspected of falsifying the test results.

Behind the questioning of Jiang Ping's math competition results is the revival of education or the arrogance of the school valve


In response to these two questions, the author has something to say.

First of all, the fact that a secondary school student can compete with the students of Qingbei on the same stage and can achieve results comparable to that of students in Qingbei just shows the success of the mainland's educational reform.

Once upon a time, many people thought that only those who did not study well went to secondary school and junior college. In the chain of education contempt, technical secondary schools and junior colleges are always at the bottom of the chain. In the process of employment and job search, students who graduated from technical secondary school and junior college do not have any competitiveness at all. This is the pride and prejudice of the school valve. However, in recent years, the state has implemented the diversion of education, and objectively diverted those students who are seriously biased to secondary schools and junior colleges. Students here may not score as well in the comprehensive examination as high school and undergraduate students, but some gifted students are definitely not inferior to anyone from a professional class in terms of single subject ability.

"Mencius" has a cloud in "Born in Sorrow and Died in Peace": Shun is born in the acres, Fu Shuo is lifted between the plates, Jiao is lifted in the fish salt, Guan Yiwu is lifted in the Shi, Sun Shu Ao is lifted in the sea, and Baili Xi is lifted in the city. The sources of talents are diverse, and the education of schools is also diverse, not all talents are cultivated in Qingbei, and not all workers are cultivated in Lianshui.

Behind the questioning of Jiang Ping's math competition results is the revival of education or the arrogance of the school valve

Knowledge changes destiny

Secondly, it is very inappropriate to use the results of the monthly examination to speculate on the results of the competition. Not to mention that monthly exams and competitions are two types of exams, they are very different from the purpose of the exam.

The monthly school exam is nothing more than a test of students' mastery of knowledge points this semester or this month. And what about the competition? It is a test of students' comprehensive ability and ability to flexibly apply knowledge. Founded in 2017, Alibaba DAMO Academy is committed to exploring the unknown of science and technology, driven by the vision of mankind, and based on basic science, innovative technology and applied technology. Therefore, there is no need to compare the monthly exam with the competition results, which is meaningless.

Speaking of which, I'm going to tell you a little bit about what happened to me. In the last mock test before the high school entrance examination, the author only scored 29 points in mathematics (out of 120 points). The head teacher, Mr. Niu, talked to me and said bluntly, "Your grades in other subjects are not bad, why did you score 29 points in mathematics?" I don't think I can go to high school with this grade." As a result, I scored 112 points in mathematics in the high school entrance examination that year. Do you think it's a miracle? I think it's commonplace.

Behind the questioning of Jiang Ping's math competition results is the revival of education or the arrogance of the school valve

Math genius

Finally, I want to say that although "it is difficult to produce a noble son from a poor family" is an objective existence, it is only "difficult", and there is no "no". The reason why many people question Jiang Ping is nothing more than looking at people based on their background, background, and status, and they feel that it is impossible for a secondary school student to achieve the twelfth good result in the world, and that it is impossible for a secondary school to produce a genius, and all talents are already in the preparatory class of the ivory tower, or living in the temple.

If you have the energy, why don't you question Li Xueqin's fraud as a second-level athlete and Wang Yan's son escorting Peking University? The people at the bottom are very tired now, so please raise your noble hands and examine their achievements from the perspective of humanistic care.

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