
The Sorrow of Education: The Teacher's Dilemma under Excessive Discipline

author:Brother Tiger talks about table tennis

Recently, the strict rules and regulations of a school in Shandong Province have sparked widespread controversy. The school's management of teachers is too strict, which makes teachers feel unprecedented pressure in their sacred duty to teach and educate. This is not only an isolated phenomenon of one school, but also a common tragedy faced by teachers in the current educational environment.

Teachers, as disseminators of knowledge and engineers of the soul, should enjoy sufficient respect and freedom. However, in this school, teachers are required to swipe their faces six times a day, and any late arrival or early departure will be severely punished, which is not only disrespectful to the teachers' personality, but also a serious blow to their professionalism.

Even more incomprehensible is the school's strict restrictions on teachers going out of the way. Even necessary personal matters must go through a cumbersome check-out and cancellation process. This style of management undoubtedly increases the workload of teachers and prevents them from focusing on teaching itself.

In addition, the school's evaluation of the teaching quality of teachers is too single and harsh. Determining teachers' rewards and punishments based solely on students' random test scores ignores many complex factors in the education process. This kind of evaluation method not only cannot truly reflect the teaching level of teachers, but also is more likely to lead to vicious competition among teachers and affect the harmony of the educational environment.

What's even more sad is that the school's school meeting has turned into a "teachers' criticism meeting". In such an environment, teachers feel unprecedented pressure and fear, they dare not easily express their ideas and opinions, and they are unable to carry out educational activities freely. This environment is undoubtedly a serious disservice to education itself.

The sorrow of education is not only the sorrow of teachers, but also the sorrow of all those who are educated. We call on the education sector and all sectors of society to pay attention to this issue and create a more relaxed, free and harmonious working environment for teachers, so that they can truly give full play to their talents and wisdom and make greater contributions to the cause of education.

The Sorrow of Education: The Teacher's Dilemma under Excessive Discipline
The Sorrow of Education: The Teacher's Dilemma under Excessive Discipline
The Sorrow of Education: The Teacher's Dilemma under Excessive Discipline
The Sorrow of Education: The Teacher's Dilemma under Excessive Discipline
The Sorrow of Education: The Teacher's Dilemma under Excessive Discipline
The Sorrow of Education: The Teacher's Dilemma under Excessive Discipline

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