
China's aerospace industry announced last year that more than 100 remote sensing satellites at an altitude of 400,000 meters can monitor the earth throughout the day

author:Dreamers of the sea

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China's aerospace industry announced last year that more than 100 remote sensing satellites at an altitude of 400,000 meters can monitor the earth throughout the day


As the only country with a GPS satellite system and the only country to achieve a manned landing on the moon, the United States is undoubtedly a leader in the field of aerospace, and its satellite technology is also at the forefront of the world.

Last year, the latest news from the China National Space Administration showed that the mainland already had more than 200 remote sensing satellites in orbit, and the number of satellites in orbit also ranked second in the world.

With the vigorous development of satellite technology, China's aerospace industry has also continued to make achievements, and it is even hoped that it will surpass the United States in the near future.

China's aerospace industry announced last year that more than 100 remote sensing satellites at an altitude of 400,000 meters can monitor the earth throughout the day

Continental satellite technology is developing rapidly

"Dongfang Hong, the sun rises", this melodious song was played in space by the mainland's first artificial satellite, Dongfanghong 1, and the voice of China was also transmitted to all over the world.

As a developing country through and through, China has significantly lagged behind developed countries such as Europe and the United States in many fields, and the same is true in the field of satellite technology.

It was not until 1970 that the mainland launched its first artificial earth satellite, Dongfanghong 1, and since then, China's satellite has also entered a new journey of rapid development.

China's aerospace industry announced last year that more than 100 remote sensing satellites at an altitude of 400,000 meters can monitor the earth throughout the day

Since the Soviet Union was the first country to launch the first artificial satellite into space, the United States followed suit with the launch of Explorer 1 in 1958, which also sent the satellite into space.

The journey of human exploration of space has also begun, and countries around the world have also focused their attention on space, hoping to seize the opportunity in space and establish outposts.

Based on this background, the mainland has also decided to quickly start research on China's artificial satellites. In 1958, under the leadership of Chairman Mao, the mainland officially adopted the "three-step process" and set a plan for the construction of satellites.

China's aerospace industry announced last year that more than 100 remote sensing satellites at an altitude of 400,000 meters can monitor the earth throughout the day

However, due to the fact that China had just been founded at that time, its weak national strength could not support China's follow-up work on satellites, and it was not until 1965 that China's economic situation improved significantly, and the mainland officially started preparations for satellite missions.

After many studies and discussions, the mainland decided to use the first artificial satellite as a test satellite for scientific exploration, so as to provide valuable experience and data for China's future development of various specialized satellites.

In 1970, the Dongfanghong-1 satellite was successfully launched into space by the Long March-1 rocket, which not only showed China's voice to the world, but also opened the prelude to China's entry into space.

China's aerospace industry announced last year that more than 100 remote sensing satellites at an altitude of 400,000 meters can monitor the earth throughout the day

The success of Dongfanghong-1 not only marks that the mainland has become the fifth country in the world that can independently develop and launch artificial satellites, but also opens a new era in China's aerospace history.

Since then, mainland satellite technology has also begun to flourish, and breakthroughs have been made in many satellite technology fields, rapidly moving towards the ranks of world-class satellite powers.

In 1975, the mainland successfully overcame a number of technical difficulties such as satellite attitude control technology and satellite recovery technology, and successfully launched the first re-entry satellite.

Information sources:

Cover News: "By the end of 2023, the mainland will have more than 150 commercial remote sensing satellites in orbit"2024-06-15

China's aerospace industry announced last year that more than 100 remote sensing satellites at an altitude of 400,000 meters can monitor the earth throughout the day

In 1988, China's first generation of practical communication satellite "Dongfanghong No. 2A" was also successfully launched, and nearly 30 years later, the mainland's first all-electric propulsion communication satellite "Asia-Pacific 6E" has also been successfully put into orbit.

In the field of remote sensing satellites, China has also achieved a technological breakthrough from scratch, and by the end of 2003, the number of commercial remote sensing satellites in orbit on the mainland has exceeded 150.

Such a huge number has not only made China the country with the second largest number of remote sensing satellites in the world, but also the rapid progress of satellite technology and rocket launch means has enabled China to catch up with or even surpass the United States in the field of satellite technology.

China's aerospace industry announced last year that more than 100 remote sensing satellites at an altitude of 400,000 meters can monitor the earth throughout the day

The number of satellites in orbit has surged, and it is expected to catch up with the United States

As a country that established a GPS satellite navigation system early on, the United States has always maintained a leading position in the world in satellite technology for many years.

After years of vigorous development, the mainland's satellite technology has now caught up with the footsteps of the United States, and at the same time, in many special satellite fields, the mainland has even been able to surpass the United States.

In 2017, the mainland has become the country with the largest number of meteorological satellites in orbit in the world, after successfully launching 15 meteorological satellites, seven of which are in normal operation.

China's aerospace industry announced last year that more than 100 remote sensing satellites at an altitude of 400,000 meters can monitor the earth throughout the day

In addition to the remarkable progress made in meteorological satellites, last year, the mainland's self-developed Beidou navigation system also completed the global networking, and more than 40 Beidou satellites in orbit have been able to provide convenient services for more than 200 countries and regions around the world.

According to the latest data from the China National Space Administration of the mainland, the number of satellites with more than 300 kilograms in stable operation in the continental space orbit has exceeded 300, ranking second in the world.

This includes more than 200 remote sensing satellites in orbit, which can achieve global coverage of 16-meter resolution satellite data transmission, and can revisit any location in the world within one day.

Information sources:

Xinhuanet's "Gaze from 400,000 meters in the sky! More than 200 remote sensing satellites in orbit protect "Beautiful China""2023-04-22

China's aerospace industry announced last year that more than 100 remote sensing satellites at an altitude of 400,000 meters can monitor the earth throughout the day

Among them, the land exploration No. 4 01 satellite launched by the mainland is also the world's first high-orbit synthetic aperture radar satellite, which can observe the ground around the clock without being restricted by climate.

With the help of such a large number of advanced remote sensing satellites, the mainland will also be able to make full use of this advantage and effectively protect the mainland's ecological environment and natural resources.

China's aerospace industry announced last year that more than 100 remote sensing satellites at an altitude of 400,000 meters can monitor the earth throughout the day

Compared with the United States, where space technology has stagnated or even regressed, in the past 10 years, the mainland's satellite technology has entered a period of rapid development, and now, both in terms of quantity and quality, it has entered the advanced ranks of the world's satellites.

It is believed that in the near future, we will be able to look forward to China's comprehensive surpassing of the United States in the field of satellite technology.

The development in the field of satellites in recent years has not only helped the mainland quickly catch up with the footsteps of Europe and the United States, but also played an effective role in China's aerospace progress.

China's aerospace industry announced last year that more than 100 remote sensing satellites at an altitude of 400,000 meters can monitor the earth throughout the day

Mature satellite technology helps China's aerospace progress

In order to send satellites into space, the mainland has also made continuous breakthroughs in rocket launch technology, and satellite technology, which is constantly maturing, has provided extremely effective assistance to China's space flight.

In addition to using rockets to send spacecraft into space, satellites with different functions continue to play a vital role in many missions in China's aerospace industry.

In addition to the previous use of ground remote sensing observation satellites to find the landing point of spacecraft, in order to support more complex missions on the lunar surface, the construction of a satellite navigation system for the moon has also become an important task at present.

China's aerospace industry announced last year that more than 100 remote sensing satellites at an altitude of 400,000 meters can monitor the earth throughout the day

The China National Space Administration announced in the early years that it would build a constellation system of communication and navigation satellites around the moon in the future to provide information support for more complex lunar exploration missions in the future.

It was with the help of the Queqiao-2 relay communication satellite that Chang'e-6, which successfully returned recently, to communicate with the Earth, complete the breakthrough mission of accurately landing on the far side of the moon and successfully returning to the Earth after completing sampling.

Queqiao-2, which has been in a frozen orbit around the moon for eight years, has provided key assistance to the Chang'e-4 and Chang'e-6 missions.

Information sources:

The Paper "The Eighth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group: Stars, Arrows, and Instruments Hand in Hand for 53 Days and Moons to Take the "Treasure""2024-06-26

China's aerospace industry announced last year that more than 100 remote sensing satellites at an altitude of 400,000 meters can monitor the earth throughout the day

In the future, the longest-lived relay communication satellite in the deep space field of the continent will continue to provide accurate and rapid communication services for the follow-up Chang'e-7, Chang'e-8 and other lunar exploration missions.

It can be said that China's aerospace project today has made great achievements again and again thanks to the joint cooperation of satellites, rockets, and spacecraft.

China's aerospace industry announced last year that more than 100 remote sensing satellites at an altitude of 400,000 meters can monitor the earth throughout the day


Inspired by the dream of flying to the sky, China's aerospace industry will continue to forge ahead, make full use of the common progress of "satellites, arrows, and instruments," go further and further on the road of "going to the moon in nine days," and realize the great goal of a manned landing on the moon at an early date.


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