
"CCTV celebrity" Shui Junyi has been scolded for 20 years, it turns out that his ruthlessness and unrighteousness were forced?

author:Gossip Zhang

At the age of 22, he left his hometown, not for fame and fortune, but for the truth of the world behind the camera. On the streets of Cairo, he felt the cruelty of war for the first time. With the sound of cannon in his ears every day, he had to learn to capture the moment of life and death in the rain of bullets. Those days are not described by the cold words of news reports, but a portrayal of life mixed with blood and tears.

"CCTV celebrity" Shui Junyi has been scolded for 20 years, it turns out that his ruthlessness and unrighteousness were forced?

More than once he faced the threat of death, and on one occasion a shell almost took his life. At that moment, he realized that life was as fragile as paper and could shatter into pieces at any moment. The shadow of war hung deep over him, and even when he returned to the peaceful city, those fears and struggles were still with him.

"CCTV celebrity" Shui Junyi has been scolded for 20 years, it turns out that his ruthlessness and unrighteousness were forced?

After returning to China, his career took off like a rocket, with various popular programs coming one after another, such as "Let's Talk About Current Affairs" and "High-end Interview", which made him a household name. In front of the camera, he is always so calm and calm, and what the audience sees is his style and talent. However, behind the spotlight, he was burdened with heavy psychological pressure.

"CCTV celebrity" Shui Junyi has been scolded for 20 years, it turns out that his ruthlessness and unrighteousness were forced?

Those experiences that had been in the battlefield came to his mind from time to time, like a lingering nightmare. Behind every shining point in his work is a huge price he pays. Every time he faced the camera, he had to overcome the fear and anxiety in his heart, and the images of the battlefield would suddenly appear, making him fall into a panic for a while, and even unable to speak normally. The glamorous and glamorous seen by the outside world was actually exchanged for countless difficult nights.

"CCTV celebrity" Shui Junyi has been scolded for 20 years, it turns out that his ruthlessness and unrighteousness were forced?

Family life was also frequently affected by his work. He had almost no personal time, and work became the whole of life. Every time I go home, I always take my tired body and mind with me. His wife's support became his biggest reliance, but the time between the two became less and less. He tried to find a way to do both, but in the end, work stress and psychological trauma left him more and more exhausted.

"CCTV celebrity" Shui Junyi has been scolded for 20 years, it turns out that his ruthlessness and unrighteousness were forced?

One cold night, the trick of fate changes the course of everything. On the way back from the work party, Wang Jun was in a sudden car accident that changed her and Shui Junyi's lives. At that moment, everything seemed to come to a standstill, Wang Jun's lower limbs were severely injured, and she was destined to rely on a wheelchair for a long time.

"CCTV celebrity" Shui Junyi has been scolded for 20 years, it turns out that his ruthlessness and unrighteousness were forced?

Shui Junyi's inner pain and helplessness can no one truly understand. He had tried to endure it all, and for the sake of his family and career, he and his wife had to make a difficult decision: divorce. This decision quickly aroused widespread concern in society and heated discussions in public opinion. In the eyes of the outside world, he was accused of being a "ruthless and unjust" scumbag, but the truth behind it is more complex than it seems.

"CCTV celebrity" Shui Junyi has been scolded for 20 years, it turns out that his ruthlessness and unrighteousness were forced?

Wang Jun firmly supported the decision to divorce, knowing that her situation had placed a huge burden on Shui Junyi and did not want to become a burden on his life. Her resolute choice has caused the family to face a breakup, but in Shui Junyi's view, it is also so that each other can start over. However, public opinion has difficulty understanding their choices, and their lives have been entangled in criticism and controversy.

"CCTV celebrity" Shui Junyi has been scolded for 20 years, it turns out that his ruthlessness and unrighteousness were forced?

The end of this marriage forced Shui Junyi to re-examine his life trajectory and values. He used to be a celebrity of CCTV and had unlimited scenery, but at a critical moment in his family, he chose a path that few people chose. The accusations and misunderstandings of netizens made him feel double pressure, and his every decision was magnified and scrutinized, while little is known about the mental journey behind him.

"CCTV celebrity" Shui Junyi has been scolded for 20 years, it turns out that his ruthlessness and unrighteousness were forced?

After a difficult period after his wife's car accident, Shui Junyi finally decided to remarry his assistant Yang Di, and the two faced various challenges in life together. Together, they ushered in the birth of twin sons, bringing them new hope and happiness.

"CCTV celebrity" Shui Junyi has been scolded for 20 years, it turns out that his ruthlessness and unrighteousness were forced?

However, Shui Junyi still has a regret in his heart: Yang Di suffers from a certain disease and cannot have more children. This cruel reality makes them unable to get rid of the emptiness and helplessness in their hearts, and he often feels that his life lacks some kind of integrity, which is an irrefillable regret.

"CCTV celebrity" Shui Junyi has been scolded for 20 years, it turns out that his ruthlessness and unrighteousness were forced?

Today, Shui Junyi has stayed away from the applause of the screen and the spotlight, and has lived a life without contention. He quit CCTV and began to examine his past life trajectory in a different way. He realized that the true meaning of life does not lie in the praise and glory of the outside world, but in how to face every challenge and choice in life. He re-examines his choices, and despite the many regrets and imperfections in life, he still strives to find his own happiness and fulfillment.