
Premature heart beats are symptoms or not diseases, don't talk nonsense, just tell you how to treat it!

author:Fan Lihua, Department of Cardiology

Today I would like to share with you a story about my personal experience.

When I was just starting out in medicine, it seemed like everyone could have this problem when faced with a situation like a premature heart beat.

Premature heart beats are symptoms or not diseases, don't talk nonsense, just tell you how to treat it!

According to Western medicine, "premature beats" (i.e., sudden halting of the heart) usually occur in patients with heart diseases such as rheumatic heart disease, coronary arteriosclerotic heart disease, myocarditis, and cardiomyopathy. To alleviate this condition, doctors prescribe a variety of medications, such as propranolol, betalux, atropulsion, slow heart rhythm, amiodarone, quinidine, procainamide, and many more. Although these drugs can relieve the feeling of heartache, they are often accompanied by adverse reactions such as dizziness, fatigue, head swelling, and nausea.

However, what is the real cause of premature heart beats? Is it really the only way we can be treated? I would like to illustrate this with a real-life case.

Many years ago, when I was a newbie in the field of Chinese medicine, I was too busy with work and unfortunately suffered from a "heart disease" known as "premature beats". This condition is characterized by sudden pauses in the heart beating, which makes people feel extremely uncomfortable. At that time, I thought to myself: Is there also a so-called "Yan Ruyu" in Chinese medicine books? Why do I feel like my heart is beating from time to time?

Premature heart beats are symptoms or not diseases, don't talk nonsense, just tell you how to treat it!

I even began to wonder if I was about to die, after all, I was just entering my youth. So, I went to the cardiology department of the most famous hospital in the area, hoping to get help from the doctor. After a series of examinations, the doctor told me solemnly, "We will treat you according to the treatment plan for myocarditis." "When I heard this, my heart was full of doubts.

Although I took some medications to regulate the nervous system as recommended by my doctor, I did not achieve any results. After several weeks of repeated treatment, the condition still did not improve. I completely lost faith in the treatment and decided to try it myself.

I thought to myself that this must be an ancient disease, and there must be something about it in ancient books. So, I flipped through the "Treatise on Typhoid Fever" and found that Zhang Zhongjing had already written a good prescription for the treatment of this disease - "boiled licorice soup".

Premature heart beats are symptoms or not diseases, don't talk nonsense, just tell you how to treat it!

The recipe for boiled licorice soup includes boiled licorice, ginger, cinnamon sticks, ginseng, rehmannia root, ejiao, maimendong, hemp seeds, and jujubes. Put all the herbs in 1500ml of water, add 50ml of rice wine or sake, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 50 minutes. Finally, melt the ejiao and pour it into the liquid medicine, divide it into 2-3 times and drink it slowly.

In the book "Traditional Chinese Medicine of Circular Motion", Mr. Peng Ziyi conducted an in-depth discussion on the original meaning of this formula. He believes that the heart is the main blood vessel, and palpitations are actually a manifestation of insufficient blood and qi in the heart. The root cause is that the rotation of qi in the human body is out of balance, resulting in the inability of heart qi to descend, resulting in abnormal heartbeat. In other words, the disease is not a problem with the heart itself, but a blockage of the rotation of the central qi.

Therefore, the key to treating premature cardiac beats is to restore the normal functioning of Zhongqi. Only when the central qi is running smoothly can the circles of the body rotate normally, and people will remain healthy. In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the treatment of diseases should start from the root, and premature beats are only a symptom, not the cause.

Premature heart beats are symptoms or not diseases, don't talk nonsense, just tell you how to treat it!

I mustered up the courage to give myself the first prescription of my life. With the attitude of giving it a try, he grabbed a few pairs of boiled licorice soup according to the method described in the book, and carefully fried it into a potion. The result? I drank my first dose in the evening, and the symptoms of premature heart beats were significantly reduced that night. After taking the medicine again the next day, the phenomenon of premature beats has completely disappeared. After that, I continued to take a few more pairs of medications to consolidate the results, and I have never had a recurrence of premature heart beats again.

Through this personal experience, I deeply realized that TCM has unique advantages in the treatment of certain diseases. In the face of diseases such as premature cardiac contractions, we should not blindly rely on Western medicine for medical treatment, but should actively seek the help of Chinese medicine to find the best way to solve the problem.
