
The current situation of these two old men is ironic, one wife is scattered in the slums, and the other is the chairman of the happy family

author:Gossip Zhang

Many people are familiar with and love their cross talk works, and are full of curiosity about their living conditions, Feng Gong is 67 years old, but he is still full of energy and vitality. After he retired to the rivers and lakes, he did not choose to live a leisurely life at home, but maintained an enviable active state.

The current situation of these two old men is ironic, one wife is scattered in the slums, and the other is the chairman of the happy family

A recent dumpling-making incident made him the focus of heated discussions on the Internet, in the video he was mixing sauce for his apprentices, but before the sauce was perfectly prepared, the apprentices had already begun to feast.

The current situation of these two old men is ironic, one wife is scattered in the slums, and the other is the chairman of the happy family

From a cross talk actor to the president of the music association, Feng Gong seems to have no trouble maintaining his sense of humor and popularity. Quitting the cross talk life did not make him lose his love for social and art, but it made him seem to have a close relationship with his apprentices like family. He likes to travel, likes to go shopping, often appears in various social occasions, and always attracts everyone's attention with his characteristic humor and humor.

The current situation of these two old men is ironic, one wife is scattered in the slums, and the other is the chairman of the happy family

The cow herd is 75 years old, and the former master of the cross talk industry is now living in a chicken feather. In Tiantongyuan, Beijing's Changping, which is considered the city's poverty-stricken area, he often casually wears sports shorts and short T-shirts and wanders leisurely through the streets. shows his loneliness, but he still attracts the attention of passers-by, this former celebrity, now seems to have faded away, and has become an ordinary bad old man.

The current situation of these two old men is ironic, one wife is scattered in the slums, and the other is the chairman of the happy family

From the glorious cross talk stage to the trough of real life, the choice of the herd makes people think: why did he choose to donate naked in the first place? Does this radical change bring peace of mind? How has the life and mentality of the herd changed dramatically?

The current situation of these two old men is ironic, one wife is scattered in the slums, and the other is the chairman of the happy family

After the herd decided to donate all their possessions, life changed dramatically. His choice has sparked concern and respect from all walks of life, but it has also brought irreversible personal losses. The wife is separated, and the family is broken.

The current situation of these two old men is ironic, one wife is scattered in the slums, and the other is the chairman of the happy family

Feng Gong and Niu Qun, the once golden partner, have now embarked on very different paths. Feng Gong's life is full of joy and vitality, and he often appears in various social events, and continues to maintain high popularity. The herd must not be miserable, he donated all his possessions and lived an ordinary and even somewhat difficult life. This contrast makes people sigh at the huge contrast between the fates of the two, as if it is a game of life.

The current situation of these two old men is ironic, one wife is scattered in the slums, and the other is the chairman of the happy family

How did their choices affect them today? Feng Gong chose to remain active in the public eye, maintaining humor and enthusiasm, and maintaining close contact with his disciples and the audience. This choice has made him still in the spotlight and loved today. The herd, on the other hand, chose a different path, donating all their possessions to focus on inner peace and the search for meaning in life. This choice, while gaining respect, has deprived his life of its aura and even led to the breakdown of his marriage.

The current situation of these two old men is ironic, one wife is scattered in the slums, and the other is the chairman of the happy family

By comparing the living conditions of the two, it can be seen that the choices have a profound impact on the outcome of life. Feng Gong's lively life and the loneliness of the herd reflect their different attitudes and values towards life. Feng Gong is still active in the entertainment industry and continues to bring joy to everyone, while the herd is silently enduring their own choices and living a simple and undignified life.

The current situation of these two old men is ironic, one wife is scattered in the slums, and the other is the chairman of the happy family

The story of Feng Gong and the herd is like a mirror, reflecting the polar life in the cross talk world, and also reflecting everyone's different attitudes and results when facing choices. The ups and downs of their fortunes remind everyone to cherish the present moment and bravely face the challenges and changes of life. By contrasting them, it gives us a profound revelation about life choices.


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