
Chilling! sent all the children to the United States, and no one sent them to the end when they died, and the 3 children watched videos abroad for funeral

author:The breeze blows the willows

Recently, a news about a couple of university professors in Shanghai who died in a nursing home one after another, and the three children in the United States were unable to rush back to attend the funeral in person sparked widespread social discussion. This event not only reflects the challenges faced by family filial piety in the era of globalization, but also triggers a deep reflection on the relationship between individual choice and social responsibility.

Chilling! sent all the children to the United States, and no one sent them to the end when they died, and the 3 children watched videos abroad for funeral

The picture comes from the Internet

The professors and their husbands have been committed to education during their lifetimes, and they have made great contributions to the development of higher education in China. However, when they needed care and companionship in the last days of their lives, their children were unable to attend the funeral because they lived overseas. Despite the use of modern technology to participate remotely, this virtual approach to participation is regrettable and incomplete.

Chilling! sent all the children to the United States, and no one sent them to the end when they died, and the 3 children watched videos abroad for funeral

The picture comes from the Internet

In today's rapid development of globalization, Chinese families are facing unprecedented changes. More and more young people choose to study, work or even settle abroad, which provides a broader space for personal career development and quality of life, and also brings about the collision between traditional family values and modern lifestyles.

Chilling! sent all the children to the United States, and no one sent them to the end when they died, and the 3 children watched videos abroad for funeral

The picture comes from the Internet

As one of the core traditions of the Chinese nation, family filial piety has always emphasized respect and filial piety to parents. However, the trend of globalization has brought new challenges to this value. While children are pursuing personal fulfillment and happiness on a global scale, distance and jet lag are significant obstacles to family reunification.

In addition to the challenges within the family, social responsibility is also becoming more prominent. With the intensification of the aging process of Chinese society, the issue of old-age care has increasingly become the focus of national and social attention. It is our common responsibility to establish a comprehensive security system that includes legal, economic and cultural protection, so that the elderly can receive the dignity and care they deserve in their old age.

Chilling! sent all the children to the United States, and no one sent them to the end when they died, and the 3 children watched videos abroad for funeral

The picture comes from the Internet

Education plays an important role in this process. In addition to imparting academic knowledge, education should also focus on cultivating students' sense of social responsibility and family and country feelings. The combination of family education and school education is not only for the personal growth of students, but also for the harmonious development of the future society to lay a solid foundation.

The balance between personal choices and family responsibilities is a complex and critical issue. While respecting individual choices, we should also reflect on how to inherit and carry forward traditional Chinese family values in the era of globalization. No matter where we are, we should bear in mind the importance of the family, and use practical actions to interpret the filial piety to our parents and the sense of responsibility to the family.

Chilling! sent all the children to the United States, and no one sent them to the end when they died, and the 3 children watched videos abroad for funeral

The picture comes from the Internet

Netizens are hotly discussed

Being abroad for a long time may be influenced by foreign concepts, and family affection is no longer so important.

Chilling! sent all the children to the United States, and no one sent them to the end when they died, and the 3 children watched videos abroad for funeral

The picture comes from the Internet

Many people have raised their children to go abroad, and there are many people who will not return to China after their children settle down, and even less if their parents are not there.

Chilling! sent all the children to the United States, and no one sent them to the end when they died, and the 3 children watched videos abroad for funeral

The picture comes from the Internet

Some netizens said that they could accept that their children did not come back often, but they did not accept that their children did not love me. If the love of parents is not reciprocated, then what use do they need children? Children who don't know how to be grateful can only be said to be too selfish.

Chilling! sent all the children to the United States, and no one sent them to the end when they died, and the 3 children watched videos abroad for funeral

The picture comes from the Internet

If you decide to send your child abroad, you must be prepared to die alone, and you only need to think about it if you want to open it, even if you die, you don't have to worry about it.

Chilling! sent all the children to the United States, and no one sent them to the end when they died, and the 3 children watched videos abroad for funeral

The picture comes from the Internet

It's still this netizen who said well: "The scenery outside has been seen, and family affection is more worthy of protection", this is to understand the true meaning of life.

Chilling! sent all the children to the United States, and no one sent them to the end when they died, and the 3 children watched videos abroad for funeral

Conscience is innate, do you want freedom or affection? Everyone's choice is different.

Chilling! sent all the children to the United States, and no one sent them to the end when they died, and the 3 children watched videos abroad for funeral

The picture comes from the Internet

Xiaobian hopes that through this article, more people can think deeply about family and social responsibility. If it were me, I would choose to stay by my parents' side when they needed it, and companionship could not only be when my parents were dying, but also daily companionship. As the old saying goes, "parents don't travel far", this is the traditional virtue and filial piety of the Chinese nation, and it is also our duty to be children.

What do you think about this? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.

Chilling! sent all the children to the United States, and no one sent them to the end when they died, and the 3 children watched videos abroad for funeral

The picture comes from the Internet

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