
Strange! The deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared mysteriously, the account was cancelled, and the woman was dazzled by the bank for the recovery

author:Flame Nezha
Strange! The deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared mysteriously, the account was cancelled, and the woman was dazzled by the bank for the recovery
A woman in Shaanxi encountered something strange. My husband died of illness and left a deposit of 130,000 yuan, but when I took it, I found that the account had been cancelled. The woman has been chasing for many years, and the bank recently replied: Without this money, the salesman is dazzled!

Her husband died

It all started six years ago.

In April 2018, Ms. Deng from Pingli County, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province, encountered a sad incident when her husband passed away due to illness.

The loss of the breadwinner of the family was a heavy blow to Ms. Deng's family.

Strange! The deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared mysteriously, the account was cancelled, and the woman was dazzled by the bank for the recovery

Data with pictures

Discover the passbook

After her husband left, the burden of the family fell on Ms. Deng alone, and she felt the financial pressure.

One day in 2020, when Ms. Deng was tidying up her housework, she found an ABC passbook left behind by her husband. When I opened it, there was 130,000 yuan inside!

This money may not be a lot in developed areas, but for Ms. Deng's family, it is a huge amount of money.

Strange! The deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared mysteriously, the account was cancelled, and the woman was dazzled by the bank for the recovery

Data with pictures

Verify the payment

In December 2020, Ms. Deng took her passbook to Pingli County Agricultural Bank to handle the "Deposit Inquiry Business of Deceased Depositors", and the bank verified that the book was indeed more than 130,000 yuan, and issued a "Notice of Deposit Inquiry" accordingly.

But the staff told her that she needed to go through the notarization procedures for inheritance before she could withdraw the money.

Strange! The deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared mysteriously, the account was cancelled, and the woman was dazzled by the bank for the recovery

Deposit Enquiry Notification Form

Withdrawals were unsuccessful

On February 16, 2022, Ms. Deng came to Pingli County Agricultural Bank with the completed notarial deed and wanted to withdraw the more than 130,000 yuan.

However, due to the long time, the passbook has not been put anywhere, so the teller first went through the loss reporting procedures for her.

But when withdrawing money, the teller told her: there is only change in the account, and there is no 130,000!

Strange! The deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared mysteriously, the account was cancelled, and the woman was dazzled by the bank for the recovery

The account is closed

After a few years of tossing, the notarial deed was done, but the money was suddenly gone!

Since the county's Agricultural Bank couldn't take it, Ms. Deng, who was unwilling, decided to try it at the Agricultural Bank of Pingxian County in the neighboring town.

On February 23, she rushed to the Agricultural Bank of Zhenping County. This time the result was even more surprising, and the bank staff told her:

The money in the account has been withdrawn and the account has been closed!

Strange! The deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared mysteriously, the account was cancelled, and the woman was dazzled by the bank for the recovery

Official reply

Ms. Deng was puzzled by this matter, and had inquired several times, but they all said that it was 130,000. How come the huge amount of money disappeared out of thin air when it came time to withdraw the money?!

For several years, Ms. Deng has been clinging to the Agricultural Bank of China, demanding that the other party must give an explanation.

On June 29, 2024, the Agricultural Bank of Pingli County issued an announcement explaining the cause of the matter.

According to the announcement, Ms. Deng's husband, Mr. Chen, originally handled the "card fold in one" account. Since then, Mr. Chan has been using bank cards for transactions.

In April 2018, Mr. Chen passed away. In June 2018, the money in the bank card was emptied.

Since the passbook has not been re-registered, it still shows the opening deposit: 133,900 yuan.

Later, when Ms. Deng went to the bank to check the balance, the teller mistakenly regarded the opening balance of the passbook as the available balance and issued an erroneous "Notice of Deposit Inquiry".

Due to the teller's mistake, this caused a series of problems later. The bank said it had communicated with Ms. Deng and apologized to her. In the future, the company will strengthen internal management to prevent similar incidents from occurring!

Strange! The deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared mysteriously, the account was cancelled, and the woman was dazzled by the bank for the recovery

Netizens are hotly discussed

After the incident of "the mysterious disappearance of the deceased husband's deposit" was disclosed on the Internet, it aroused the attention and heated discussions of the majority of netizens.

Strange! The deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared mysteriously, the account was cancelled, and the woman was dazzled by the bank for the recovery
Strange! The deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared mysteriously, the account was cancelled, and the woman was dazzled by the bank for the recovery
Strange! The deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared mysteriously, the account was cancelled, and the woman was dazzled by the bank for the recovery
Strange! The deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared mysteriously, the account was cancelled, and the woman was dazzled by the bank for the recovery
Strange! The deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared mysteriously, the account was cancelled, and the woman was dazzled by the bank for the recovery
Strange! The deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared mysteriously, the account was cancelled, and the woman was dazzled by the bank for the recovery
Strange! The deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared mysteriously, the account was cancelled, and the woman was dazzled by the bank for the recovery
Strange! The deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared mysteriously, the account was cancelled, and the woman was dazzled by the bank for the recovery


Banks should be a department with a rigorous business, and no one can miss anything.

Tossed back and forth for several years, but it turned out that the teller was "dazzled"! It's really speechless.

I can only hope that the staff will be more rigorous in doing things, so as not to make some strange troubles!

Strange! The deceased husband's 130,000 deposits disappeared mysteriously, the account was cancelled, and the woman was dazzled by the bank for the recovery

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