
Strange! An 18-year-old high school student in Taiwan inherited hundreds of millions of real estate, and 2 hours after registering his marriage, he died mysteriously

author:Flame Nezha
Strange! An 18-year-old high school student in Taiwan inherited hundreds of millions of real estate, and 2 hours after registering his marriage, he died mysteriously
Last year, an 18-year-old high school student in Taichung City, Taiwan, died suddenly and mysteriously after inheriting hundreds of millions of real estate. This case has aroused social concern. On June 28, the Taichung District Court pronounced the verdict, and the verdict was unexpected!

An 18-year-old high school student inherits a huge amount of assets

Lai is a high school student in Taichung City. In 2023, he just turned 18.

His father, due to poor health, transferred 30 real estate properties to him when he turned 18.

The market value of these properties is about NT$500 million (115 million yuan).

Lai inherited a huge fortune at a young age, but he didn't expect to take Qingqing's life because of this!

Strange! An 18-year-old high school student in Taiwan inherited hundreds of millions of real estate, and 2 hours after registering his marriage, he died mysteriously


The biological father has a good way to invest

Lai's father was a successful businessman who owned a large amount of real estate because of his good investment.

However, due to physical reasons, he felt that his time was short, so he began to transfer the ownership to his son one after another. There are many real estate projects under his name, and the procedures are complicated, and it takes several months to complete the transfer of ownership.

A month after the formalities were completed, at the end of April 2023, Lai's father passed away.

As is customary, the funeral was held on 3 May.

Strange! An 18-year-old high school student in Taiwan inherited hundreds of millions of real estate, and 2 hours after registering his marriage, he died mysteriously

Lai and his biological father

The day after the funeral, his son fell to his death

May 4 was the day after Lai's father's funeral.

26-year-old Xiao Xia approached Lai and claimed to teach him "how to handle real estate". and asked Lai to bring his identity documents and go through the formalities together.

Lai and Xiao Xia themselves are not familiar with each other. But Xiao Xia's father, Lao Xia, is an old friend of Lai's father. Lao Xia has long assisted Lai's father in handling the real estate business, and is responsible for drafting documents, drafting agreements and other scrivener work.

So when Xiao Xia came to visit, Lai did not hesitate to go out with his documents.

And a few hours later, the news of his fall suddenly came!

Strange! An 18-year-old high school student in Taiwan inherited hundreds of millions of real estate, and 2 hours after registering his marriage, he died mysteriously

Lai and Xia

Strange marriage

After Lai and Xiao Xia went out, the other party didn't know what kind of rhetoric to use, and actually encouraged Lai to go through a fake marriage with him!

Although both parties are male, they can still get a certificate in the Wanwan area.

Lai was stunned, and went to the Beitun District Office with Xiaoxia to register their marriage.

According to local regulations, registration needs to be witnessed by 2 adults. Xiaoxia spent money to ask the cleaning aunt to sign on her behalf, but the aunt felt that things were strange and refused.

So, Xiao Xia went to the supermarket and hired a strange man, and then the registration was completed!

Strange! An 18-year-old high school student in Taiwan inherited hundreds of millions of real estate, and 2 hours after registering his marriage, he died mysteriously

Lai and Xia

Fell to his death 2 hours after getting married

At about 9 o'clock on the same day, the marriage registration was completed. Xiao Xia drove Lai back to his residence.

During this time, no one knew what was going on inside the house.

At about 11 o'clock, Lai, who inherited 30 properties and was worth more than 100 million, fell to his death!

And Xiao Xia's description of this is: The two went to the apartment and drank 2 bottles of beer first, and then watched cartoons. Xiao Xia felt that the weather was hot and went to take a bath, only to find that Lai had jumped off the building when he came back.

Strange! An 18-year-old high school student in Taiwan inherited hundreds of millions of real estate, and 2 hours after registering his marriage, he died mysteriously

Natsu after changing her costume

Lai's mother insisted that she was trying to kill her for money

Regarding Xiao Xia's explanation, Lai's mother said that she completely disagreed. She lists a few reasons:

(1) The son is heterosexual and likes a certain female classmate in the class, so it is impossible to marry Xiao Xia;

(2) The son is not familiar with Xiao Xia and cannot have a relationship;

(3) The son's behavior was strange at the time of marriage registration, and the cleaning aunt can prove it;

(4) After his son fell from the stairs, Xiao Xia, who lived on the tenth floor, gave up the elevator and took the stairs downstairs;

(5) Pretending to be a passer-by to disassociate themselves from the relationship. The ambulance staff once rushed to find his family, but Xiao Xia stood by and pretended not to know him;

(6) After the accident, Xiao Xia quickly changed her clothes and tried to hide people's eyes;

(7) The cartoon claimed to be watched was not broadcast on the television station on that day;

(8) The son's state does not match the high fall, and it is more like being pushed down from a low floor.

Strange! An 18-year-old high school student in Taiwan inherited hundreds of millions of real estate, and 2 hours after registering his marriage, he died mysteriously

Lai's mother

The court pronounced the verdict

On June 28, after a year-long investigation, the case that caused a sensation in Taiwan ushered in the final verdict.

The part of Xia's suspected murder, because there was insufficient evidence, the prosecution did not prosecute in the end.

However, Xia went to the household administration department to handle a fake marriage without the other party's true will, and was suspected of "forging documents" and was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months in prison.

Strange! An 18-year-old high school student in Taiwan inherited hundreds of millions of real estate, and 2 hours after registering his marriage, he died mysteriously

Lai's mother was outside the courtroom


Although Lai Xia was only married for 2 hours, if the marriage is valid, then Xia still enjoys the right to inherit.

In the end, it was determined that it was a fake marriage, which meant that the marriage was invalid, and Xia lost his inheritance rights.

The lawyer representing Lai's family expressed satisfaction with this result and thanked the community for their attention on behalf of the family.

Strange! An 18-year-old high school student in Taiwan inherited hundreds of millions of real estate, and 2 hours after registering his marriage, he died mysteriously

Extrajudicial correspondents

Strange! An 18-year-old high school student in Taiwan inherited hundreds of millions of real estate, and 2 hours after registering his marriage, he died mysteriously

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