
From next month, these new rules will affect your life!

author:Jin Jiang release

There are a number of new rules to be implemented

Which ones relate to you and me?

How will our lives change?

Let's take a look

From next month, these new rules will affect your life!

Sichuan New Regulations

▶ The newly revised "Sichuan Provincial Public Library Regulations" came into force on July 1

The newly revised Regulations on Public Libraries of Sichuan Province consists of 6 chapters and 56 articles, including general provisions, establishment, operation, services, legal liabilities and supplementary provisions. The regulations require that local people's governments at or above the county level shall establish a convenient and practical public library service network covering urban and rural areas, promote the construction of township (street) and village (community) libraries (rooms) or service outlets in accordance with local conditions, and encourage the establishment of service outlets in crowded places. At the same time, it is stipulated that public libraries should provide readers with convenient services such as drinking water, mobile terminal charging, and wireless network access, and public libraries with conditions can build 24-hour self-service libraries. The newly revised Public Library Ordinance will come into effect on July 1 this year.

▶ The new version of the "Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Award Measures" came into force on July 1

The "Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Incentive Measures" will come into force on July 1, 2024. The "Measures" stipulate that the Provincial People's Government shall establish the Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Award (hereinafter referred to as the Provincial Science and Technology Award), including the Outstanding Contribution Award for Science and Technology, the Outstanding Youth Science and Technology Innovation Award, the Natural Science Award, the Technological Invention Award, the Science and Technology Progress Award, and the International Science and Technology Cooperation Award. According to the "Measures", the Provincial Science and Technology Award is reviewed once a year, strictly controls the number of awards, improves the quality of awards, optimizes the award procedures, and the total number of awards does not exceed 300 each time. Among them, the Outstanding Contribution Award for Science and Technology, the Outstanding Youth Science and Technology Innovation Award, and the International Science and Technology Cooperation Award are not divided into grades. The Natural Science Award, the Technological Invention Award, and the Science and Technology Progress Award are divided into three levels: the first prize, the second prize, and the third prize. Special prizes may be awarded to those who have made particularly major scientific discoveries, technological inventions, or innovative scientific and technological achievements.

▶ Since July 1, Sichuan has implemented "one thing" for enterprise information changes

A few days ago, eight departments including the Sichuan Provincial Administration for Market Regulation issued the "Implementation Plan for the Change of Enterprise Information in Sichuan Province", which will implement the "one thing" of enterprise information change for enterprises and their branches in the province from July 1, 2024. Integrate the 7 matters involved in the change of enterprise information into the "change one thing" from the perspective of enterprises and the masses, and realize the parallel handling of each link through real-time push of cross-departmental data, avoid repeated applications, repeated submissions, and repeated reviews, and greatly reduce the service links, application materials, processing time and number of runs.

▶ From July 1, the electronic driving license will be piloted in three places in Sichuan

The Ministry of Public Security has launched 8 new measures for the reform of public security traffic management to facilitate the people and benefit enterprises. Among them, from July 1, will be in Beijing and other 60 cities to pilot the implementation of electronic motor vehicle driving license, for motor vehicle owners and related industries and management departments to provide driving license online "bright card" "bright code" service, the 60 pilot cities issued by the electronic driving license valid nationwide, Sichuan Mianyang, Zigong, Guang'an among them.

New national regulations

▶ There are new regulations to curb "automatic renewal", which will come into effect on July 1

The Regulations for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests will come into force on July 1, 2024. Among them, it clearly stipulates the well-talked about issue of "automatic renewal", requiring business operators to provide services by means of automatic extension or automatic renewal, etc., and shall draw the attention of consumers in a conspicuous manner before consumers accept the services and before the dates of automatic extension and automatic renewal.

▶ The preferential policy of vehicle and vessel tax will be adjusted from July 1

From July 1, 2024, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, and the State Administration of Taxation will adjust the technical requirements for energy-saving and new energy vehicles and vessels to enjoy preferential vehicle and vessel tax. Relevant energy-saving and new energy vehicles need to meet certain conditions in order to enjoy preferential policies.

Among them, in terms of new energy vehicle products, the pure electric driving mileage of plug-in hybrid passenger cars (including extended range) passenger cars should meet the conditional equivalent all-electric mileage of not less than 43 kilometers. The driving range of pure electric buses (excluding fast-charging pure electric buses) shall not be less than 200 kilometers. The pure electric driving range of plug-in hybrid (including extended range) buses shall not be less than 50 kilometers. The driving range of pure electric trucks shall not be less than 80 kilometers. Plug-in hybrid trucks (including range extenders) have a pure electric driving range of not less than 50 km. In terms of fuel cell commercial vehicles, the driving range of pure hydrogen is not less than 300 kilometers. The policy also stipulates other technical requirements.

▶ China has implemented a visa-free policy for New Zealand, Australia and Poland on a trial basis

In order to further promote people-to-people exchanges between China and foreign countries, China has decided to expand the scope of visa-free countries and implement a visa-free policy for holders of ordinary passports from three countries: New Zealand, Australia and Poland. During the period from July 1, 2024 to December 31, 2025, holders of ordinary passports from the above-mentioned countries can enter China without a visa for business, tourism, visiting relatives and friends, and transiting for no more than 15 days. Those from the above-mentioned countries who do not meet the conditions for visa exemption still need to apply for a visa to China before entering the country.

▶ From July 1, Laos will be visa-free for tourists from Chinese mainland (mainland), Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan

Recently, the Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism of Laos issued Document No. 29 of the "Implementation Rules for the 2024 Lao Tourism Year on Visa Policies for Specific Tourists". According to the content of the document, tourists from Chinese mainland (mainland) and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan can obtain a 15-day visa-free policy for ordinary passports through travel companies. The tour needs to be organized by the Lao Tourism Company and approved by the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism. The policy will be implemented from July 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024.

▶ Opens July 1st! The Ministry of Education has issued a hotline for student financial assistance in colleges and universities

This summer, the Ministry of Education will continue to open a hotline for student financial assistance in colleges and universities, with numbers 010-66097980 and 010-66096590, and the acceptance time will be from July 1 to September 15, from 8:00 to 20:00 every day, to provide financial aid policy consultation and help for college freshmen, especially college freshmen with financial difficulties. All provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) and colleges and universities affiliated to central departments have simultaneously opened hotlines, and the telephone number and opening time are ↓↓↓

From next month, these new rules will affect your life!
From next month, these new rules will affect your life!

The hotline of the Ministry of Education fully accepts all kinds of national funding policy consultations and complaints; The provincial hotline mainly accepts inquiries related to local university funding measures, green channels, student loans, and new student enrollment subsidies in the central and western regions; The hotline of colleges and universities affiliated to the central government mainly accepts inquiries related to national student loans, green channels, and on-campus scholarships and grants. College freshmen can choose to call according to their actual needs.

▶ The new version of the "Measures for the Management of Agricultural and Rural Standardization" came into force on July 1

The revised Measures for the Administration of Agricultural and Rural Standardization will come into force on July 1, 2024. The management measures expand the scope of application of the regulations from a single agriculture to the agricultural and rural fields, define the definition and scope of agricultural and rural standards, and incorporate technical requirements such as rural facility environment, rural public services, and rural governance into the standardization of agriculture and rural areas. It clarifies the requirements for the formulation of agricultural and rural standards, which will focus on solving outstanding common problems in the field of agriculture and rural areas, improving the quality and efficiency of agricultural products, improving rural governance capabilities, and protecting the ecological environment. At the same time, the scope of national and local standards for agriculture and rural areas is clarified, and the quality and testing methods of agricultural inputs and general agricultural products are stipulated that no local standards shall be formulated in principle; Encourage social groups to formulate group standards according to market demand and innovation and development needs; Encourage all relevant units to participate in international standardization activities to enhance the consistency of mainland standards and international standards.

▶ The national standard of "Green Product Evaluation Logistics Turnover Box" will be implemented on July 1

The national standard of "green product evaluation logistics turnover box" will be implemented from July 1, and the implementation and application of the standard will be conducive to the establishment of a unified green product standard, certification and identification system, effectively reducing logistics costs and improving economic operation efficiency. Logistics turnover box is a standard packaging container and loading unit that supports the realization of logistics unitization and mechanization in logistics operations, and is widely used in agricultural and sideline products, supermarket distribution and other fields. The national standard of "Green Product Evaluation Logistics Turnover Box" gives the basic requirements for logistics turnover box green products and their production enterprises, and puts forward the evaluation index requirements and encouraging requirements for logistics turnover box green products from three aspects: resources, environment and quality, leading the green upgrade of logistics turnover box products.

▶ Effective July 1st! The list of psychotropic drugs makes these adjustments

In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulations on the Administration of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, the State Drug Administration, the Ministry of Public Security, and the National Health Commission have decided to adjust the list of psychotropic substances, which will come into force on July 1, 2024.

Among them, dextromethorphan, diphenoxylate-containing compound preparations, nalfuraphine, and lorcaserin are included in the list of Class II psychotropic drugs. The midazolam API and injection were adjusted from Class II psychotropic drugs to Class I psychotropic drugs, and other unilateral preparations of midazolam remained Class II psychotropic drugs.

▶ The Supreme People's Court (SPC) has issued a new judicial interpretation on anti-monopoly civil litigation

The Supreme People's Court recently issued a new judicial interpretation on anti-monopoly civil litigation, which will come into force on July 1, 2024. This judicial interpretation is a new comprehensive judicial interpretation formulated in accordance with the Anti-Monopoly Law as amended in 2022 on the basis of the effective experience and practices of the Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in the Trial of Civil Disputes Arising from Monopolistic Acts promulgated in May 2012. Among them, 9 articles basically follow the provisions of the 2012 judicial interpretation, and 5 articles have been substantially amended or supplemented, and the order has been adjusted accordingly according to the system logic of the new judicial interpretation. A total of 37 new articles have been added, mainly dealing with the interpretation and application of the substantive provisions of the Anti-Monopoly Law, especially the amended provisions. The new judicial interpretations on anti-monopoly civil litigation have a total of 51 articles, which are divided into six parts.

▶ The national standard for shoes for the elderly will be officially implemented from July 1

The national standard for shoes for the elderly will be officially implemented from July 1, 2024. The standard stipulates the requirements for the durability of shoes for the elderly, and combines the changes and action characteristics of the feet of the elderly, standardizes the style design of shoes for the elderly (effective heel height, laces, reflective strips, toe cap), and sets up special technical indicators of comfort and hygiene performance (compression deformation of microporous bottom, anti-slip performance, cushioning performance of the whole shoe, fatigue resistance of hook and loop straps, thermal insulation performance, antibacterial performance) and corresponding test methods.

Forward to know

From next month, these new rules will affect your life!

Source: Chengdu release

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