
The Ancient God Emperor: The Ancestral Participant is an enhanced version of the God Realm, referencing the Ancestor of the Non-Combatant Space-Time Person

author:Dongji said online article

#万古神帝#张若尘在林刻这里了解到了宇宙中的一个庞大的组织, the ancestor participated in the meeting, and it was precisely because of this battle system that organized them that they would be isolated and become an island, that is, a cage, but even the ancestor of time and space did not occupy a seat in the ancestral meeting, he was only one of the 12 people in the council of all beings, and he was also a non-combatant, they were all so powerful, how strong were the people of the ancestral meeting.

However, it is also said that when the Ancestor of Time and Space came to spread civilization, it happened that the two sides were at war, and Bai Ze and Hongmeng Black Dragon were able to put him to death, and the Hongmeng Black Dragon at that time was definitely not as strong as the current Ancestor of Time and Space, and was later suppressed by the Dark Lord, allowing him to achieve the realm of immortality, and Hongmeng Black Dragon and Bai Ze can live forever, and their strength must at least reach the 97th order, even if they are injured, they must have people at the peak of the 96th order to balance it.

The Dark Lord is also the land of the Ancestor of Time and Space, and even the apprentices have reached this realm, not to mention the master, so when the Ancestor of Time and Space first came to this universe, his strength must also be 96 levels, and the original siege of the Hongmeng Black Dragon should not only be the Dark Lord and himself, but also the Ancestor of the Underworld, after all, it is very difficult to kill an immortal, and it is necessary to prevent him from dying together, only a few strong people can do it together.

The Ancient God Emperor: The Ancestral Participant is an enhanced version of the God Realm, referencing the Ancestor of the Non-Combatant Space-Time Person

So in terms of strength, the Space-Time Ancestor may have been stronger than most of the people in the Senting Chamber at the beginning, but he was originally a non-combatant, to put it bluntly, it is likely to be the lowest grade, even if his strength has improved, it is only from the 96th to the 97th level, so there are still people in this who are equal in strength to him, and the Space-Time Ancestor still has not reached the level of the Ancestral Meeting.

Why did the ancestor of the time and space people risk coming to preach, it is likely that he can't get along in his original position, and he is calculated, and he is always sent to that dangerous place as cannon fodder, and the ancestor is like a sleeping beast, lurking in the dark, and its power and influence are far beyond ordinary people's imagination. The Ancestor of Time and Space is just a member of the Ancestral Council.

Zhang Ruochen stood on the top of the starry sky, looking into the distance, he could feel the oppressive aura brought by the ancestral meeting. The arrival of the Ancestor of Time and Space has already made this universe turbulent, and he is just a chess piece in the hands of the Ancestor. "The strength of the ancestral meeting is unfathomable." Zhang Ruochen muttered to himself in a low voice, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes. He knew that the Ancestor of Time and Space was not an accident, but the result of the ancestor's secret operation.

The Ancient God Emperor: The Ancestral Participant is an enhanced version of the God Realm, referencing the Ancestor of the Non-Combatant Space-Time Person

The power of the ancestral hall was far stronger than he knew, and behind them, there were eight beings whose strength had reached at least the 98th rank. Zhang Ruochen clenched his fists, he knew that this struggle was no longer as simple as simply chasing down the Ancestor of Time and Space. In the face of such a powerful ancestral council, he had to be more cautious.

In fact, it is not difficult to find that the mode of operation he operates seems to come from the ancestor meeting, otherwise he will not be so seamless no matter how cunning he is, the ancestor meeting sent him over, probably just to make trouble with this universe, and it will be convenient to harvest when the time comes, and the time and space ancestor has to keep getting stronger if he wants to avoid harvesting, he can't get along in the original place, but he didn't expect to find an opportunity here.

Bai Ze should have self-detonated the Divine Source and the enemy to the end, or just to repel the enemy, Hongmeng Black Dragon also suffered a certain amount of trauma, with their strength back then, they all fought so fiercely, and they didn't know whether their opponent was a member of the Ancestral Council, or a member of the Council of Beings, it stands to reason that the House of Beings is more likely, after all, they know that the Ancestor of Time and Space has come to this universe.

The Ancient God Emperor: The Ancestral Participant is an enhanced version of the God Realm, referencing the Ancestor of the Non-Combatant Space-Time Person

And the combat power of the people in the ancestral meeting is all 98 levels, if you really come to this universe to do it, it is estimated that only three immortals will not be enough to fight, this is a big realm, these immortals are not Zhang Ruochen can cross the realm, more like Yan Wushen, there is still nothing to do in the face of the Immortal Ancestor, even if Haotian and Tianmu are added, it is not enough to fight.

It can be said that the ancestors did exile the battle galaxy, but they didn't take the incident back then, but put a long line to catch a big fish, and let the time and space ancestors toss. Zhang Ruochen also knew that in the face of an enemy like Zu Ying, brute force alone was not enough. So he didn't set off immediately, but thought about it in the long run, just like he pushed down the divine realm little by little.