
The 84-year-old man challenged the college entrance examination three times, with an estimated score of 630 points, and everyone couldn't laugh or cry when the results came out

author:Poetic sesame sauce XRN

The term gaokao is widely recognized in China, which symbolizes the future and expectations of students, and maintains justice. Despite the gap between the rich and the poor, everyone stands at the same starting point. However, in 2020, an 84-year-old Wang Guigui participated in it, and his experience made us reflect on the deep meaning of the college entrance examination.

The old man's dream

Mr. Wang Guigui, an old craftsman, has a mediocre and indifferent life. Despite this, he always had an unattainable ideal in his heart - to participate in the college entrance examination. When he was young and frivolous, he missed opportunities because of his mischievous ignorance. As an adult, he entered society and engaged in simple work. However, the passage of time has not erased his thirst for knowledge, and his belief in pursuing his dreams has become more and more tenacious.

Faced with Wang Guigui's decision to take the college entrance examination in an older age, his children were deeply confused and worried. They were worried about whether his father's move would bring a burden to his health, but Wang Guigui resolutely emphasized that this college entrance examination was the last opportunity for him to realize his dream, and he could not afford to lose it, otherwise he would regret it for life.

The 84-year-old man challenged the college entrance examination three times, with an estimated score of 630 points, and everyone couldn't laugh or cry when the results came out
Persistence and challenge

In the face of the challenge of the college entrance examination, Wang Guigui will never compromise. He wakes up early every morning and learns on his own, with steely perseverance and determination to tackle difficult problems. His fighting spirit is admirable, and this kind of perseverance and determination is rarely achieved by young students.

The road to the college entrance examination was full of twists and turns, Wang Guigui was old and frail, and encountered many difficulties in learning. He never complained or gave up halfway, showing determination and courage with his perseverance.

The results are revealed
The 84-year-old man challenged the college entrance examination three times, with an estimated score of 630 points, and everyone couldn't laugh or cry when the results came out

After months of hard work, the day of the decisive college entrance examination came as scheduled. With the expectations of his family and his own pursuit, Mr. Wang walked into the examination room. At the end of the exam, he estimated a score of 630, which was excellent.

However, when the results were announced, everyone was disappointed. Wang Guigui only got a mere 100 points high, far less than one corner of the admission score line of 630. In the face of such a predicament, Wang Guigui was not discouraged, but doubled his courage and perseverance to overcome difficulties.

The spirit of not giving up

Despite his poor performance in the exam, Wang Guigui did not consider giving up, but resolutely devoted himself to studying and preparing for the battle. Seeing his firm determination, the family members were all moved and sentimental, and tried to dissuade them, but they couldn't do anything in the end.

The 84-year-old man challenged the college entrance examination three times, with an estimated score of 630 points, and everyone couldn't laugh or cry when the results came out

Wang Guigui knows that this college entrance examination may be the last test in his life, and his body and brain power can no longer be compared with the younger generation. However, he held fast to his ideals and beliefs, believing that determination and courage would allow him to restart his journey at any moment.

Revelation of life

Wang's life journey is inspiring. He interpreted with practical actions that life has no regrets, starting from this moment. Although his past is full of regrets, such as the wasted time of his youth and the obstacles he encountered on the way to study, he is still ready to start all over again with strong faith and fearless courage.

Social repercussions
The 84-year-old man challenged the college entrance examination three times, with an estimated score of 630 points, and everyone couldn't laugh or cry when the results came out

Wang's valuable experience has aroused keen attention and active discussion from all walks of life. Many people praised his tenacity and courage and paid tribute to his heroic deeds. At the same time, many scholars have stressed that the gaokao is not the only way for seniors to learn. His deeds remind us that age does not hinder the enthusiasm for knowledge, and lifelong learning is the essence of life.

Family support

In the journey of Wang Guigui's dream, the help of family members injected strong motivation into him. At first, the family was puzzled, but as they learned about their father's strong beliefs, their attitudes gradually changed and they gave them full support. The understanding and encouragement of this family strengthened Wang's determination to pursue his dreams.

The power of dreams

In the deeds of Wang Guigui, the great influence of dreams can be clearly seen. No matter what age you are or what difficulties you have, as long as you have a dream, you will have the motivation to keep moving forward. This has undoubtedly injected a ray of hope into the hearts of countless people, especially those who still have lofty ideals in the face of adversity, and made them understand the existence of hope and possibility.

The 84-year-old man challenged the college entrance examination three times, with an estimated score of 630 points, and everyone couldn't laugh or cry when the results came out
Prospects for the future

Even though Wang Guigui is facing the difficult challenge of the college entrance examination, he is still fearless and tenacious. In order to realize his dream, he resolutely decided to face the college entrance examination again, and this story profoundly enlightens us that no matter success or failure, perseverance and hard work and the persistent pursuit of ideals are the key.

Comrade Wang Guigui has shown a firm dedication to dreams and an indomitable spirit, and his deeds have deeply inspired us and made us believe that as long as we have firm faith and fearless courage, we can restart the journey of life at any time.

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