
Both brave and resourceful! An 18-year-old college entrance examination student bravely broke into the fire to rescue 2 elderly people, who said that this is the Beat Generation

author:Star-falling rain

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Both brave and resourceful! An 18-year-old college entrance examination student bravely broke into the fire to rescue 2 elderly people, who said that this is the Beat Generation

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There are always people who say that today's children are the Beat Generation, and I don't know when these words came from, and I have the impression that the post-80s, post-90s, and even post-00s have always lived in such evaluations.

But is this really the case? Obviously, it is negative, and now the scientific researchers in the mainland are showing a younger state, and even foreigners are amazed.

Both brave and resourceful! An 18-year-old college entrance examination student bravely broke into the fire to rescue 2 elderly people, who said that this is the Beat Generation

Of course, not only in the field of scientific research, but also in almost all industries, there is no other reason, and one generation has the responsibility and ability of one generation.

If it is really not as good as the generation, how did our current rapid development come about? So such words are pure nonsense, but the words "youthful frivolity" and "young hero" always coexist.

Therefore, if you see the bad aspects, you must also see the good places, for example, there was such an incident in Pengxi, Sichuan Province recently, which makes people have to sigh: Since ancient times, heroes have come out of youth.

Both brave and resourceful! An 18-year-old college entrance examination student bravely broke into the fire to rescue 2 elderly people, who said that this is the Beat Generation

It was an ordinary day, and there may still be a hint of relaxation in the sky after the college entrance examination. However, the gears of fate inadvertently began to turn violently.

Wu Binbin walked through the streets as usual, his mind perhaps still immersed in the vision of the future. Suddenly, a puff of pungent smoke and panicked shouts broke the silence.

He followed the sound and saw that the two-story house had been engulfed in flames, and the flames were rising to the sky and thick smoke was billowing out. Without the slightest hesitation, Wu Binbin quickly called the police.

Both brave and resourceful! An 18-year-old college entrance examination student bravely broke into the fire to rescue 2 elderly people, who said that this is the Beat Generation

But his eyes were locked on the scene inside the house, and the two old men were trapped inside, their lives in danger. At this moment, time seems to freeze, and every second seems so long.

But Wu Binbin's heart did not flinch in the slightest, he was like a brave lion, and rushed into the sea of fire without hesitation. With his still slightly immature arms, he picked up the two old men one after another, and rushed out of the gate that seemed to lead to hell.

Both brave and resourceful! An 18-year-old college entrance examination student bravely broke into the fire to rescue 2 elderly people, who said that this is the Beat Generation

At that moment, there was only one belief in his heart: he must save the old man! And his bravery didn't stop there. After making sure that the old man was safe, he turned around and returned to the sea of fire without hesitation, just to close the electric gate and avoid a greater disaster.

When he finally came out of the fire, his face was covered with black ashes, and his clothes were burned to tatters. Afterwards, when people asked him how he felt at the time.

He said frankly: "Looking back now, I am still a little scared, but if I hadn't saved the old man, I would definitely regret it for the rest of my life." Even if you are injured because of this, it is very honorable! ”

Both brave and resourceful! An 18-year-old college entrance examination student bravely broke into the fire to rescue 2 elderly people, who said that this is the Beat Generation
Both brave and resourceful! An 18-year-old college entrance examination student bravely broke into the fire to rescue 2 elderly people, who said that this is the Beat Generation

These simple words contain endless strength and courage. This scene was recorded by the onlookers with their mobile phones. Wu Binbin in the video, his figure looks so small in the firelight, but he is so determined.

This heroic deed quickly spread all over the Internet, and comments from netizens poured in like a tidal wave. Someone said, "This boy is really good!" He must be given credits! ”

Some people excitedly appealed: "Students with such high moral character should be directly escorted to Tsinghua University!" Let him be able to further his studies in a higher institution and serve the motherland in the future! Some people sighed: "This is a positive role model that the society should vigorously promote!" ”

Both brave and resourceful! An 18-year-old college entrance examination student bravely broke into the fire to rescue 2 elderly people, who said that this is the Beat Generation
Both brave and resourceful! An 18-year-old college entrance examination student bravely broke into the fire to rescue 2 elderly people, who said that this is the Beat Generation
Both brave and resourceful! An 18-year-old college entrance examination student bravely broke into the fire to rescue 2 elderly people, who said that this is the Beat Generation

In an interview, Wu Binbin's words moved countless people: "Exchange my injuries for two lives, glorious!" Look, what a simple and heroic word!

It came out of his mouth, but it seemed to slam heavily on everyone's heart with a thousand powers. Some people say, this kid is really stupid, he is still facing the college entrance examination, in case there are three long and two short, but how can he get it?

But I would say, it's not stupid, it's pure kindness, it's an innate responsibility. At that moment, there was no pressure of the college entrance examination in his heart, no personal safety, only those two lives that needed to be saved.

Both brave and resourceful! An 18-year-old college entrance examination student bravely broke into the fire to rescue 2 elderly people, who said that this is the Beat Generation
Both brave and resourceful! An 18-year-old college entrance examination student bravely broke into the fire to rescue 2 elderly people, who said that this is the Beat Generation

In the face of the eager expectations of netizens, Wu Binbin behaved modestly. "I was scared too, but when I saw them struggling to breathe, I felt like I had to be rescued, even if I was hurt," he said. ”

He didn't see himself as a hero, he just felt that he had done what he had to do. But it is this "should" that allows us to see the brilliance of human nature. His tutor, the education he received, is vividly displayed in this moment.

This reminds me of the old saying: "Three years old is old, seven years old is old." Wu Binbin can have such responsibility and courage, presumably the environment in which he grew up must be full of love and justice.

Both brave and resourceful! An 18-year-old college entrance examination student bravely broke into the fire to rescue 2 elderly people, who said that this is the Beat Generation
Both brave and resourceful! An 18-year-old college entrance examination student bravely broke into the fire to rescue 2 elderly people, who said that this is the Beat Generation

In my opinion, Wu Binbin's behavior is no accident. Behind this, it is his good family education and firm three views that support him. His parents may have set an example in their daily lives, teaching him to care for others and to be responsible.

And he himself, on the road of growth, constantly absorbs these positive energy, and finally blooms with dazzling light at a critical moment.

He doesn't have superpowers, he doesn't have a body of steel, but he has an incredibly brave and kind heart. He did not choose to retreat in the face of the flames, but chose to move forward bravely.

Both brave and resourceful! An 18-year-old college entrance examination student bravely broke into the fire to rescue 2 elderly people, who said that this is the Beat Generation
Both brave and resourceful! An 18-year-old college entrance examination student bravely broke into the fire to rescue 2 elderly people, who said that this is the Beat Generation
Both brave and resourceful! An 18-year-old college entrance examination student bravely broke into the fire to rescue 2 elderly people, who said that this is the Beat Generation

He showed us through his actions that everyone can be a hero, as long as we can stand up at a critical time and be able to sacrifice the lives and safety of others at the expense of our own safety.

Let's remember the name Wu Binbin and his youthful chapter that bloomed in the flames.

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