
The twins scored more than 650 points in the college entrance examination, and they both reported to the military school, Dad: The child is very self-disciplined and never worries

The twins scored more than 650 points in the college entrance examination, and they both reported to the military school, Dad: The child is very self-disciplined and never worries

Ning Ma Wuyu

2024-06-30 16:29Creators in the field of parenting

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01 A pair of twins in Henan scored more than 650 points in the college entrance examination, the elder brother reported to the Strategic Support Force Information Engineering University, and the younger brother wanted to apply to the National University of Defense Technology.

02 The father of the twins said that the self-discipline of their children is the key to their good grades, and parents do not always worry about it.

03 Netizens expressed their skepticism, believing that such a family experience of a top student is not common, and there may be exceptions.

04 However, there are some examples that prove that parents can achieve excellent grades without interfering too much in their children's learning, such as Pang Zhongwang and Henan Twins.

05 Experts believe that parents can stimulate their children's learning motivation through good expectations, the back of parents' efforts, a good educational environment and well-informed.

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Text: Ning Ma Wuyu

A pair of twins in Henan have excellent results in the college entrance examination, with the elder brother scoring 651 points and the younger brother scoring 669 points. The two children have such high scores, which is already enviable, and after listening to their college aspirations, I can't help but admire them.

The twins scored more than 650 points in the college entrance examination, and they both reported to the military school, Dad: The child is very self-disciplined and never worries

The elder brother said that he wanted to apply to the Information Engineering University of the Strategic Support Force, and the younger brother wanted to apply to the National University of Defense Technology. The two children are over 1.8 meters tall and tough, not short-sighted, and with good grades, they should be able to get their wish.

Everyone felt heartfelt joy at devoting themselves to national defense under such excellent conditions, and some people said that when they saw those who applied for military schools, they praised them.

How is such an excellent child trained? In the interview, my father proudly said: I don't have any experience, it all depends on the child to be more self-disciplined, and we never worry about it.

The twins scored more than 650 points in the college entrance examination, and they both reported to the military school, Dad: The child is very self-disciplined and never worries

Hearing Dad say this, netizens ridiculed:

The experience of the Xueba family is that they don't make up classes, and their parents don't have time to take care of it.

I've found out that it's all because of our worries.

Our family is a scumbag, and it seems that I am not busy enough.

The implication is that I don't believe in it, and there are children who become talented no matter what. Let's analyze what is going on this time.

The twins scored more than 650 points in the college entrance examination, and they both reported to the military school, Dad: The child is very self-disciplined and never worries

Is there really a child whose parents work hard to study regardless of it?

There really is, the world is so big, there are no surprises, it may not be around us, outside our circle, it really exists.

Some netizens said that they didn't believe it before, but after seeing the growth of their two twin brothers, they really believed it.

The two younger brothers studied average in elementary school, and suddenly opened up in junior high school. Because in a class, the two of them learn together and learn better. During the college entrance examination, the results were very good, one went to the National Defense Science and Technology University, and the other went to the University of Science and Technology of China, and the school was very good.

Judging from the school they attended, the twins and the Henan twins had similar grades, and they were proper scholars.

The twins scored more than 650 points in the college entrance examination, and they both reported to the military school, Dad: The child is very self-disciplined and never worries

There is also Pang Zhongwang, who has been reported many times, but his parents didn't care, but his grades were at the ceiling level, and he scored 684 points in the college entrance examination that year and was admitted to Tsinghua University. Now Pang Zhongwang is already a doctoral student at Tsinghua University, and he has continued the aura of a scholar.

Pang Zhongwang was born in a poor rural family, his mother could only walk in a wheelchair, and his father suffered from schizophrenia.

But he never complained, never gave in, and even if he picked up waste to subsidize his family, he never forgot to study hard. In the end, he changed his fate through his own efforts.

Obviously, Pang Zhongwang is indeed a representative of children whose parents study hard.

The twins scored more than 650 points in the college entrance examination, and they both reported to the military school, Dad: The child is very self-disciplined and never worries

Going back a few decades, how many children were taken care of by their parents? Most of the children are self-directed learners. At that time, parents did not realize the importance of learning, and when their children were out of school and on vacation, they did not ask their children to study, but asked their children to do housework and labor. If you read a book, your parents will criticize you and say, "Don't read any idle books."

In the case of not encouraging learning, many children take the initiative to learn when they have all the time they can use, and want to go out of the countryside and the mountains to see the outside world.

Therefore, the information we have learned is limited after all, and I believe that there will be many children who consciously take the initiative to learn.

The twins scored more than 650 points in the college entrance examination, and they both reported to the military school, Dad: The child is very self-disciplined and never worries

What motivates them to learn?

Of course, in the present, parents attach great importance to education, and will not be as completely scattered and herding sheep as before, the so-called no matter is not absolutely careless, but: not always urging, staring, nagging children to learn, but in other ways to make children realize that learning is very important. Just like in the past, when I wanted to change my life, there is no motivation to learn for no reason.

Broadly speaking, there are several ways:

1. Good expectations stimulate children's internal drive.

We probably all know the "Pygmalion effect", when you have good expectations for your child, the expectations will become a reality in the near future.

The names of the Henan twins are Lv Hang and Lv Tian, which means aerospace. Netizens commented: Just look at the name and know that you won!

A child's name is always full of good expectations from his parents, and may have instilled in his child from an early age the dream of pursuing a career in aerospace, defense, etc.

The child's mother also said: It is our greatest wish as parents to be able to contribute to the country, and I am proud to have such a child.

The twins scored more than 650 points in the college entrance examination, and they both reported to the military school, Dad: The child is very self-disciplined and never worries

A small seed has been planted in the child's heart, and he has always learned with a vision and is always full of motivation.

The same is true of Pang Zhongwang, the name is "live up to expectations", and finally come true.

Although he was sick, his mother was very optimistic and always encouraged him to "look forward. Therefore, Pang Zhongwang also has a sunny attitude and a positive attitude towards life. Don't abandon yourself and don't give up, so you can win your life.

2. The back of parents' efforts subtly affects children.

Lu Hang and Lu Tian's father said: I drove a truck, and when I got up at 5 o'clock and got out of the car, I saw the child reading and writing homework.

The twins scored more than 650 points in the college entrance examination, and they both reported to the military school, Dad: The child is very self-disciplined and never worries

Dad gets up at 5 o'clock to work, and the child gets up to study before him, which shows that the family is equally hardworking.

Although the father did not worry about the child's learning, he worked very hard, and the back of getting up early and greedy for darkness subtly affected the child and promoted the child's progress.

Two children are in the same grade, one wants to learn well, and the other also learns well, helping and urging each other, and at the same time achieving good grades for both parties.

In many cases, silent language has tremendous power.

Like "Young Master Maybach" Zhu Yetian, his family is well-off, and if he doesn't study, it won't affect his life. But seeing that his grandfather was still on the road of pursuing art at the age of 80, he had to work hard to prove his worth, and finally broke the doubt with a high score of 700.

The twins scored more than 650 points in the college entrance examination, and they both reported to the military school, Dad: The child is very self-disciplined and never worries

3. A good educational environment infects children

In ancient times, there were three migrations of Meng's mother, and what kind of person the child would become if she lived in what kind of environment.

If the child is in a very good school district, surrounded by children with pursuits and ideals, he will also become such a good child.

Parents may not supervise their children's learning, but they often choose a good school for their children and gather a group of excellent and motivated people.

If you study carefully, you will find that it is still those good schools that are more likely to be the top students, and there are more opportunities to enter prestigious schools.

The twins scored more than 650 points in the college entrance examination, and they both reported to the military school, Dad: The child is very self-disciplined and never worries

4. Be well-informed and let your child be inspired in some way

As wide a child's horizons are, so big are their dreams.

The reason why many children want to study well is because they want to be a role model, or they want to go to a certain city, they want to go to a certain university, they want to study a certain major, and they want to be what kind of person they want to be......

These thoughts of children do not come out of thin air, but because they are well-informed and associated.

If the child reads a lot of books and goes to a lot of places, the child's "ambition" will be very big and the ideal will be very big. If you want to realize your ideals, you can't rely on your parents, but on your own efforts.

Therefore, parents also have the skill to use an invisible force to push their children behind their backs, instead of owing their children to their noses.

The twins scored more than 650 points in the college entrance examination, and they both reported to the military school, Dad: The child is very self-disciplined and never worries

Written at the end: The twins are over 650 in the college entrance examination, and they are reported to the military school at the same time, Dad: The child is very self-disciplined and never worries! There is no need to doubt the experience of Xueba's father, just work hard to do your job well, perform your duties, and provide the child with what he needs, and it is only a matter of time before the child becomes a talent.

I'm @Ning Ma Wuyu

Mother of two boys, more than 10 years of parenting experience

Accompany children to read, English and science

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Welcome to pay attention and move forward together on the road of parenting

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  • The twins scored more than 650 points in the college entrance examination, and they both reported to the military school, Dad: The child is very self-disciplined and never worries
  • The twins scored more than 650 points in the college entrance examination, and they both reported to the military school, Dad: The child is very self-disciplined and never worries
  • The twins scored more than 650 points in the college entrance examination, and they both reported to the military school, Dad: The child is very self-disciplined and never worries
  • The twins scored more than 650 points in the college entrance examination, and they both reported to the military school, Dad: The child is very self-disciplined and never worries
  • The twins scored more than 650 points in the college entrance examination, and they both reported to the military school, Dad: The child is very self-disciplined and never worries
  • The twins scored more than 650 points in the college entrance examination, and they both reported to the military school, Dad: The child is very self-disciplined and never worries
  • The twins scored more than 650 points in the college entrance examination, and they both reported to the military school, Dad: The child is very self-disciplined and never worries
  • The twins scored more than 650 points in the college entrance examination, and they both reported to the military school, Dad: The child is very self-disciplined and never worries
  • The twins scored more than 650 points in the college entrance examination, and they both reported to the military school, Dad: The child is very self-disciplined and never worries
  • The twins scored more than 650 points in the college entrance examination, and they both reported to the military school, Dad: The child is very self-disciplined and never worries
  • The twins scored more than 650 points in the college entrance examination, and they both reported to the military school, Dad: The child is very self-disciplined and never worries

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