
What is the origin of Dong Yunhu, who has accepted bribes of more than 100 million? Graduated from a prestigious school, has been a teacher, a professor, and an official to the ministerial level

author:Ji Eun Zheng

The news of the biggest "fighting tigers" has sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, one after another, and everyone's cheers are also wave after wave, I have to say that the strength of "fighting tigers" is really powerful, and everyone really likes and supports it.

According to a CCTV news report, the bribery case of Dong Yunhu, former party secretary and director of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress, was openly tried on June 27. After the news of the trial of Dong Yunhu at the level of "tiger" was reported, it aroused heated discussions among netizens.

What is the origin of Dong Yunhu, who has accepted bribes of more than 100 million? Graduated from a prestigious school, has been a teacher, a professor, and an official to the ministerial level

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Many netizens have left messages, demanding severe punishment in accordance with the law and resolute execution of the death penalty! Execute it now! There is so much embezzlement, even if you admit guilt, you will have to die!

It can be seen that everyone's hatred of corrupt officials and corrupt officials, especially the huge greed, has reached the point where people and gods are angry and everyone is condemned. However, this is also human nature, after all, they are the party to the disaster, not only trampling on party discipline and state law, but also seriously infringing on the rights and interests of the people.

What is the origin of Dong Yunhu, who has accepted bribes of more than 100 million? Graduated from a prestigious school, has been a teacher, a professor, and an official to the ministerial level

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It is reported that Dong Yunhu's amount of corruption and bribery is as high as 148 million, and some netizens sighed, so much money! I've never seen so much money in the grave!

What is the origin of Dong Yunhu, who has accepted bribes of more than 100 million? Graduated from a prestigious school, has been a teacher, a professor, and an official to the ministerial level

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However, judging from his life history, he shouldn't be this kind of huge greed!

What is the origin of Dong Yunhu, who has accepted bribes of more than 100 million? Graduated from a prestigious school, has been a teacher, a professor, and an official to the ministerial level

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Let's say that he has no culture, he graduated from a famous school, graduated from Nankai University, and is a college student for more than eight years.

What is the origin of Dong Yunhu, who has accepted bribes of more than 100 million? Graduated from a prestigious school, has been a teacher, a professor, and an official to the ministerial level

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Moreover, he has also supported and been a professor, whether it is from the perspective of life experience or social status, he should belong to the kind of person who looks down on fame and fortune, and then he enters politics, and he should also realize his ideals and ambitions, but unfortunately, everyone is wrong about him, and he is very wrong!

What is the origin of Dong Yunhu, who has accepted bribes of more than 100 million? Graduated from a prestigious school, has been a teacher, a professor, and an official to the ministerial level

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He embarked on a career as a smooth sail, and his career was smooth sailing, step by step from ordinary leading cadres, to high-level leading cadres, and finally to the provincial and ministerial level.

However, in this step-by-step career path, he still lost himself, forgot his original mission as a party member and cadre, and finally embarked on the road of serious violations of discipline and law of huge corruption.

And this is also a point of no return! However, he is definitely not the only one on this road, I hope that after these people see it, they can be brave, take the initiative to stand up, and strive for frank and leniency!